50°22' / 19°46'
Translation of
Wolbrom irenu
Edited by: M. Geshuri, Tel Aviv, 1962
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Translated by Sara Mages
1. Title Page | ||
Preface | ||
Map of the city and the surrounding area | ||
Map of the city proper | ||
Table of contents | ||
List of photos | ||
From the Editor Our city Wolbrom [H&Y] | M.S. Geshuri-Brunker | |
Preface - With the publication of the book [H&Y] | Yehiel Ben-Porat | |
2. Chapters of History | ||
Chapters on the history of the Jews in Wolbrom (Historical Survey) [H&Y]
M.S. Geshuri-Brunker | 46 |
Wolbrom's Jews during the First World War (1914-1918):
M.S. Geshuri | 73 |
Under the protection of the new independent Poland: [H]
M.S. Geshuri | 86 |
In the war years: [Y] |
Meir Kivokvitsh | 92 |
Sources to the history of the city:
96 | |
Dates and historical numbers (according to various authentic sources):
S. Barkai | 107 |
3. Jewry and Way of Life | ||
Beit-Hamidrash[1] [H&Y] | Moshe Lubling | 111 |
Memories of Wolbrom: [Y]
Chaim Weinberg | 119 |
Beit-Hamidrash[1] the creator house | Yehiel Ben-Porat | 126 |
In the world of Torah and Intellectuals:
M.S. Geshuri | 127 |
The Hassidic divisions in Wolbrom | M.S. Geshuri | 145 |
The image of the Wolbrom community [H&Y] | Natan Hofshi | 158 |
I'm traveling back [H&Y] | Moshe Lubling | 179 |
The first night of Selichot | Y. Ben-Porat | 193 |
Lives and Holocaust in Wolbrom (a survey of Jewish life) [Y] |
Avraham Stark | 197 |
Positions in Teaching and Culture:
M.S. Geshuri | 233 |
The cantor R' Yosel-Meir Gottlieb [Y] | Yehezkel Gottlieb | 244 |
Beit-Hamidrash[1] the creator house [Y] | Y. Ben-Porat | 245 |
Incidents and Events:
Yehiel Meir Angelstein | 249 |
From Wolbrom to Eretz-Yisrael [H&Y] | Natan Hofshi | 252 |
Wolbrom in my eyes [Y] | Yosef Erlich | 276 |
From Wolbrom to Hulda [a Kibbutz in Israel]. Notes from a journey | Zev Isar Shmueli | 290 |
Zionism and preparatory training [Y] | S. Weksler-Grossman | 296 |
The pangs of immigration | Levi Haimovich | 301 |
Inside my nation | Shlomo Zemach | 302 |
From my shtelel Wolbrom (memories) [Y] | Yehiel Hochman | 308 |
Wolbrom between the two World Wars [Y] | David M. Zukerman | 321 |
4. Institutions and Establishments (Torah, benevolence, education and culture) |
Establishments and businesses dealing with eternity matters:
M.S. Geshuri | 331 |
The municipality of Wolbrom and its council | S. Barkai | 340 |
The Jewish community board | S. Barkai | 345 |
The Bath-House and the Sweat House | S. Barkai | 350 |
Charitable organizations | S. Barkai | 351 |
Torah and Culture establishments | S. Barkai | 358 |
The Jewish drama club | Moshe Bidlowski | 372 |
The sound of tradition in Wolbrom | M.S. Geshuri | 374 |
5. The Economic and Professional life | ||
The Jewish economic life in Wolbrom (between the two World Wars) | David M. Zukerman | 381 |
Life of livelihood and economy
M.S. Geshuri | 383 |
The professional youth in Wolbrom [Y] | Yedel Gottnstein | 400 |
The Proletariat Movement [Y] | Leibl Frenkel | 402 |
The printing press in Wolbrom | S. Barkai | 408 |
Jewish Livelihoods: [Y] |
Leibl Frenkel | 412 |
6. Movements and Parties | ||
The first rebel in town (in memory of E. Rosenstein-Biderman [H&Y] | Natan Hofshi | 421 |
The Zionist movement and its parties in Wolbrom | 425 | |
The Youth Zionist movement in Wolbrom [Y] | S. Weingarten | 427 |
The Mizrahi movement in Wolbrom | 429 | |
Agudat Yisrael and its activities | 430 | |
The Betar movement | 436 | |
About the Shomer movement in Wolbrom [H&Y] | Yehiel Ben-Porat | 441 |
Poale Zion right wing [Y] | M. Bidlowski | 444 |
Poale Zion left wing [Y] | Y. Lederman | 449 |
The Bond organization [Y] | Arthur Nonberg | 457 |
7. Impressions and Memories | ||
Paddling in Wolbrom, a ruined city | Feivel Schnitzer | 465 |
My uncle Leibish [Y] | Yasel Harif | 472 |
Of what we had and no longer exists | Yehiel Ben-Porat | 475 |
My visit to Wolbrom in 1932 (a chapter of memories) [Y] | Yehiel Hocherman | 477 |
Yehiel Gershanavich (memories) [Y] | Menachem Stizki | 479 |
In the Synagogue Street [Y] | Reuven Kachan | 484 |
About righteousness and kindness in Wolbrom [Y] | Y. Y. Welner | 487 |
Two figures [Y] | Y. M. Zilbermintz | 491 |
At the beginning of the Third Aliyah[4] (memories) | Meir Kivokvitsh | 497 |
My town Wolbrom (chapters of memories from my youth) | Ovadia Gottlieb | 498 |
8. Figures and Characters | ||
Personalities and Communal workers: | ||
R' Zev (Velvel) Alter | 529 | |
R' Tzvi Hirsh Bidlowski | 530 | |
R' Hanoch Braun | 531 | |
R' Meir Bruckner | 532 | |
R' Meir Shimon Bruckner | 532 | |
R' Avraham Mordechai Bruckner | 533 | |
R' Moshe Barmhercyk (the blind) | 533 | |
R' Yosef Meir Gottlieb | 535 | |
Dr. Leon Gleberger | 535 | |
Avraham Yitzchak Glichter | 535 | |
R' Mendel Gottnstein | 536 | |
Shlomo Gottnstein | 537 | |
Avraham Heberfeld | 538 | |
Moshe Yosef Henger | 538 | |
R' Aharon Weinstein | 539 | |
R' Yehoshua Werdiger | 539 | |
Isar Zalman | 540 | |
Naftali Tralo | 540 | |
R' Yosef Baruch Izraelowicz | 541 | |
Rabbi Yekutiel Katz, the Admor from Wolbrom | 541 | |
R' Michael Lubling | 542 | |
Moshe Yehoshua Lubling | 542 | |
Alter Levit | 544 | |
Hanoch-Henich Landau | 545 | |
Reuven Meiteles (Reuven the yellow) | 546 | |
R' Yeshaya the scriber and his son R' Avraham Yitzchak | 546 | |
Ajzik Podolski | 547 | |
R' Yosef-Bar and his son Leibish Putash | 547 | |
Mordechai Narkis a man of vision and fulfillment | M.S. Geshuri | 549 |
R' Elimelech Peznowski | 551 | |
The family of R' Yekutiel Fishel | 552 | |
R' Michael Perelmuter | 553 | |
Menasche Frenkel | 553 | |
The Zeygboim family | 554 | |
R' Leizer Zigler | 554 | |
The Krenfeled family | 555 | |
The pharmacist Henrik Rozenbaum | 556 | |
R' Yitzchak Meir Stark | 556 | |
Leibla Shemesh | 558 | |
Women of valor in Wolbrom | 559 | |
Men of labor and toil | Michael Schnitzer | 559 |
Beautiful figures of our city [Y] | M. D. Zukerman | 562 |
Righteous Women:
566 | |
The Garber (Tanner) family by the Stak [Y] | Yehiel Ben-Porat | 567 |
In the small streets around the Stak [Y]
Sima Lubling-Ben-Porat | 569 |
573 | |
Elkana Neyer of blessed memory | 576 | |
9. Woe! What we had [5] (The horrors of the Holocaust and the destruction of Wolbrom) |
A tombstone (poem) [Y] | Moshe Lubling | א |
A letter to my grandfather (poem) [Y] | A. T. Halevi | ב |
We did not know their graves (poem) | Yakov Rimon | ג |
And so it started [H&Y] | Moshe Lubling | ד |
The beginning [H&Y] | Moshe Lubling | ו |
This is how the city of Wolbrom was destroyed | Binyamin Katz | כא |
A memorial candle (poem) [Y] | Moshe Lubling | נד |
The chapters of my life in the war of annihilation (memories) | L. Gershanavich | נד |
In a struggle with the devil [Y] | Artur Nunberg | סד |
The War [Y] | Yosef Welner | עב |
The binding of Yitzchak ]H&Y[ | Moshe Lubling | פה |
Wolbormers in different camps in Pshemishil [Przemyl] [Y[ | Shimon Weingarten | צג |
Over Poland's annihilated cities (poem) [Y] | Moshe Lubling | צח |
Drops of Blood (poem) [Y] | Moshe Lubling | צט |
In the struggle for life [Y] | Melech Glazer | ק |
From Wolbrom to Krakow Ghetto [Y] | Shlomo Peleshinski | קטו |
Wolbromer Jews in the Stalova-Vola death-camp [Y] | Yehudah & Chaim Yitzchak Biber | קיט |
In the days of horror [Y] | Ide Weizmann | קכז |
Transport (poem) [Y] | M. Lubling | קלב |
White Forest (poem) [Y] | M. Lubling | קלג |
Battle to survive [Y] | M. D. Zukerman | קלד |
Prologue and Epilogue [Y] | Avraham Stark | קנב |
Wolbrom under Nazi occupation [Y] | D. Y. Spiegler | קסה |
Memories of the Nazi Hell [Y] | Yisrael Kaner | קעו |
The second settlement in Wolbrom [Y] | Shmuel Perelmuter | קפז |
Survival [Y] | Leah Faluch | קצד |
My Kaddish [Y] | Alter Nunberg | קצח |
I will never forget | Shmuel Matsner | רב |
The work camp in Wolbrom [Y] | Binyamin Katz | רה |
My memories: [Y]
Belo Wajndling (New York) | רו |
The Chronicles of my days in the Holocaust [Y] | Ajzik Wandersman | רי |
Remembrance [Y] | Meir Yanovski | ריג |
The Last Friday [Y] | Yaakov Skavran | רטו |
Heroes of Uprising:
ריח | |
The melody. The man and angel of death | Natan Hofshi | רכ |
Wolbrombers in the camps [Y] | L. Greszanawicz | רכא |
A Wolbromer returns from Russia [Y] | Meir Ratmensh | רכג |
Wolbrom - 1962 [Y] | Artur Nunberg | רכט |
Jewish Wolbrom after the war [Y] | M. Zanin | רלד |
Our Cemetery [Y&H] | M. Lubling | רמ |
A partial list of Wolbrom's martyrs (around two thousand names) | רמד | |
The last road (poem) [Y] | M. Lubling | רעב |
10. The Association of Former Residents of Wolbrom in Israel and the Diaspora [6] | ||
The Association of Former Residents of Wolbrom in Israel [H&Y] | 849 | |
From the heroes of the War of Independence: | 855 | |
Moshe Heberfeld | 855 | |
Yakov Nehemiah Gottlieb | 856 | |
David Kivokvitsh | 857 | |
Blat Avraham | 858 | |
Avshalom Gottlieb | 859 | |
List of former residents of Wolbrom who died in Israel | 862 | |
List of former residents of Wolbrom in Israel and their addresses | 862 | |
Personalities and activists: Menachem Binshtok, HaRav Shlomo Fish | 869 | |
Memorial meetings (speeches by Ben-Porat and M. Libeling) [Y&H] | 870 | |
I once believed [Y] | M. Lubling | 874 |
Yehiel Ben-Porat [Y] | Binyamin Katz | 878 |
Association of Former Residents of Wolbrom in America [Y] | 882 | |
Index of names and places | 884 | |
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