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and historical website covering all Jewish communities and congregations
throughout the British Isles and Gibraltar, both past and present.
Town of Ipswich
The town of Ipswich, with a population of about 120,000, is
situated on the estuary of the river Orwell in East Anglia.
It was a county borough until 1974, when it became a local
government district of the administrative county of Suffolk.
The Ipswich Jewish Community
There was a medieval Jewish community in Ipswich.
In modern times, by the 1790s there was a synagogue, sometimes referred to as the Ipswich
Old Hebrew Congregation, and a cemetery was purchased in 1796. By the late
nineteenth century the community had disappeared.
In recent years a Liberal Jewish congregation has been formed, now known as the
Suffolk Liberal Jewish Community (dealt with separately).
Congregation Data
Ipswich Synagogue or Ipswich Old Hebrew Congregation(iv)
A "neat and commodious synagogue",
able to hold "no more than one hundred persons",(v)
was erected in 1795 between 73 and 75 Rope Lane (or Rope
Walk)(vi) through the efforts of Simon Hyam and Lazarus Levy.(vii)
The foundation stone was laid on 18 August 1792.(viii)
Previously, from about 1730, in a room
hired in St. Clements.(xi)
The community had become defunct by 1870s(xiii)
and the synagogue, which had fallen out of use by 1867, was demolished in 1877.(xiv)
Ashkenazi Orthodox
The congregation was an
unaffiliated congregation under the aegis of the Chief
Rev. Isaac Titterman
- shochet in 1780s(xvii)
Rev. Harris Isaacs
- reader, shochet and headmaster from 1817 until at least the 1850s(xviii)
Lay Officers:(xix)
President - S. Samuels
- 1840s
President - Moses Levy
Membership Data:
1845 - 5 ba'alai batim and 3
seatholders (Chief
Rabbi's Questionnaire)
Number of Seatholders - Board of Deputies Returns
1852 - 8 seatholders
1859 - 5 seatholders
Registration District:
Suffolk, since 2 November
Link to Register Office website
Online Articles and Other
Material relating to the Ipswich Jewish Community
World War II Jewish Connections with Ipswich
(courtesy Steven Jaffe)
there was no wartime Jewish evacuee community in Ipswich, the following Jewish associations
with the town are of note:
Barham House, at Claydon, near Ipswich (and frequently called the Ipswich camp), became a "clearing house" for hundreds
of kindertransport children following the closure of the Dovercourt camp at Harwich in 1939. The camp was organised
by the Movement for the Care of Children from Germany. A synagogue at Barham House held daily services for Orthodox children,
conducted by a rabbi from Germany,
Rev. Martin Norden.(xxv)
1944 Ipswich Passover seder and services -
Over 500 American and British troops were entertained at the Central Boys' School,
Ipswich, kindly lent by the Ipswich Education Committee.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Sacker acted as host and hostess and the service was conducted by Chaplains Fierman, Downey, and Lewis.(xxvi)
Other Ipswich Jewish Institutions &
Ipswich Jewish Cemetery Information
The following are the Jewish cemeteries that existed in Ipswich:
Salthouse Lane Jews' Burial Ground, off Star Lane, Ipswich IP4 IBP.
Acquired on a 999 year lease from 27 September 1796, the oldest legible headstone
dates from 1803. It closed in 1854. About 35 headstones.
Administered by the Board of Deputies of British Jews.
The walls enclosing the Cemetery are a Listed Building, Grade II, listed
from 11 August 2008 (number 1392713).
View Description
on Historic England website.
Ipswich Old Cemetery, Jewish Section, Cemetery Lane, Ipswich.
In use from 1855. Latest burial 1985. There are,
according to local authorty records, about 30 burials,
but only about 15 are visible.
The Cemetery is a Grade II* Registered Park and Garden (number 1001572), designated on 17 December 2002.
View description
on Historic England website.
(For additional information, see
IAJGS Cemetery Project - Ipswich)
Ipswich Jewish Population Data
Number |
Source |
Notes & Sources
returns to text above)
Jewish Congregations in
Jewish Communities of England homepage
Page created: 14 November 2005
Data significantly expanded and notes added: 24 May 2023
Page most recently amended: 23 June 2023
Research and
formatting by David Shulman
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