Kazimierz: Memorial Book
(Kazimierz Dolny, Poland)

51°19' / 21°57'

Translation of
Sefer Yizkor kehilat Kozamyer de-Lublin

Editor: David Shtokfish

Published in Tel Aviv 1970




Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation of: Sefer Yizkor kehilat Kozamyer de-Lublin (Kazimierz: Memorial Book),
Editor: David Shtokfish, Former Residents of Kazimierz in Israel and the Diaspora, Published: Tel Aviv 1970 (H,Y 655 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Kazimierz

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner


Introduction Shimon Schlaferman-Chalamish 5
Foreword [Y] Shimon Schlaferman-Chalamish 7
Development of Jewish Kazimierz
Kazimierz, Kuzmir - Reality and Legend S. L. Schneiderman 12
Kazimierz, Kuzmir - Reality and Legend [Y] S. L. Schneiderman 48
Impressions from Kazimierz Pola Eylon-Shenderowitz 110
The beloved town [Y] Yakov Krystal 113
Childhood and adolescence years in Kazimierz [Y] Yitzhak Green z”l 115
Six months of activity in Kazimierz S. Ben-Shimon 132
Images, personalities and life in town [Y] Moshe-Ber Reichman 136
Zion was their aspiration and hope Malka Meitin-Goldbaum 146
Zion was their aspiration and hope [Y] Malka Meitin-Goldbaum 149
The tragedy during the Austrian occupation [Y] Israel Shmuel 152
Memories from the old home [Y] Eliezer-Akiva Bornstein 155
The town is alive before my eyes… [Y] Tcharne Pentchina-Schneiderman 158
Kazimierz folklore S. Schlaferman 162
Kazimierz folklore and stories [Y] S. Schlaferman 167
My shtetl [Y] Tova Lieberman 176
Jewish-Polish relationship in town [Y] Ch. S. R. 177
Kazimierz 1929-1939 Penina Herzog (Pola Rubin) 180
The activity of Hanoar Hazioni Esther Yaskil-Weisenberg 183
Hanoar Hazioni and BEITAR [Y] Naftali Feuerstein 185
The social and religious life [Y] L. Kevinsohn 190
Kazimierz in Jewish and General Literature
Meetings with Kazimierz Conrad Beilski 203
Kazimierz in the work of Z. Segalowitz
   a. In Kazimierz;
   b. The slaughterer's daughter;
   c. The last cart owners;
   d. “There”
The cruel winter in Kazimierz [Y] Leib Rashkin 246
In Kazimierz [Y] I. I. Trunk 262
Kazimierz [Y] M. Tzanin 270
Two Jewish old monuments in Kazimierz [Y] 279
The town in old and new sources [Y] 282
Figures and Personalities in Kazimierz
R'Shaul Yedidya Elazar of Miedzyrzec and his tunes M. S. Geshuri 290
R'Israel the ADMOR of Miedzyrzec and his tunes M Kipnis 298
Rabbis, Hasidic rebbes, personalities and folkspeople [Y] Yitzhak (Itche) Green 307
Among our personalities [Y] L. Levinsohn 312
The Jews of Kazimierz Shimon Chalamish (Schlaferman) 315
Stanislav Haga [Y] S. L. Tzitron 331
Shaul Friedman (Leib Rashkin z”l) A. 338
S. L. Schneiderman [Y] S. 338
Israel Shmuel Wodnitzki Abu-Penina 340
The artist Chaim Goldenberg Yitzhak Ludan 342
Yehoshua Tzioni (Letz) z”l Yocheved 343
The courtyard of the Fried family Gisha Moser (Fried) 346
Yosef Fried S. W. 348
Malka Karlin (nee Fried) z”l Gissia 350
R'Wevtche Bromberg and his family [Y] Malka Meitin- Goldbaum 351
My grandfather's home Shmuel ben Aharon-Meir Edelstein 353
Avraham Bornzweig, may God avenge his blood 356
The Shenderowitz family Binyamin Omer 357
Shlomo Grossman z”l I. Grossman 358
Yehoshua Kaplan z”l The Editor 358
Shimon Silbermintz z”l (R'Shimon Kuzmirer) [Y] S. Bunem, Shiretzki 360
Grandfather Yakir,A79 the Psalms reciter z”l Sara Chalamish-Weisenberg 361
Shaul Steinowitz z”l 364
R'Leibish (Arie) Vishniya z”l 365
Elazar Korall z”l K. 366
Shimon & Lea Ratanovski z”l Moser 367
Shmuel Letz z”l W. 368
Pesia Wiener z”l 369
R'Shlomo & Devora Libov Z. Segalowitz; Chaim Lieberman 370
Jewish Kazimierz in the Holocaust
The Nazi occupation Sonia Vishniya 375
My experiences under the Nazi occupation [Y] Sonia Vishniya 393
A little girl struggling for her life Pola Zuker 427
Brotherly help in the ghetto [Y] Pola Zuker (Karol) 430
Eva returns to her nation and her family Dan, Ofra and Shoshana 432
Notes from the Deluge [Y] Pinye Schneiderman 435
A family on the road to martyrdom [Y] Esther Rosen 455
In Camp and outside it Hinda Breitel-Karol 456
From ghetto to ghetto and from camp to camp Esther Cohen 459
We survived Hitler's Hell [Y] Esther Cohen 468
In the ghettoes and in the death camps Shmuel-Leib Wiesenberg 481
In the ghettoes and in the death camps [Y] Shmuel-Leib Wiesenberg 489
I saved myself living as a Christian [Y] Tcharne Bornstein 503
A life experience in Warsaw [Y] Lola Reichman-Byaler 504
On the roads of pain and destruction [Y] Malka Tierangel 506
Years of tragedy and horror [Y] Chaim Guttman 515
The tale of a partisan in the French Resistance [Y] Shmuel Rosenberg 540
My war experiences [Y] L. L. Lekish 543
My home town - a cemetery [Y] P. Appelbaum 552
Kuzmir (Kazimierz) 1944 [Y] Naftali Feuerstein 559
Kuzmir (Kazimierz) 1964 [Y] Aharon-Asher Kleinman 561
Upon the ruins of my home-town [Y] S. L. Schneiderman 564
On the life of Kazimierzer in our land Enar's grandfather 593
The Kazimierz Martyrs
List of martyrs (Necrology) 599
Obituaries 615


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