[Page 677]
Translated by Shalom Bronstein
Family Name(s) | First Name(s) | Father's Name | Mother's Name | Gender | Family Status | Name of Spouse | Additional Family | Remarks | |
ALTMAN | Avraham | M | Married | Devorah | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
ALTMAN | Devorah | F | Married | Avraham | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
ALTMAN | Nachum | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
ALTMAN | F | Married | Nachum | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 677 | |||
ALTMAN | Arieh | M | Married | Tema | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
ALTMAN | Tema | F | Married | Arieh | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
ALBERT | Liba | F | On same line - relationship not listed | 677 | |||||
ALBERT | Sheindel | F | On same line - relationship not listed | 677 | |||||
INDYK | Itsche | M | Married | Manya | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
INDYK | Manya | F | Married | Itsche | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
INDYK | Ayzik | M | Married | Sara Etel | 677 | ||||
INDYK | Sara Etel | F | Married | Ayzik | 677 | ||||
INDYK | Meir | Ayzik | Sara Etel | M | 677 | ||||
INDYK | Noah | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
INDYK | F | Married | Noah | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 677 | |||
INDYK | Berel | M | 677 | ||||||
INDYK | Zalman | Berel | M | 677 | |||||
INDYK | Freydel | Berel | F | 677 | |||||
INDYK | Ben-Zion | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
INDYK | F | Married | Ben-Zion | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 677 | |||
INDYK | Motiye | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
INDYK | F | Married | Motiye | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 677 | |||
INDYK | Avraham | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
INDYK | F | Married | Avraham | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 677 | |||
BECKER | Ya'akov | M | Married | Miriam | 677 | ||||
BECKER | Miriam | F | Married | Ya'akov | 677 | ||||
BECKER | Sara | Ya'akov | Miriam | F | 677 | ||||
BECKER | Rivkah | Ya'akov | Miriam | F | 677 | ||||
BECKER | Mordecai | Ya'akov | Miriam | M | 677 | ||||
BECKER | Melech | M | Married | B'racha | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
BECKER | B'racha | F | Married | Melech | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
BECKER | Shifra | F | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||||
BECKER | Moshe | M | Married | Feiga Roiza | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
BECKER | Feiga Roiza | F | Married | Moshe | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
BECKER | Moshe | M | Married | Sheva | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
BECKER | Sheva | F | Married | Moshe | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
BEREK | Chaim Ya'akov | M | Married | Sheva Rachel | 677 | ||||
BEREK | Sheva Rachel | F | Married | Chaim Ya'akov | 677 | ||||
BEREK | Toiba | Chaim Ya'akov | Sheva Rachel | F | 677 | ||||
BEREK | Feiga | Chaim Ya'akov | Sheva Rachel | F | 677 | ||||
BEREK | Melech | Chaim Ya'akov | Sheva Rachel | M | 677 | ||||
GRANATOVITCH | Chaim | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
GRANATOVITCH | F | Married | Chaim | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 677 | |||
GRANATOVITCH | Moshe | M | Married | Chava | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
GRANATOVITCH | Chava | F | Married | Moshe | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
GRANATOVITCH | Ya'akov | M | Married | Chava | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
GRANATOVITCH | Chava | F | Married | Ya'akov | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
GRANATOVITCH | Berish | M | Married | Rachel | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
GRANATOVITCH | Rachel | F | Married | Berish | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
GRANATOVITCH | Yisrael Avraham | M | Married | Perl | 677 | ||||
GRANATOVITCH | Perl | F | Married | Yisrael Avraham | 677 | ||||
GRIZSHAK | Yosef | M | Married | Feiga | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
GRIZSHAK | Feiga | F | Married | Yosef | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
GRIZSHAK | Shlomo | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
GRIZSHAK | F | Married | Shlomo | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 677 | |||
GRIZSHAK | Mordecai | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
GRIZSHAK | F | Married | Mordecai | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 677 | |||
GRIZSHAK | Pinchas | M | Married | Devorah Malka | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
GRIZSHAK | Devorah Malka | F | Married | Pinchas | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
GRIZSHAK | Tuvia | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | 677 | ||||
GRIZSHAK | F | Married | Tuvia | Her first name not listed | 677 | ||||
GROYNA | Moshe Luzer | M | Married | Sarakeh | 677 | ||||
GROYNA | Sarakeh | F | Married | Moshe Luzer | 677 | ||||
GROYNA | Rachel | Moshe Luzer | Sarakeh | F | 677 | ||||
GROYNA | Hershel | M | 677 | ||||||
GROYNA | Melech | M | 677 | ||||||
GROYNA | Michael | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
GROYNA | F | Married | Michael | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 677 | |||
GREENBLATT | Shaul Moshe | M | Son, daughter and grandchildren | 677 | |||||
GOLDBERG | Avraham | M | Married | Rivkah | 677 | ||||
GOLDBERG | Rivkah | F | Married | Avraham | 677 | ||||
GOLDBERG | Chone | M | 1 unnamed daughter | 677 | |||||
GOLDBERG | Sara | F | 677 | ||||||
GOLDBERG | Toiba | Sara | F | 677 | |||||
GOLDBERG | Neche | Sara | F | 677 | |||||
GROBARD | Avraham Itsche | M | 677 | ||||||
GROBARD | Chana Reizel | Avraham Itsche | F | 677 | |||||
GROBARD | Breindel | Avraham Itsche | F | 677 | |||||
GOLDMAN | Yechiel | Avraham Itsche | M | Family name listed for him - GOLDMAN | 677 | ||||
GODANSKY | Yisrael | M | Listing states Yisrael & Family | 677 | |||||
GOLDBERG | Avraham | M | Married | Pese | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
GOLDBERG | Pese | F | Married | Avraham | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
GOLDBERG | Chaim | M | Married | Charna | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
GOLDBERG | Charna | F | Married | Chaim | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
GOLDBERG | Matye | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
GOLDBERG | F | Married | Matye | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 677 | |||
GOLDBERG | Leibtsche | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
GOLDBERG | F | Married | Leibtsche | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 677 | |||
GOLDBERG | Yenta | F | 677 | ||||||
GOLDBERG | Velvel | M | They are siblings | 677 | |||||
GOLDBERG | Fishel | M | They are siblings | 677 | |||||
GOLDBERG | Miriam | F | They are siblings | 677 | |||||
GOLDBERG | Elka | F | They are siblings | 677 | |||||
GOLDBERG | David Hersh | M | Married | Feiga | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
GOLDBERG | Feiga | F | Married | David Hersh | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
GOLDBERG | Miriam Gitel | F | On same line - relationship not specified | 677 | |||||
GOLDBERG | Ita Baila | F | On same line - relationship not specified | 677 | |||||
GOLDBERG | Eleh | F | On same line - relationship not specified | 677 | |||||
GOLDBERG | Yehoshua Menashe | M | On same line - relationship not specified | 677 | |||||
GOLDBERG | Leah | F | On same line - relationship not specified | 677 | |||||
GOLDBERG | Mindel | F | On same line - relationship not specified | 677 | |||||
GOLDBERG | Niche | F | On same line - relationship not specified | 677 | |||||
GOLDBERG | Yehoishiye | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
GOLDBERG | F | Married | Yehoishiye | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 677 | |||
GOLDBERG | Chaim | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
GOLDBERG | F | Married | Chaim | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 677 | |||
GOLDBERG | Hershel | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
GOLDBERG | F | Married | Hershel | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 677 | |||
GOLDBERG | Shlomo | M | Married | Bashe | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
GOLDBERG | Bashe | F | Married | Shlomo | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
GOLDBERG | Gedaliah | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
GOLDBERG | F | Married | Gedaliah | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 677 | |||
GOLDBERG | Devorah | F | They are sisters | 677 | |||||
GOLDBERG | Miriam Esther | F | They are sisters | 677 | |||||
GOLDMAN | Mordecai | M | Married | Sara | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
GOLDMAN | Sara | F | Married | Mordecai | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
GOLDMAN | Feiga | F | On same line - relationship not specified | 677 | |||||
GOLDMAN | Sheva | F | On same line - relationship not specified | 677 | |||||
GOLDMAN | Leah | F | On same line - relationship not specified | 677 | |||||
GOLDMAN | Avraham Feivel | M | Married | Shifra | 677 | ||||
GOLDMAN | Shifra | F | Married | Avraham Feivel | 677 | ||||
GOLDMAN | Gedaliah | M | Married | Nechama | 677 | ||||
GOLDMAN | Nechama | F | Married | Gedaliah | 677 | ||||
GOLDMAN | Moshe | Gedaliah | Nechama | M | 677 | ||||
GOLDMAN | Tobe | Gedaliah | Nechama | F | 677 | ||||
GOLDMAN | Lipe | M | Married | Chana Chaya | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
GOLDMAN | Chana Chaya | F | Married | Lipe | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
GREENWALD | Motel | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | 677 | ||||
GREENWALD | F | Married | Motel | Her first name not listed | 677 | ||||
GREENWALD | Sonia | Motel | F | 677 | |||||
GREENWALD | Toibe | Motel | F | 677 | |||||
GREENWALD | Baila | Motel | F | 677 | |||||
GREENWALD | Rivkah | Motel | F | 677 | |||||
GREENWALD | Menachem | Motel | M | 677 | |||||
GELBSTEIN | Perl Leah | F | 677 | ||||||
GELBSTEIN | Esther Roiza | Perl Leah | F | 677 | |||||
GELBSTEIN | Keila | Perl Leah | F | 677 | |||||
GELBSTEIN | Moshe | Perl Leah | M | 677 | |||||
GOTSGENADEH | Leibish | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | 677 | ||||
GOTSGENADEH | F | Married | Leibish | Her first name not listed | 677 | ||||
Moshe | M | Married | Baila | Brother-in-law of Moshe; family name not listed | 677 | ||||
Baila | F | Married | Moshe | Sister of Moshe; married name not listed | 677 | ||||
DITMAN | David | M | Married | Chana | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
DITMAN | Chana | F | Married | David | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
DAVID | Shmuel | M | Married | Sara | 677 | ||||
DAVID | Sara | F | Married | Shmuel | 677 | ||||
DAVID | Eleh | M | Married | Reizel | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
DAVID | Reizel | F | Married | Ele | Unnamed children - number not listed | 677 | |||
DANZIGER | Hershel | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | 678 | ||||
DANZIGER | F | Married | Hershel | Her first name not listed | 678 | ||||
DANZIGER | Liba | Hershel | F | 678 | |||||
DANZIGER | Saneh | Hershel | F | 678 | |||||
DANZIGER | Baruch | Hershel | M | 678 | |||||
DAVID | Esther | F | On same line - relationship not specified | 678 | |||||
DAVID | Baila | F | On same line - relationship not specified | 678 | |||||
HOFMAN | Sheva | F | On same line - relationship not specified | 678 | |||||
HOFMAN | Miriam | F | On same line - relationship not specified | 678 | |||||
HOFMAN | Rachel | F | On same line - sister of Sheva & Miriam | 678 | |||||
HOFMAN | Yekel | M | Married | Sarakeh | 678 | ||||
HOFMAN | Sarakeh | F | Married | Yekel | 678 | ||||
HOFMAN | Avraham Yoel | Yekel | Sarakeh | M | He lived in Paris | 678 | |||
HOFMAN | Shifra | Yekel | Sarakeh | F | 678 | ||||
HERSHKOWITZ | Mendel | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 678 | |||
HERSHKOWITZ | F | Married | Mendel | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 678 | |||
HOBERMAN | Yitzhak | M | Married | Golda | 678 | ||||
HOBERMAN | Golda | F | Married | Yitzhak | 678 | ||||
HOBERMAN | Yisrael Leib | Yitzhak | Golda | M | 678 | ||||
HOBERMAN | Tuvia | Yitzhak | Golda | M | 678 | ||||
HOBERMAN | Yechiel | M | Married | Elka | Unnamed children - number not listed | 678 | |||
HOBERMAN | Elka | F | Married | Yechiel | Unnamed children - number not listed | 678 | |||
HOBERMAN | Chavia | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | His first name appears in both Yiddish & Hebrew spelling | 678 | ||
HOBERMAN | F | Married | Chavia | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 678 | |||
VEITZER | Moshe | M | Married | Yenta | 678 | ||||
VEITZER | Yenta | F | Married | Moshe | 678 | ||||
VEITZER | Bendet | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 678 | |||
VEITZER | F | Married | Bendet | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 678 | |||
VEITZER | Chavia | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 678 | |||
VEITZER | F | Married | Chavia | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 678 | |||
WALD | Pinchas | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 678 | |||
WALD | F | Married | Pinchas | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 678 | |||
WOLKOVITCH | Avraham | M | 678 | ||||||
WOLKOVITCH | Rachel | Avraham | F | 678 | |||||
WOLKOVITCH | Gitel | Avraham | F | 678 | |||||
WOLKOVITCH | Yehudit | Avraham | F | 678 | |||||
WOLKOVITCH | Baila | Avraham | F | 678 | |||||
WOLKOVITCH | Shmuel | Avraham | M | 678 | |||||
WOLKOVITCH | Leibish Sender | Avraham | M | 678 | |||||
WOLKOVITCH | Eleh | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 678 | |||
WOLKOVITCH | F | Married | Eleh | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 678 | |||
WOLKOVITCH | Menasha | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 678 | |||
WOLKOVITCH | F | Married | Menasha | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 678 | |||
WARGATCH | Itsche | M | Married | Chaya Sara | 678 | ||||
WARGATCH | Chaya Sara | F | Married | Itsche | 678 | ||||
WARGATCH | Avraham Moshe | Itsche | Chaya Sara | M | 678 | ||||
WARGATCH | Reuven | Itsche | Chaya Sara | M | 678 | ||||
WARGATCH | Leibish | Itsche | Chaya Sara | M | 678 | ||||
WARGATCH | Azriel | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 678 | |||
WARGATCH | F | Married | Azriel | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 678 | |||
WARSHAVSKY | Motel | M | Married | Golda | 678 | ||||
WARSHAVSKY | Golda | F | Married | Motel | 678 | ||||
WARSHAVSKY | Leibish | Motel | Golda | M | 678 | ||||
WARSHAVSKY | Chaim Ya'akov | Motel | Golda | M | 678 | ||||
WARSHAVSKY | Sheva | Motel | Golda | F | After her name it states and children - no other information given | 678 | |||
WISKITSKY | Asher | M | Married | Shifra | 678 | ||||
WISKITSKY | Shifra | F | Married | Asher | 678 | ||||
WISKITSKY | Sarale | Asher | Shifra | F | 678 | ||||
WISKITSKY | Naomi | Asher | Shifra | F | 678 | ||||
WISKITSKY | Neche | Asher | Shifra | F | 678 | ||||
WISKITSKY | Yirmiyah | Asher | Shifra | M | 678 | ||||
WISKITSKY | Leibish | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 678 | |||
WISKITSKY | F | Married | Leibish | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 678 | |||
WEINSTOCK | Moshe | M | Married | Chava | 678 | ||||
WEINSTOCK | Chava | F | Married | Moshe | 678 | ||||
WEINSTOCK | Hershel | Moshe | Chava | M | 678 | ||||
WEINSTOCK | Avraham | Moshe | Chava | M | 678 | ||||
WEINSTOCK | Saneh | Moshe | Chava | F | 678 | ||||
WEINSTOCK | Feivel | Moshe | Chava | M | 678 | ||||
WEINSTOCK | Hershel | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 678 | |||
WEINSTOCK | F | Married | Hershel | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 678 | |||
WEINSTOCK | Avraham | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 678 | |||
WEINSTOCK | F | Married | Avraham | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 678 | |||
WOLKOVITCH | Shlomo | M | Married | Rivkahle | 678 | ||||
WOLKOVITCH | Rivkahle | F | Married | Shlomo | 678 | ||||
WOLKOVITCH | Bluma | Shlomo | Rivkahle | F | 678 | ||||
WOLKOVITCH | Gitel | Shlomo | Rivkahle | F | 678 | ||||
WOLKOVITCH | Mordecai | Shlomo | Rivkahle | M | 678 | ||||
WOLKOVITCH | Hershel Salut | Shlomo | Rivkahle | M | 678 | ||||
WOLKOVITCH | Zisel Salut | Shlomo | Rivkahle | M | 678 | ||||
ZSHELECHOVER | Binyamin | M | Married | Chana Malka | 678 | ||||
ZSHELECHOVER | Chana Malka | F | Married | Binyamin | 678 | ||||
ZSHELECHOVER | Moshe Chaim | Binyamin | Chana Malka | M | 678 | ||||
ZSHELECHOVER | Devorah | Binyamin | Chana Malka | F | 678 | ||||
ZIMLER | Henech | M | Married | Chana Feiga | 678 | ||||
ZIMLER | Chana Feiga | F | Married | Henech | Her unnamed son | Name WAPMAN appears after her first name | 678 | ||
ZUCK | Aharon | M | Married | Feiga | Unnamed children - number not listed | 678 | |||
ZUCK | Feiga | F | Married | Aharon | Unnamed children - number not listed | 678 | |||
ZUCK | Zelig | M | Married | Freyde | Unnamed children - number not listed | 678 | |||
ZUCK | Freyde | F | Married | Zelig | Unnamed children - number not listed | 678 | |||
SINGER | Bunim | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 678 | |||
SINGER | F | Married | Bunim | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 678 | |||
SINGER | Leibish | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 678 | |||
SINGER | F | Married | Leibish | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 678 | |||
SINGER | Yitzhak | M | Married | Rachel | 678 | ||||
SINGER | Rachel | F | Married | Yitzhak | 678 | ||||
SINGER | Miriam | Yitzhak | Rachel | F | 678 | ||||
SINGER | Sheva | Yitzhak | Rachel | F | 678 | ||||
SINGER | Ya'akov | Yitzhak | Rachel | M | 678 | ||||
SINGER | Bintshe | Yitzhak | Rachel | M | 678 | ||||
SINGER | Shimon | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 678 | |||
SINGER | F | Married | Shimon | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 678 | |||
ZIMLER | Zelig | M | Married | Chaya | 678 | ||||
ZIMLER | Chaya | F | Married | Zelig | 678 | ||||
ZIMLER | Sara | Zelig | Chaya | F | 678 | ||||
ZIMLER | Roiza | Zelig | Chaya | F | 678 | ||||
ZIMLER | Tzvetel | Zelig | Chaya | F | 678 | ||||
ZIMLER | Zecharia | Zelig | Chaya | M | 678 | ||||
ZEIDMAN | Shimon | M | Married | Chanatshe | 678 | ||||
ZEIDMAN | Chanatshe | F | Married | Shimon | 678 | ||||
ZEIDMAN | Leah | Shimon | Chanatshe | F | 678 | ||||
ZEIDMAN | Ziporah | Shimon | Chanatshe | F | 678 | ||||
ZAMD | Yisrael Yitzhak | M | Listing states: And Family; no further information | 678 | |||||
TENENBAUM | Berish | M | Married | Devorah | Listed as the Rabbi | 678 | |||
TENENBAUM | Devorah | F | Married | Berish | The Rebbitzin (rabbi's wife) | 678 | |||
TENENBAUM | Gutshe | Berish | Devorah | F | 678 | ||||
TENENBAUM | Moshe | Berish | Devorah | M | 678 | ||||
TENENBAUM | Simcha | Berish | Devorah | M | 678 | ||||
TENENBAUM | Avrameleh | Berish | Devorah | M | 678 | ||||
TREGER | Dudel | M | Married | Golda | Listing states From Pach & Family | 678 | |||
TREGER | Golda | F | Married | Dudel | Listing states From Pach & Family | 678 | |||
JAKOBOVITCH | Yoel | M | Married | Miriam Elka | 678 | ||||
JAKOBOVITCH | Miriam Elka | F | Married | Yoel | 678 | ||||
JAKOBOVITCH | Chaim | Yoel | Miriam Elka | M | 678 | ||||
JAKOBOVITCH | Berish Elia | Yoel | Miriam Elka | M | 678 | ||||
JAKOBOVITCH | Feiga | Yoel | Miriam Elka | F | 678 | ||||
JAKOBOVITCH | Shmuel | M | Married | Malka | 678 | ||||
JAKOBOVITCH | Malka | F | 678 | ||||||
JAKOBOVITCH | Chaim | Shmuel | Malka | M | 678 | ||||
JAKOBOVITCH | Berish | Shmuel | Malka | M | 678 | ||||
JAKOBOVITCH | Leah | Shmuel | Malka | F | 678 | ||||
JAKOBOVITCH | Elka | Shmuel | Malka | F | 678 | ||||
LIEBERMAN | Ya'akov | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 678 | |||
LIEBERMAN | F | Married | Ya'akov | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 678 | |||
LIEBERMAN | Chaya Sheindel | F | 678 | ||||||
LIEBERMAN | Rivkah | Chaya Sheindel | F | 678 | |||||
LIEBERMAN | Simcha | Chaya Sheindel | M | 678 | |||||
LIFSHITZ | Yehuda | M | Married | Sara Sheindel | 678 | ||||
LIFSHITZ | Sara Sheindel | F | Married | Yehuda | 678 | ||||
LIFSHITZ | Chana | Yehuda | Sara Sheindel | F | 678 | ||||
LIFSHITZ | Rivkah | Yehuda | Sara Sheindel | F | 678 | ||||
LIFSHITZ | Yenta | Yehuda | Sara Sheindel | F | 678 | ||||
LIFSHITZ | Nachum Leizer | Yehuda | Sara Sheindel | M | 678 | ||||
LIFSHITZ | Meir | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 678 | |||
LIFSHITZ | F | Married | Meir | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 678 | |||
LIFSHITZ | Nachum Leizer | M | Married | Neshe | 678 | ||||
LIFSHITZ | Neshe | F | Married | Nachum Leizer | 678 | ||||
LIFSHITZ | Chava | Nachum Leizer | Neshe | F | 678 | ||||
LIFSHITZ | Moshe | Nachum Leizer | Neshe | M | 678 | ||||
LIFSHITZ | David | Nachum Leizer | Neshe | M | 678 | ||||
LIFSHITZ | Liba | Nachum Leizer | Neshe | F | 678 | ||||
LIFSHITZ | Dina | Nachum Leizer | Neshe | F | 678 | ||||
LIFSHITZ | David | M | Married | Sara Gitel | Together with unnamed children - number not listed | 678 | |||
LIFSHITZ | Sara Gitel | F | Married | David | Together with unnamed children - number not listed | 678 | |||
LAMPORT | Yosef | M | Married | Perl | Together with unnamed children - number not listed | 678 | |||
LAMPORT | Perl | F | Married | Yosef | Together with unnamed children - number not listed | 678 | |||
LIBERANT | Tuvia | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | 678 | ||||
LIBERANT | F | Married | Tuvia | Her first name not listed | 678 | ||||
LIBERANT | Menachem | Tuvia | M | 678 | |||||
LEVKOWITCH | Hershel | M | Married | Sara | Unnamed daughter-in-law & her children | 679 | |||
LEVKOWITCH | Sara | F | Married | Hershel | Unnamed daughter-in-law & her children | 679 | |||
LEVKOWITCH | Tobtshe | Hershel | Sara | F | 679 | ||||
LEVKOWITCH | Miriam | Hershel | Sara | F | 679 | ||||
LEVKOWITCH | Fishel | M | Married | Frayde | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
LEVKOWITCH | Frayde | F | Married | Fishel | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
LEIPERT | Ya'akov | M | Married | Chana | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
LEIPERT | Chana | F | Married | Ya'akov | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
LEIPERT | Chamia | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
LEIPERT | F | Married | Chamia | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 679 | |||
MANDELEVITCH | Yehoshya | M | Married | Tobe | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
MANDELEVITCH | Tobe | F | Married | Yehoshya | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
MILLER | Shaul | M | Married | Pese | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
MILLER | Pese | F | Married | Shaul | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
MILLER | Yehoshya | M | Married | Neche | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
MILLER | Neche | F | Married | Yehoshya | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
MILLER | Yashke | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
MILLER | F | Married | Yashke | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 679 | |||
MILLER | Chava | F | 679 | ||||||
MILLER | Fishel | M | 679 | ||||||
MILLER | Chava | Fishel | F | 679 | |||||
MILLER | Shifra | Fishel | F | 679 | |||||
MILLER | Sara Ita | Fishel | F | 679 | |||||
MILLER | Leah | Fishel | F | 679 | |||||
NASHIELEVITCH | Yehoshya | M | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||||
NASHIELEVITCH | Leibel | Yehoshya | M | Unnamed children - not clear, may refer to his children | 679 | ||||
NEIDORF | Abba | M | Married | Tobe | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
NEIDORF | Tobe | F | Married | Abba | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
NEIDORF | Leibele | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | 679 | ||||
NEIDORF | F | Married | Leibele | Her first name not listed | 679 | ||||
NEIDORF | Yechiel | M | Married | Leah | 679 | ||||
NEIDORF | Leah | F | Married | Yechiel | 679 | ||||
NEIDORF | Ya'akov | M | Married | Reizel | 679 | ||||
NEIDORF | Reizel | F | Married | Ya'akov | 679 | ||||
NELSON | Ya'akov David | M | Married | Feiga | 679 | ||||
NELSON | Feiga | F | Married | Ya'akov David | 679 | ||||
NELSON | Yechiel | Ya'akov David | Feiga | M | 679 | ||||
NELSON | Michal | Ya'akov David | Feiga | M | 679 | ||||
NELSON | Rachel | Ya'akov David | Feiga | F | 679 | ||||
NELSON | Chana Roiza | Ya'akov David | Feiga | F | 679 | ||||
STARTSHEVSKY | Bezalel | M | Married | Sheva | 679 | ||||
STARTSHEVSKY | Sheva | F | Married | Bezalel | 679 | ||||
STARTSHEVSKY | Liba | Bezalel | Sheva | F | Married | Neither husband's first or family names listed | Her unnamed husband | Married name not listed | 679 |
STARTSHEVSKY | Feigel | Liba | F | 679 | |||||
STARTSHEVSKY | Rivkah | Bezalel | Sheva | F | Married | Neither husband's first or family names listed | Her unnamed husband | Married name not listed | 679 |
STARTSHEVSKY | Perl | Rivkah | F | 679 | |||||
STARTSHEVSKY | Devorah | Rivkah | F | 679 | |||||
ECKMAN | Binyamin | M | Married | Reizel | 679 | ||||
ECKMAN | Reizel | F | Married | Binyamin | 679 | ||||
ECKMAN | Leah | Binyamin | Reizel | F | 679 | ||||
ECKMAN | Pese | Binyamin | Reizel | F | 679 | ||||
ECKMAN | Hugo | Binyamin | Reizel | M | 679 | ||||
ECKMAN | Elka | Binyamin | Reizel | F | 679 | ||||
ECKMAN | Chaya | Binyamin | Reizel | F | 679 | ||||
ECKMAN | Wolf Noah | Binyamin | Reizel | M | 679 | ||||
ECKMAN | Eleh | Binyamin | Reizel | M | 679 | ||||
ECKMAN | Eliyahu | Binyamin | Reizel | M | 679 | ||||
ECKMAN | Avraham | Binyamin | Reizel | M | 679 | ||||
ETTINGER | Zisha | M | Married | Chaya | 679 | ||||
ETTINGER | Chaya | F | Married | Zisha | 679 | ||||
ETTINGER | Baruch | Zisha | Chaya | M | 679 | ||||
ETTINGER | Leibish Yitzhak | Zisha | Chaya | M | 679 | ||||
ETTINGER | Moshele | Zisha | Chaya | M | 679 | ||||
PONTOVITCH | Yisraelke | M | 679 | ||||||
PONTOVITCH | Moshe | Yisraelke | M | 679 | |||||
PONTOVITCH | Golda | Yisraelke | F | 679 | |||||
PONTOVITCH | Perl | Yisraelke | F | 679 | |||||
PONTOVITCH | Yechiel | Yisraelke | M | 679 | |||||
PONTOVITCH | Itsche | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
PONTOVITCH | F | Married | Itsche | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 679 | |||
PONTOVITCH | Leizer | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
PONTOVITCH | F | Married | Leizer | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 679 | |||
PONTOVITCH | Ya'akov Lozer | M | Married | Sheina Gitel | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
PONTOVITCH | Sheina Gitel | F | Married | Ya'akov Lozer | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
PONTOVITCH | Melech | M | Married | Chanatshe | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
PONTOVITCH | Chanatshe | F | Married | Melech | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
PONTOVITCH | Noah | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
PONTOVITCH | F | Married | Noah | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 679 | |||
PELTZER-PELZENSHVALVA | Yosef | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Brother of Gitel | 679 | |||
PELTZER-PELZENSHVALVA | F | Married | Yosef | Her first name not listed | 679 | ||||
PELTZER-PELZENSHVALVA | Gitel | F | Sister of Yosef | 679 | |||||
FELDMAN | Eleh | M | Married | Feiga | 679 | ||||
FELDMAN | Feiga | F | Married | Eleh | 679 | ||||
FELDMAN | Sheindel | Eleh | Feiga | F | 679 | ||||
FELDMAN | Gershon | Eleh | Feiga | M | 679 | ||||
FELDMAN | Fishel | Eleh | Feiga | M | 679 | ||||
FELDMAN | Shimshon | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
FELDMAN | F | Married | Shimshon | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 679 | |||
FELDMAN | Melech | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
FELDMAN | F | Married | Melech | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 679 | |||
PINTSHEVSKY | Yitzhak | M | Married | Rachel | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
PINTSHEVSKY | Rachel | F | Married | Yitzhak | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
FISHELEVITCH | Yechiel | M | 679 | ||||||
FISHELEVITCH | Avraham Shmuel | Yechiel | M | 679 | |||||
FISHELEVITCH | Nachman | Yechiel | M | 679 | |||||
FISHELEVITCH | Itsche | M | Sara Rachel | 679 | |||||
FISHELEVITCH | Sara Rachel | F | Itsche | 679 | |||||
FISHELEVITCH | Chana | Itsche | Sara Rachel | F | 679 | ||||
FEFFER | Yechiel | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
FEFFER | F | Married | Yechiel | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 679 | |||
FEITSHER | Yechiel | M | Married | Fradel | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
FEITSHER | Fradel | F | Married | Yechiel | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
FRIEDMAN | Breindel | F | With her unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||||
FRIEDMAN | Rachel | F | Married | Husband's first name name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
FRIEDMAN | M | Married | Rachel | Unnamed children - number not listed | His first name not listed | 679 | |||
FRIEDMAN | Frimet | F | 679 | ||||||
PREGER | Frieda | F | 679 | ||||||
PREGER | David | Frieda | M | 679 | |||||
PREGER | Ya'akov | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
PREGER | F | Married | Ya'akov | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 679 | |||
PREGER | Sara Bluma | F | Married | Husband's first name name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
PREGER | M | Married | Sara Bluma | Unnamed children - number not listed | His first name not listed | 679 | |||
TZEBOLA | Shlomo Lozer | M | Together with his family | 679 | |||||
ZUCKERKORN | Ya'akov | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | 1 unnamed daughter | 679 | |||
ZUCKERKORN | F | Married | Ya'akov | 1 unnamed daughter | Her first name not listed | 679 | |||
ZUCKERKORN | Yudel | Ya'akov | M | 679 | |||||
ZUCKERKORN | David | M | Married | Golda | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
ZUCKERKORN | Golda | F | Married | David | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
ZUCKERKORN | Avraham | M | Married | Sara | 679 | ||||
ZUCKERKORN | Sara | F | Married | Avraham | 679 | ||||
TZITRINBOIM | Shlomo Zeivel | M | Married | Tzirl | 679 | ||||
TZITRINBOIM | Tzirl | F | Married | Shlomo Zeivel | 679 | ||||
TZITRINBOIM | Yosef | Shlomo Zeivel | Tzirl | M | 679 | ||||
TZITRINBOIM | Shimeleh | Shlomo Zeivel | Tzirl | M | 679 | ||||
TZITRINBOIM | Devorah Malka | Shlomo Zeivel | Tzirl | F | 679 | ||||
KRAKOW | Avraham | M | Married | Miriam | 679 | ||||
KRAKOW | Miriam | F | Married | Avraham | 679 | ||||
KRAKOW | Neshe Feiga | Avraham | Miriam | F | 679 | ||||
KRAKOW | Ita | Avraham | Miriam | F | 679 | ||||
KRAKOW | Mordecai | Avraham | Miriam | M | 679 | ||||
KRAKOW | Melech | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
KRAKOW | F | Married | Melech | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 679 | |||
KRAKOW | Mordecai | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | 679 | ||||
KRAKOW | F | Married | Mordecai | Her first name not listed | 679 | ||||
KRAKOW | Bendet | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
KRAKOW | F | Married | Bendet | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 679 | |||
KASS | Shimon | M | Married | Roiza | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
KASS | Roiza | F | Married | Shimon | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
KIRENBERG | Avigdor | M | Married | Chana | 679 | ||||
KIRENBERG | Chana | F | Married | Avigdor | 679 | ||||
KIRENBERG | Neche | Avigdor | Chana | F | 679 | ||||
KIRENBERG | Leah | Avigdor | Chana | F | 679 | ||||
KIRENBERG | Moshe Baruch | M | Married | Rikel | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
KIRENBERG | Rikel | F | Married | Moshe Baruch | Unnamed children - number not listed | 679 | |||
KIRENBERG | Leibish | M | 680 | ||||||
KIRENBERG | Neche | Leibish | F | 680 | |||||
KIRENBERG | Reizel | Leibish | F | 680 | |||||
KIRENBERG | Breintshe | Leibish | F | 680 | |||||
KIRENBERG | Chayatshe | Leibish | F | 680 | |||||
KIRENBERG | Itel | F | 680 | ||||||
KIRENBERG | Leah | Itel | F | 680 | |||||
KIRENBERG | Neche | Itel | F | 680 | |||||
KIRENBERG | Yosef | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | 680 | ||||
KIRENBERG | F | Married | Yosef | Her first name not listed | 680 | ||||
KIRENBERG | Baila | Yosef | F | 680 | |||||
KIRENBERG | Sheva | Yosef | F | 680 | |||||
KIRENBERG | Heniya | Yosef | F | 680 | |||||
KIRENBERG | Moshe | Yosef | M | 680 | |||||
KIRENBERG | Yechiel | Yosef | M | 680 | |||||
KIRENBERG | Yitzhak | Yosef | M | 680 | |||||
KIRENBERG | Chaim | M | Wife's first name not listed | 680 | |||||
KIRENBERG | F | Chaim | Her first name not listed | 680 | |||||
KIRENBERG | Shimon | Chaim | M | 680 | |||||
KANO | Meir | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | 680 | ||||
KANO | F | Married | Meir | Her first name not listed | 680 | ||||
KANO | Shalom | Meir | M | 680 | |||||
KANO | Wolf | Meir | M | 680 | |||||
KANO | David | M | Married | Tzirl | Unnamed children - number not listed | 680 | |||
KANO | Tzirl | F | Married | David | Unnamed children - number not listed | 680 | |||
KVIOFSKY | Yitzhak | M | 680 | ||||||
KVIOFSKY | Sheindel | Yitzhak | F | 680 | |||||
KVIOFSKY | Chava | Yitzhak | F | 680 | |||||
KVIOFSKY | Neshe | Yitzhak | F | 680 | |||||
ROTSTEIN | Nisan | M | Married | Tobe | 680 | ||||
ROTSTEIN | Tobe | F | Married | Nisan | 680 | ||||
ROTSTEIN | Miriam Gitel | Nisan | Tobe | F | 680 | ||||
ROTSTEIN | Leah | Nisan | Tobe | F | 680 | ||||
ROTSTEIN | Itsche | Nisan | Tobe | M | 680 | ||||
ROTSTEIN | Avraham | Nisan | Tobe | M | 680 | ||||
ROTSTEIN | Ita Baila | Nisan | Tobe | F | 680 | ||||
REICHERT | Ya'akov | M | Married | Wife's first name not listed | Unnamed children - number not listed | 680 | |||
REICHERT | F | Married | Ya'akov | Unnamed children - number not listed | Her first name not listed | 680 | |||
REICHERT | Shimon | M | Married | Sheina Gitel | 680 | ||||
REICHERT | Sheina Gitel | F | Married | Shimon | 680 | ||||
REICHERT | David | Shimon | Sheina Gitel | M | 680 | ||||
REICHERT | Ya'akov | Shimon | Sheina Gitel | M | 680 | ||||
SHMYETANKE | Yosef | M | Married | Rachel | 680 | ||||
SHMYETANKE | Rachel | F | Married | Yosef | 680 | ||||
SHMYETANKE | Yehezkel | M | 680 | ||||||
SHMYETANKE | Libele | Yehezkel | F | 680 | |||||
SHMYETANKE | Leah | F | 680 | ||||||
SHMYETANKE | Sara Feige | Leah | F | 680 | |||||
SHMYETANKE | Rachel | Leah | F | 680 | |||||
SHMYETANKE | Baila | Leah | F | 680 | |||||
SHMYETANKE | Nisan | M | Married | Chaya Esther | 680 | ||||
SHMYETANKE | Chaya Esther | F | Married | Nisan | 680 | ||||
SHMYETANKE | Zelig | Nisan | Chaya Esther | M | 680 | ||||
SHMYETANKE | Chana | Nisan | Chaya Esther | F | 680 | ||||
SHMYETANKE | Elka | Nisan | Chaya Esther | F | 680 | ||||
SHMYETANKE | Keila | Nisan | Chaya Esther | F | 680 | ||||
SHMYETANKE | Zlata | Nisan | Chaya Esther | F | 680 | ||||
SHMYETANKE | Tema | Nisan | Chaya Esther | F | 680 | ||||
SHMYETANKE | Perl | Nisan | Chaya Esther | F | 680 | ||||
STEIGLITZ | Tzirl | F | Together with her unnamed children | 680 | |||||
STEIGLITZ | Avramtshe | M | On same line - relationship not specified | 680 | |||||
STEIGLITZ | Malka | F | On same line - relationship not specified | 680 | |||||
STEIGLITZ | Sheindel | F | On same line - relationship not specified | 680 | |||||
STEIGLITZ | Chaim Leib | M | Married | Freydel | Unnamed children - number not listed | 680 | |||
STEIGLITZ | Freydel | F | Married | Chaim Leib | Unnamed children - number not listed | 680 | |||
SHMULEVITCH | Avner | M | 680 | ||||||
SHMULEVITCH | Baila | Avner | F | 680 | |||||
SHMULEVITCH | Leah | Avner | F | 680 | |||||
SHMULEVITCH | Meir | Avner | M | 680 | |||||
SHMULEVITCH | Pese | F | Listed on same line - siblings | 680 | |||||
SHMULEVITCH | Moshe | M | Listed on same line - siblings | 680 | |||||
SHMULEVITCH | Sheindel | F | Listed on same line - siblings | 680 |
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Updated 16 Jul 2021 by JH