Memorial for Greater Mezirich:
In Construction and Destruction

(Mezhirichi, Ukraine)

50°39' / 26°52'

Editor and Designer,

Israel Zinman

Privately printed in Haifa, Israel, 1999


Project Coordinator

Steven Gershman


Ruth Tennebaum

Scanning of text and graphics

Fred Apel

Our sincere appreciation to Israel Zinman,
who is also the chairman of the Organization of Meziritsh Association,
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation from: Memorial for Greater Mezirich: in Construction and Destruction;
Haifa, Israel, 1999, privately printed; Editor and Designer, Israel Zinman.

This material is made available by JewishGen, Inc. and the Yizkor Book Project for the purpose of
fulfilling our mission of disseminating information about the Holocaust and destroyed Jewish communities.
This material may not be copied, sold or bartered without JewishGen, Inc.'s permission. Rights may be reserved by the copyright holder.

JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material for verification.
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Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.


Israel Zinman wrote the following: " The book describes in great detail, in both word and picture, the Jewish way of life in Mezirich, Volyn, prior to World War II as well as the destruction of this Jewish community by the Nazis. As I am a survivor of the Holocaust, I personally was a witness to all the atrocities committed by the Nazis. Many of the photos were taken from the 1955 book on Mezirich, as well as the pictures that are part of my collection. I put the book together myself. It is my fondest wish that this information be placed on the Internet, so that it truly becomes a "memorial" for Greater Mezirich.

Steven Gershman, the son of Morris Gershman, a Holocaust survivor from Mezirich who passed away in 1996, is a personal friend of Israel Zinman , wrote the following: "Allowing this book to be placed on the Internet is the culmination of Mr. Zinman's many years of hard work trying to perpetuate the memory of those Jews from the town of Mezirich who were murdered by the Nazis. In my opinion, it is a living tribute to Israel Zinman, a truly incredible human being, a real 'mentsch'. Furthermore, this effort would not have been made possible without the invaluable assistance of Fred Apel, who scanned the book and photos without remuneration and on his own time. He is also a real 'mentsch'.

Mr. Gershman has informed me that there is a video cassette that accompanies the book. For information, contact him at

Memorial for Greater Mezirich: In Construction and Destruction

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field
Contact person for this translation Steven Gershman
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 17 Jul 2009 by LA