
Sub-Carpathia is located in southwest Ukraine today, bordering the Carpathian Mountains.
Bereg Máramaros Ugocsa Ung
Welcome to Sub-Carpathia Research Division!
We share histories, resources, data, and research tips to help each other research Jewish Genealogy.
We cover the region of the historical Sub-Carpathia region (once part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, today in Ukraine.)
To learn more about the geographical area we cover, about the work of the Sub-Carpathia SIG and how our website is organized, click 'Get Started' on the top menu bar.
Or you can start using the navigation system through the province links under the map to get to information about a specific province, district or town.
There's a LOT of information here; we hope you'll enjoy browsing and digging. If you have questions, or want to contribute something of your own, contact us.
What's New
07/12/2018 Subcarpathia SIG July 2018 Update (Records & Warsaw Conference) This has been an exciting few weeks for JewishGen's Sub-Carpathian SIG. We just uploaded another batch of records onto JewishGen for y [More...] | 06/17/2017 Update: JewishGen Sub-Carpathia SIG Dear Friends,
This has been an exciting few weeks for JewishGen's Sub-Carpathian
SIG. Not only do we have a newly-updated website, [More...] | 03/18/2017 Subcarpathian Records on JewishGen! Dear Friends,
As you know, the JewishGen Sub-Carpathian SIG
( was re-instituted this past summer.
[More...] | 12/11/2016 Subcarpathia SIG Update & End-of-year Donation Request Fellow Subcarpathian Researchers,
I'm pleased to inform you that due to the donations we have so far and
volunteer transcribers, we [More...] |