Editor''s Note |
Arch. Katz Menachem |
10 |
Introduction |
11 |
The City and its Surrounding |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
13 |
The City's Surrounding |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
14 |
The History of the Brzezany Jewish Community from the Establishment of the Town till the End of the 19th Century |
The Late Dr. N.M. Gelber |
20 |
From the End of the 19th Century until 1920 |
Dr. E. Shaklai |
28 |
The First World War. The Years 1914 1920 |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
32 |
The Community Committee |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
36 |
Towards the Change |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
37 |
The Zionist Movement Chapter |
The Zionist Movement |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
40 |
Keren Kayemet Le'Israel [Jewish National Fund] |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
42 |
Keren Hayesod [United Israel Appeal] |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
44 |
Ezra [Help] |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
45 |
Tzeirei Zion [Zion Youth] |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
46 |
Union of Zionist University Graduates |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
46 |
HaShomer [The Watchman] |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
46 |
Union of Miriam's Girls' students |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
47 |
The Union of HaShakar [The Dawn] |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
47 |
Poaley Tzion [Worker of Zion] Movement |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
47 |
HeKhalutz [the Pioneer] |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
48 |
First Group Makes Aliyah |
Moshe Glazer, Menakhem Katz-Grad |
49 |
HaShomer HaTzair [The Young Guard] |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
54 |
The first summer camp |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
57 |
The Tkhiya group |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
58 |
Memories Chapter |
Batya Boneh-Prizand |
60 |
HaShomer HaTzair (1926 1932) |
Dov Glazer |
62 |
HaShomer HaTzair The Departure |
Z. Osrover |
65 |
The History HaMizrakhi Movement in Brzezany |
Dov (Dow) Knohl |
66 |
HaNoar HaTzioni [The Zionist Youth] |
Lawyer M. Meiblum |
72 |
The HaNoar HaTzion [The Zionist Youth] Branch |
Bela Feld-Danieli |
74 |
Beita'r Movement in Brzezany |
Shimon Bleiberg, David Fas, and Shlomo Riger |
76 |
Hebrew School |
Dr. Mentsakh, Eng. Tishler |
80 |
Mizrakhi School |
Menakhem son of Shimon Katz |
84 |
Kindergarten |
Menakhem son of Shimon Katz |
84 |
Hakhshara Kibbutzim |
Arch. Menakhem Katz |
85 |
Between the Two World Wars |
The Economic Situation |
Menakhem son of Shimon Katz |
88 |
The Trade |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
92 |
Academics in Government Positions |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
93 |
Physicians |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
93 |
Pharmacists |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
94 |
Lawyers |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
94 |
Engineers |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
95 |
Craftsmen |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
95 |
World War II |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
96 |
Culture and Way of Life |
The Drama Club - Yidishe Kunst [Yiddish Art] |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
106 |
The Musical-Dramatic Union Yidishe Kunst [Jewish Art] in Brzezany |
Moshe Bar-David (Dawid) |
107 |
A Purim Meal |
Moshe Bar David (David, Dawid) |
120 |
Brzezany Strange Characters (Eccentrics) |
Moshe Bar-David (David, Dawid) |
123 |
Z.K.S - The Jewish Athletes Club |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
126 |
The Craftsmen organization Yad Kharutzim [Diligent Hand] |
Menakhem son of Shimon Katz |
128 |
The People House Natzional Hauz |
Menakhem son of Shimon Katz |
129 |
The Orphanage |
Menakhem son of Shimon Katz |
130 |
Charity and Mutual Aid Institutes |
Menakhem son of Shimon Katz |
132 |
Educational Institutes |
Menakhem son of Shimon Katz |
134 |
Anti-Semitism in the High School, The Zvirski Affair |
Shlomo Doron-Dorfman |
134 |
Teachers State Seminary in Brzezany |
Batya Boneh-Prizand |
136 |
Brzezany |
Tzvi Scharfstein |
137 |
Khevra Kadisha [Burial Society] The Bed Carriers |
Menakhem son of Shimon Katz/td>
| 143 |
The Cemetery |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
144 |
My Father's Home |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
146 |
My Family's Story |
Pnina Shaklai |
148 |
I Remember Shabbat at Home |
Rivka Tomarkin-Shapira |
150 |
Memories from my Parents' Home |
Tzipora Rozner |
151 |
In Memory of My Father, Yossef Kalman, the Pioneer |
Israel-Karmel (Kalman) |
153 |
Figures and Personalities |
Rabbi Shalom Mordechai Hacohen Schwadron of Blessed Memory |
Dr. E. Shaklai |
156 |
Brzezany's Rabbis |
Rabbi Meir Wonder |
161 |
The family of the Halperin Rabbis |
Moshe Bar-David |
168 |
The Nathanson Family |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
170 |
Rabbi Aharon Bar Yehuda HaLevi |
Dr. Israel Mehlman |
172 |
Rabbi, Dr. Margaliot Shmuel Zvi |
Dov Knohl |
178 |
The Rabbi, Dr. Leo (Leib Hirsch) Bardowicz |
Menakhem son of Shimon Katz |
179 |
Rabbi Dr. Yehuda Bergman |
Menakhem son of Shimon Katz |
180 |
Rabbi, Yehuda Leibaleh Roza |
Moshe Bar-David |
181 |
The Prayer Master, Vava Ze'ev Direnfeld |
Moshe Bar-David |
183 |
Dr. Bernard Felk |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
184 |
Dr. Khaim (Edmond) Vilner |
Moshe Bar-David |
186 |
Dr. Aryeh Feld |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
186 |
Dr. Moshe Schumer |
Motek Rozentzveig |
189 |
Dr. Shlomo Glazer |
Dov Glazer |
190 |
Ozer Rot The Fulfilling Zionist |
Menakhem Katz, Rivka Cohen Roth |
192 |
Shlomo Redlikh |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
195 |
Benyamin Te'eni |
Erica Ilan Te'eni |
198 |
Yoshe (Yosef) Ast The Book-Seller |
Moshe Bar-David |
200 |
Yekhiel Peltz |
Avraham KhaRaP zl |
201 |
Rabbi Moshe Shpizen's Doings |
By Avraham KhaRaP zl |
202 |
Rabbi Efraim Zalman Margaliot |
Avraham KhaRaP |
204 |
R' Leibush Perlmutter and R' Avraham Lokman |
Paulin Lokman |
206 |
Reb Shlomo Prisand |
Batya Bone Prisand |
207 |
Reb Yosef Ben Meir Yehuda Streisand |
Judith Kahn-Streisand |
209 |
Michael Kara (Karon) |
Gazit, Volume 21, Booklets 1 5 |
211 |
The Actor Hersh Tonis |
Moshe Bar-David |
213 |
Leon Shpatzer |
Moshe Bar-David |
213 |
The Melamed, R' Yasha Fishlis |
Moshe Bar-David |
214 |
Dr. Avraham Halbertal |
Moshe Bar-David |
215 |
The Synagogues in Brzezany |
Forward |
Menakhem Katz |
220 |
The Great Synagogue |
architect Menakhem son of Shimon Katz |
221 |
Rabbi Yudel's Synagogue |
Menakhem Katz |
232 |
The Built Beit HaMidrash |
Menakhem son of Shimon Katz |
242 |
The Cantor's Beit HaMidrash |
Menakhem son of Shimon Katz |
244 |
The Old (Alte) Stratyner Kloiz |
Menakhem son of Shimon Katz |
245 |
The Kloiz of the Chortkobver Hasidim |
Menakhem son of Shimon Katz |
246 |
Life at the Kloiz |
Dov Knohl |
247 |
The Synagogue - Yad Kharutzim [Dilligent Hand] |
Menakhem son of Shimon Katz |
250 |
Rabbi Mendeleh's Synagouge |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
251 |
The Poiker Kleizel |
Menakhem son of Shimon Katz |
251 |
Rozolover Kloiz |
Menakhem son of Shimon Katz |
252 |
Ya'ir's [Jair] Kloizle |
Menakhem son of Shimon Katz |
252 |
Other Prayer Places in Town |
Menakhem son of Shimon Katz |
253 |
The Holocaust |
Time of Nazi rule |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
260 |
Blood Libel |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
261 |
The Judenrat |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
265 |
The Transfers Affair |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
269 |
he Jewish Militia Ordnungsdinst |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
269 |
The Working Group for the Kreishauptmann |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
270 |
The Aktion[1] in Litatyn Forests December 1941 |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
271 |
Order to Jews to Give Away Furs |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
274 |
The Typhus Aktions |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
274 |
Arbeitsamt - Employment Bureau |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
275 |
Labor Camps |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
276 |
Methods of Catching People to Labor Camps |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
283 |
Jewish Militiamen as a [German] Tool and as a Human Being |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
284 |
Preparations for the Final Solution - Spring 1942 |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
287 |
Reorganization of the Judenrat |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
288 |
Transferring the Jews from the Villages to the City |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
290 |
The Period of Passover 1942 |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
292 |
Hideouts Bunkers |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
293 |
Women Leave for the Jagielnica Camp |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
299 |
Aktsia for Converted Jews |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
299 |
Alternatives to Hideouts |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
300 |
The News About Belzec |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
301 |
The Days of Awe |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
303 |
Yom Kippur of 5703 [1942] |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
303 |
The First Aktsia to Belzec |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
305 |
Testimonies of Eyewitnesses |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
308 |
An Opening to Life |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
313 |
The Destruction after the Aktsia |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
314 |
The Road to the Total Extermination - and the Struggle Against it |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
316 |
The Ghetto |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
317 |
The Second Aktsia to Belzec |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
321 |
Towards the Winter |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
323 |
My Fight for the Typhus Sick |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
324 |
1942 Hannukah's Aktsia |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
328 |
Our Situation in the Ghetto and our Struggle leading up to the Ghetto Liquidation |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
329 |
The Milk Aktsia and Others |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
330 |
The Last Aktsia Before the Ghetto Liquidation |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
331 |
The Orphan Girls and the Locked Gate |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
333 |
The Gestapo's Divide and Conquer Method |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
334 |
The Barrack |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
335 |
The Last Dance |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
336 |
The Last Aktsia - the Ghetto Liquidation. Judenrein |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
337 |
After the ghetto liquidation |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
339 |
The Soviets Rule Again |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
342 |
The End of the War |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
344 |
I Leave Town |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
344 |
The Final Way |
Menakhem son of Shim'on Katz |
345 |
The Will of the Pohoriles Family |
Peleg-Marianska |
365 |
Memories from the Ghetto
| Dr. Shimon Redlikh |
367 |
Forced Labor Camp Kamionka |
Meir Tuller |
370 |
A Father and a Son Together in a Camp |
Moshe Bar David |
373 |
Remember |
Moshe Bar David |
377 |
About the Community's Memorialization |
Elisha Oren |
378 |
Remember [Zakhor]! |
Dr. Eliezer Shaklai |
379 |
Yizkor |
381 |
Brzezany's Martyrs List |
Arch. Katz Menachem |
382 |
The Names of Brzezany Natives Who Died in Israel |
Arch. Katz Menachem |
409 |
Fallen Soldiers in Israel's Wars |
Arch. Katz Menachem |
420 |
The Narajow Book |
Narajow My town |
Zehava Shmushkin (Hertz) |
424 |
Memories from My town Narajow |
Israel Ne'eman |
431 |
The Zionist youth movement in Narajow |
P. Zletkes, C. Kvodi |
434 |
To Narajow's character and remembrance |
P. Zletkes |
437 |
My Village Narajow |
Aryeh Goldschlag |
439 |
The author Moyshe Nadir |
Bar-Dawid Moshe |
441 |
Narajow |
Moyshe Nadir |
442 |
Homeland, My Homeland |
Moyshe Nadir |
443 |
Narajow's Rabbis |
Rabbi Meir Wonder |
444 |
About the Rabbinate affair in Narajow |
Israel Ne'eman |
446 |
Rabbi Zvi Yehoshua Grosswax |
Israel Ne'eman |
447 |
My happenings during the Nazi occupation |
Chana Roten (Lushk) |
450 |
The Avenging Jew Yankel (Yankale) Fenger |
Rina Zlatkes (Rozenblat) |
452 |
Memories of my life under German rule |
Ben Noyman, Chana Kvodi |
454 |
Narajow's Martyrs List |
458 |
List of those who died in Israel |
469 |
English Section |
Association of Former Brzezany Residents |
Manachem Katz |
5 |
Brzezany, the Town |
8 |