My Town Berezne
(Berezne, Ukraine)

51°00' / 26°45'

Translation of
Mayn shtetele Berezne

Editor: G. Bigil

Published in Tel Aviv 1984

This is a translation of: Mayn shtetele Berezne (My town Berezne)
Editor: G. Bigil, Berezner Society in Israel; Published: Tel Aviv 1984 (H, Y 182 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Berezne

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner

Introduction 11
The history of Berezne 15
The population of Berezne 16
Occupations in Berezne 19
The Rabbinic dynasty in Berezne 21
Schools in Berezne 31
Personalities in Berezne 32
This was the way we lived 47
Zionism and culture in Berezne 55
Memories and testimonies of friends 72
The End 126
YIZKOR [We Remember] 132
Introduction 136
The history of Berezne 137
The inhabitants of Berezne and their occupations 138
The Hassidic Dynasties in Volhynia - Berezne 140
Cultural and Zionist activity in Berezne 145
This was the way we lived 147
Writings of Berezne residents 150
Memories and testimonies of Berezne residents 156
In memory of the Berezne martyrs 168
The activity of the Organization of former Berezne residents, from 1950 172
Berezner in Israel 181


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