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Shtetls of Belarus

Berzhnik, Vitebsk uyezd, Vitebsk gubernia

The JewishGen Family Finder contains the names of other researchers for Berzhnik.

There is currently no shtetl homepage for Berzhnik. Click here for information about creating one.

JewishGen ShtetlSeeker will allow you to find Berzhnik on a map, as well as find other shtetls with similar names.

The All Belarus Database contains hundreds of thousands of entries. 

Search the Belarus SIG website for Berzhnik. 

Search the JewishGen website for Berzhnik. 

Search JewishGen's ShtetLinks website for Berzhnik. 

Search the Jewish Encyclopedia website for articles about Berzhnik.  This site contains the complete contents of the 12-volume Jewish Encyclopedia, which was originally published between 1901-1906.

The Routes to Roots Foundation Archive Database contains a comprehensive list of archival holdings for Belarus, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, and the Ukraine.  Use the link on the left to see if there are any records for Berzhnik.
Search the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Research Institute Reading Room for information on Berzhnik.


Search the JewishGen Discussion Group Archives for newsgroup postings about Berzhnik.  The SIG (special interest group) newsgroups contain postings for a specific area, whereas the JewishGen newsgroup is more general.


The Yizkor Book Database lists where you can find memorial books for Berzhnik.

A translation of a Yizkor book for Berzhnik is not available yet. Click here for information on getting a book translated.

Links for the uyezd of Vitebsk

Click here for the Jewish population of Vitebsk uezd according to the 1897 census, by Alex Friedman

Links for the gubernia of Vitebsk

Click here for 1911 Vitebsk vsia rossiia
Click here for an article by Alex Friedman
Click here for Guberniya District Maps from the 1899 edition of Vsia Rossiia, by Michael Steinore. Link for Vitebsk Gubernia is at the bottom of this page.
Click here for Jewish population of Vitebsk gubernia according to the 1897 census
Click here for the 1911 Vsia Rossiia - Vitebsk Gubernia - data compiled by members of the Belarus SIG
Click here for the Jewish agricultural colonies in Western Russia, prior to 1904, by Lou Goldman
Click here for the Vitebsk Regional Library
Click here for Vitebsk gubernia page of the Belarus SIG. Includes a list of all the known shtetls for this gubernia.

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