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[Page 369]

Memorial Pages

Annual anniversary [Yahrzeit] 26th Sivan
For the Martyrs of the Community of

and the surrounding area

This stone shall be for us a memorial and an everlasting reminder of the memory of our parents, brothers, sisters, wives and children - martyrs who were murdered and slaughtered, were cremated and buried alive following terrible torture by the cruel Nazis, Germans and their accursed accomplices, may their names be erased, in the days of annihilation and murder during the years 5699-5705. The earth shall not cover their blood and the purity of their memory shall not part from within us.

May the Lord avenge their blood. May their souls be bound in the bond of eternal life. In perpetuation, the former inhabitants of Tarnow.

Chamber of the Holocaust
Jerusalem - Mount Zion

[Page 370]

In remembrance of our lost souls

Gavriel and Berta Osterweil

Perished in the Shoah. May G–d avenge their blood.

Yosef Kornilo


In Memoriam

My father Yosef Izrael son of Avraham born 1869

My mother Fayga daughter of Avraham Yitzhak Bajtrag

My son Yosef Izrael son of Avraham born 1940

My sister Mina Brand daughter of Yosef born 1896

My sister Berta Adler daughter of Yosef born 1898

My brother Dovid Izrael son of Yosef born 1899

All perished in the Tarnow ghetto

May their souls be bound up in the bond of everlasting life

Avraham Izrael – Montreal-Canada

[Page 371]

In Eternal Memory

My father Akiva Ajzenbach

My mother Rywka Ajzenbach born: Metzker

My sister Gita Rajn

My brother-in-law Yakov Rajn

Their children Henri and Regina

And the entire Ajzenbach family who were annihilated during the Holocaust

Memorialized in grief:
Anshel Ajzenbach Nancy – France

From the left: Reb Naftali Zev Irum and Reb Alter Lewi
In Sacred Memory

My father Naftali Zev Irum

My mother Sima

And their children:
Rywka, Dovid, Miriam and Moshe Yekl

This picture of my father and his friend, Reb Alter Lewi was found by a German family in Germany – it gives evidence of what manner the Nazi rulers ridiculed their victims.

My father, of blessed memory, who dealt with the needs of the people, and over the course of many years was gabbai [sexton] at the Talmud Torah [school for poor boys], in the Sandzer kloyz [one-room synagogue] and the Chevra Kadishe [burial society] in Tarnow.

My entire above-mentioned family was annihilated by the Nazi murderers.

May G–d avenge their blood.

Elimelekh Irum, Tel Aviv

[Page 372]

In Memory

Dovid Batist

The valuable activist from the Bund in Tarnow

Comrades and Friends

Dovid Batist

In Sacred Memory

My father Nusan Birman, died in the year 1932

My mother Mindla Birman

My sister Chana Birman

My sister Sala Birman

My sister Monka and child

My sister Lola Birman

Mother and sisters perished at the hands of the Nazis in 1942

May G–d avenge their blood.

Presented by:
Maurici Birman, Montreal-Canada

In Sacred Memory

Yosef Bergman and wife Anna Bergman born Gelb

Mendl Bergman and wife Cecilia born Kamp and children Rayzl and Hirsh

Avraham Bergman and his wife and child

Moshe Bergman and his wife and child

Dovid Bergman and wife Cesia born Ickowicz and child Hersh

Sura Bergman born Lerman

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life.

Yezsha Bergman, Tarnow

[Page 373]

In Eternal Memory

My father Avraham Binensztok perished in Auschwitz in 1942
My mother Chaya daughter of Menasha perished in the Tarnow ghetto in 1943

My sister Dwoyra Herszkowicz perished in the Tarnow ghetto in 1942

My brother-in-law Shabtai Herszkowicz perished in the Tarnow ghetto in 1942

Their children: Sura, Ita, Perl and Menasha perished in the Tarnow ghetto, 1942

My brother Melekh Binensztok and his wife Gitl and daughter Rut perished with a Christian family in Germany

My brother Mendl perished in the Melk concentration camp in 1944

May G–d Avenge Them

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life.

Memorialized by:
Leizer (Eliezer) Binensztok*
Yisroel Binensztok
Moshe Binensztok


*Alas, Eliezer Binensztok died in Montreal at the beginning of 1968. The pre-mature death of the many years active member and chairman of the auditing committee of the Tarnow Landsmanschaft [society of people from the same town] in Montreal – evoked deep sorry in the hearts of the Tarnow landsleit [people from the same town] there. The managing committee of the landsmanschaft in Montreal with the Friends Ahron Szparn (chairman) and F. Gelernter, M. Birman and M. Hazenberg (vice chairman) expresses in this manner to the family of the deceased, Mrs. Regina, the daughter Helen, the sons, Hershl and Shmuel and the brothers, Moshe and Yisroel, our most heartfelt sympathy in their deep sadness with the hope they will not know any more hardship.

[Page 374]

In Eternal Memory

Haber and his wife born Blauner and their son

Leon Blauner and wife Leah born Ajzner

Yehezkiel Blauner and wife Rukhl born Wild and children Pinek and Ada

Nusan (Nutek) Blauner and wife Tsila born Biber and two daughters

Fredek Haber and wife Hania born Blauner and son Hilush

Moshe Ajzen and wife Hinda born Blauner and daughter Romek Blauner

All were murdered at the hands of the Nazi murderers

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Mina Blauner-Ziskind, Berlin

[Page 375]

For an eternal memorial

Rabbi Dr. Mendel Blazer   Yisrael Blazer

My brother Yisrael Blazer

My brother Rabbi Dr. Mendel Blazer

They were killed tragically during the days of the Holocaust/Shoah

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound in the bonds of life

Commemorator in pain and suffering:
Yitzchak Blazer, Haifa

[Page 376]

In Eternal Memory

My father Yehezkiel Blat

My mother Fayga Blat

My brother Dovid Blat

My brother Yakov Blat

My sister Khania Reich born Blat

My sister Bluma Flugajzn born Blat and her daughter Pajydzia

All murdered by the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

Memorialized in sadness:
Manuel Blat, Yonkers, New York

Reuven Beder
In Sacred Memory

My father Ruwin Beder
Died before the war

My mother Hinda Beder

My brother Shmuel Beder (Telerman)

My sister Gitl Beder

All murdered by the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

Yakov Telerman
Brooklyn, New York

[Page 377]

To Eternal Memory

Fayga Blajwajs family and sons

From the Blajwajs family

My mother Fayga Blajwajs daughter of Avraham

My brother Avraham Blajwajs son of Ayzyk

My brother Yakov Blajwajs son of Ayzyk

Gitl Blajwajs daughter of Yehiel and son Dovid Tzvi son of Zalman Blajwajs


From the Ladner (Kaner) family

Mother Fayga Ladner (Kaner) daughter of Zelig

Brother Zelig Ladner (Kaner) son of Yitzhak

Sister Ester Ladner (Kaner) daughter of Yitzhak

All murdered by the Nazi murderers

May G–d avenge their blood

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Memorialized in sadness;
Zalen Blajwajs and wife
Regina Blajwajs born Ladner (Kaner)

[Page 378]

In Sacred Memory

Ruza Meszel with her little daughter Nina

My father Yakov Blond

My mother Dina Blond

My brother Elihu (Oliash) Blond

My sister Karola Blond

My sister Sura Sperber born Blond

My sister Ruza Meszel born Blond and her daughter Nina

Murdered by the Nazi murderers

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Izak Blond, Bronx, New York


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