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10th of Tevet, General Day of Kaddish
by Tzvi Ezrachi, Tel Aviv
Translated by Hannah Hochner
Edited by Yocheved Klausner
On the 10th of Tevet, the General Day of Kaddish, a memorial ceremony was held at the Moriah public school in Tel Aviv, with the participation of Holocaust survivors. In addition, the first step at memorializing the Holy Tarnow Jewish community was carried out.
At 8:00 am, Dr. Z. Kasif, a native of Tarnow, spoke about the city of Tarnow and its Jewish community. The 6th, 7th, and 8th graders were extremely moved by Dr. Kasif's words. At 12:00 noon, Dr. Avraham Chomet, Mr. Eliezer Hadas, Mr. Yosef Kornilo, and Mr. David Schiff, representatives of the Association of Former Tarnow Residents, appeared before the children.
The 4th thru 8th grades school children gathered in the school's courtyard. The Aron Hakodesh (The Holy Ark with the Torah scrolls) was brought outside and they recited the afternoon prayer, Mincha. The children learned sections of Mishna and recited Psalms in memory of Tarnow residents who perished in the Holocaust, may God avenge their blood.
Girls from the 7th grade read a report about Tarnow Jews, that they had written following interviews with Dr. Chomet and Mr. Kornilo about the Tarnow Jewish community that was wiped out by the Nazis. Mr. Malchiel, the school principal, spoke about the importance of memorializing this special, holy community. The teacher Tzvi Ezrachi, a Tarnow native, read the Memory Scroll.
The ceremony was brought to a close with the recitation of Kaddish by Tarnow natives.
(from the collection of by I. Bergman in Tarnow) |
by Ahron Szporn (Montreal, Canada)
Translated by David Schonberg
The Tarnower Landsmanschaft in Montreal has behind it rich and worthy activities–accomplishments. Since its founding in 1949 it has been led by the writer of these lines.
With strict punctiliousness there has been observed the fundamental principle of the Landsmanschaft: to commemorate each year the Yizkor [memorial] ceremony for our Tarnow heroes and martyrs. But, at the same time, it has also placed great weight upon the full realization of our further tasks. Thus we have tried to assist fellow Tarnowians who immigrated to Israel and had to struggle with the first difficulties of organizing themselves in their new circumstances (conditions). With whole–hearted warmth (friendliness, cordiality) we have tried to keep a brotherly contact with all the various existing landmanschaft organizations of Tarnow Jews, in different countries. Till today we take every opportunity to participate in each event, in whatever form as may be, whose goal is to memorialize our Tarnow Jewry.
Thanks to the warm collegial (friendly) atmosphere which is manifest in our landmanschaft, we have been able to create a pleasant homely centre, as a symbol of our one time colourfullyrich Jewish community in Tarnow.
Of the fairly small number of Tarnow Jews who currently live in Montreal (approximately 30 families) they are almost all, with minor exceptions, members in our landmanschaft and there is a feeling of friendly closeness which unites us in sorrows and joy. At every opportunity, with the shared energies of our brothers and sisters belonging to the landmanschaft, is expressed our readiness to take part in every helpact (event) for the benefit of the survivors of Tarnow Jewry, and we respond with full devotion to every call (appeal), that comes to us and not merely from our landsleit (fellow townsmen) in Israel… We are always to be found in the ranks of those of the Jewish people who demonstrate by acts (actions) their warm and cordial feelings towards the State of Israel.
In the successful activities of our landmanschaft, we have much
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to thank the circle of our wives who have taken upon themselves the concern and the yoke to create the financial means that enable us to fulfil our tasks. It is worthwhile to note, that in America and in Canada has been introduced in the social organizations that upon the women lies the duty to be concerned with the finances of the organization, and carrying this out though arranging various happenings (events) to bring in the necessary funds. In this area have the wives of the Tarnow landmanschaft have excelled with full devotion, in particular in arranging the traditional,
Seated from right, the women: Sala Geller, Regina Bleiweiss (Kaner), Mina Gelernter, Ahron Szporn [the author], Ruza Schildkraut, Klara Weizer Standing, from the left: Abraham Goldman (Flink), Chaim Rubenstein, Moshe Birman (Nusboim), Eliezer Bienenstock z'l (passed away in 1968) yvl'a[2] Regina Hazelberg (Roth), Ephraim Gelernter, David Weizer, Herschel Ziss, Mendel Hazelberg (Hoenig), Zalek Bleiweiss (Ziskind) and Shlomo Schildkraut |
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already larger eventundertaking, which they carry out, yearly with great success,
As I have earlier pointed out, the commemoration (marking) of the memorialday for our kdoshim (the holy ones) of Tarnow is at the centre of our activities. Every year, when the day of the 26th Sivan draws near, we feel a deep sadness in our hearts… A sadness that brings us back to our memories thoughts of our Tarnow home, that was cut down where Jewish energy, Jewish spirit, Jewish creative force could be seen in every corner of the town.
With sorrow and pain in our hearts we remember on the Yizkor (memorial) day our Tarnow Jews, who were put to death so brutally by the German murderers. In this Yizkor (memorial) day we honour the memory of our tortured fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, children and friends.
They will always remain in our memory… Our landmanschaft will scrupulously observe the memorialday for our Tarnow kidoshim (holy martyrs).
On the photo: Family Berger from New York, Family Tellerman from New York, Family Lebenkorn from Bridgeport, Ahron Szporn, Family Goldman, Family Bleiweiss and Family Geller |
Translator's footnotes:
[Page 334, Volume 2]
by Abraham Singer (Toronto)
Translated by David Schonberg
Details as to the founding to the Tarnower Landsmanschaft in Toronto and its activities we already gave over in Volume 1 of the Yizkorbukh (Memorial book), ‘Tarnow’ that was published in 1954.
In the 14 years of our existence we didn't save (conserve/ limit) any energy and efforts to fulfil our tasks, thus we held close contact with our brotherorganization in Montreal, which was
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since its founding in 1948 led by our important, and so worthy and devoted community leader activist, Ahron Szporn.
How much he is valued (appreciated) and loved amongst all of the survivors of the Tarnow Jewry, not just by us here in Canada, was shown by the cordial greetings (wishes) and blessings that he received not long ago on the occasion of the barmitzva of his grandson, Chaim…
The bunch of survivors from our Jewish Tarnow, that managed to reach the shores of Canada, could not forget the terrible Churban (holocaust lit. destruction) of the Jewish Tarnow that was cut down and thus we, those that found our way to Toronto, Tarnow Jews exactly as in Montreal we kept together in our Tarnow Landsmanschaft together we grieved after our annihilated (destroyed) fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters..
With reciprocal (mutual) help we tried to overcome the various difficulties of ordering ourselves in life and work conditions.
And the most important: Thanks to the Landsmanschaft we didn't feel alone there was something of continuation of our old Tarnow home, that was so cruelly destroyed by the Nazi murderers and their accomplices.
We didn't forget our needy landsleit (fellow townsmen) who by hundreds of miracles were saved and still had to wait in Tarnow for the opportunity to escape from their now–destroyed home and especially we tried to assist our Tarnower brothers and sisters, who went as olim ( immigrants) to Israel and needed help in arranging themselves.
But the greatest efforts we always made, when it was concerning help for Israel. On every call we answered with generosity and a readiness to sacrifice. It is enough to show the fact that in the charity event after the 6–Day War our Landsmanschaft with its small number of members, collected 1,100 dollars– besides the sums that each of us contributed to this goal, privately and in the synagogues and several social–public organizations and professional associations.
And in the end I would also like to mention (recall) that exactly as we were active, took part and assisted in the giving out of the first volume of the Yizkorbukh (Memorial book), ‘Tarnow’
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also now we understood the importance of the work for the second volume and we have with our constricted (limited) powers added a few bricks to the holy monument to our onetime lovely Jewish Tarnow town.
Of course, we could have done a lot more in various areas of our tasks in the Landsmanschaft of Tarnow Jews in Toronto. But this in a large extent is dependent upon our Tarnow landsleit … Let us hope, that in the future our activities will increase (grow) and there will be greater interest in our Landsmanschaft and thus we will be able to develop broader activities for the benefit of the she'eris hapleita (the remnants the survivors) of Tarnow Jewry that has been cutdown… For the efforts to observe the memory of our past dear Jewish town of Tarnow and primarily for the benefit of our State of Israel.
[Page 337, Volume 2]
by L. Gottleib (NewYork)
Translated by David Schonberg
As to the Landsmanschaft of Tarnow Jews in NewYork and its activities until approximately 1955 a great deal has been written already in the first volume of the of the Yizkorbukh {Memorial boo], ‘Tarnow’.
Notwithstanding the good and useful help and work of Tarnow landsleit in New–York, which since 1945 has been organised within the framework of the 'Relief Committee of Tarnow and Outlying Areas', in favor of our brothers who came in the post–War immigration stream, and also for the Sh'erit ha–Pletah [Surviving Remnant] of Tarnow Jewry who built for themselves a new life in Israel, or those who still were in Poland – unfortunately in later years this significant work has of the Relief Committee has declined. There has been a waning of interest for the tasks of the organization which had a very lose character lacking organizational structure and in particular lacking funds to pay monthly costs. Without laboring a sad fact though, there is today in New York and surrounding area about 1000 Tarnow Jews. Unfortunately, it is not possible to bring together even ten of the landsleit to a gathering and when a meeting of the Relief Committee is called, to which belong 15 members, only between 3 and 7 members come to the meeting.
The result of this is that the relief finds itself in a very difficult financial situation. We cannot even allow ourselves to rent a premises for
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a gathering or meeting as the costs can reach between 25 to 140 dollars. In such a situation it is no wonder that not once we have found ourselves in a situation that we cannot answer to requests for help, which come even now from different directions from Tarnow landsleit. The main reason for this, as we have earlier mentioned, is that one pays no monthly contribution to create a fund for even a limited reliefwork.
In general, there is amongst our Tarnow landsleit a tendency to forget their former Jewish home in Tarnow… a tendency to run away from memories of the tragic past that enwraps the dreadful nightmare of hell the life that was, at the time of the Nazi occupation… and therefore one has a pretext not to come to a Yizkor event, which we arrange each year in order to commemorate the memory of our lovely Jewish town, of which nothing has remained.
Difficult and full of responsibility is the task of the few members of our Relief Committee. Despite all the obstacles which we face in our activities we try to explain to our Tarnow landsleit that the bloody wounds have not yet been healed and the tears for our fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, children and friends, have not yet dried out they who the Nazi murderers bestially annihilated, gassed, burned or buried alive.
Therefore we call from this place all our Tarnow landsleit wherever they may be, not to forget the cruel Churban (Holocaust) of the Tarnow Jewish community… and in particular we call upon our Tarnow Jews in NewYork, one time a year, to hallow the memorial day of the [mass]death of Tarnow Jewry. Let us hope that Tarnow Jews in New York and its vicinity will follow our call to come together on the Yizkor day to unite with the souls of Tarnow's kaddishim, holy ones, who were killed.
[Page 339, Volume 2]
by Abraham Chomet
Translated by David Schonberg
The activities of the Tarnower landsmanschaft in Paris have been very vibrant and valued.
Since 1948 the Tarnower landsmanschaft in Paris has gone under the name ‘Friends of Tarnow and Its Vicinity’ which put out in 1966 a modest Memorial book in Yiddish and French, with a preface by an active public figure in the Paris Tarnow circles, Shlomo Klapholtz. As he states in his preface to the abovementioned Memorial book, whose Yiddish section has 40 pages, the Tarnower landsmanschaft in Paris has dual goals material and cultural. Thus an important place in its activities, besides help for the Land of Israel, has been the matter of a cemetery, which in the particular local circumstances has been a complicated issue, since the Jewish community has not a Jewish cemetery of its own and each Jewish landsmanschaft need buy or lease for a long term a particular site in the general cemetery and there build (develop) a burial place for its members on their passing.
As we learn from the abovementioned Memorial book the committee of the Tarnow landsmanschaft in Paris has developed (built) in the general cemetery a burial site for itself with a matzevahs that overlooks it which, at the same time, serves as a monument to the memory of the Tarnow Jewish heroes and kiddoshim [holy ones, martyrs].
There are also inscribed there the names of the Tarnow leaders who died as martyrs [al kiddush haShem sanctifying Gd's name].
The Tarnow Jews in Paris states Shlomo Klapholtz at the end of his preface ‘try to carry out faithfully the duties that they took upon themselves at the foundation of the association in the framework of their possibilities’.
[Page 340, Volume 2]
by Abraham Chomet
Translated by David Schonberg
In TelAviv
The Tarnower Association in TelAviv has developed regular activities. Besides the annual commemorations in memory of the destroyed Tarnow Jewry which has already become a tradition, once or twice a year we have a gathering of Tarnow landsleit.
The charity [gemillus chesed] fund, handled with exemplary order, gives out noninterest loans with light payment termsconditions.
Together with the Yad Vashem effort for Israeli schools to adopt destroyed communities,the State religious school Moriah in Tel–Aviv has adopted our destroyed community, the Jewish Tarnow of the past.
In order to move forward the decision of this school to adopt the Tarnow community much was done (brought to bear) by our Tarnower landsman Zvi Ezrahi (Meth),
On the platform, seated from the right: Dr. Isler, Mrs. Deborah AbramovichArnon, Dr, (Mrs.) Sroka, Dr. Yeshayahu Szpira, Dr. Abraham Chomet (speaking), Attorney Yaakov Bienenshtock, Feld A., Maria Dirdalowa (guest from Tarnow one of the Righteous Gentiles), Yosef Kornilo, Dr. Z. Kasif |
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who works there as a teacher and who has expended much effort to arrange the forming of the ties between the school and our destroyed Tarnow community. He writes about this separately in another place in this Yizkorbukh [note: see page 330].
In order to express gratitude for the readiness of this school to memorialise our Tarnow community and to awaken and strengthen the interest of the schoolchildren in the history of the Jewish community of Tarnow the leadership of the Tarnower association in TelAviv established two awards one of 200 Israelilirot and the other of 100 Israeli lirot for the best schoolwork (essays) on the theme related to the life and destruction of Tarnow Jewry.
In Haifa
A painful loss was suffered by our Tarnower landsleit in Haifa in March 1967 with the passing of Dr. Shmuel Shpan zl, the long–standing chairman of the Tarnower landsmanschaft in Haifa. He was the popular and overall cherished leader of the Tarnow Jewry of the past, the successful and veteran leader of the Zionist movement in pre–War Galicia and for many years a member of Zionist–Congress court.
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For the shloshim (30 days after the burial) of the departed one the Tarnow landsmanschaft in Israel together with Brit Rishonim and the general Zionist (liberal) organisation in Haifa organised a memorial ceremony, to which came a large number of Tarnowers from TelAviv and other places in Israel.
Also hard hit were our Tarnower landsleit in Haifa with the death of David Baum, zl, the active long–standing leader of the Tarnow landsmanschaft in Haifa. Thanks to his dedication, the Tarnow landsmanschaft in Haifa developed very active relief–activities for needy landsleit. The departed (David Baum zl) put much effort into supporting the efforts to maintain cordial brotherly contact with Tarnowers in other parts of the country and in the diaspora.
In Jerusalem
A general sadness was in the hearts of Tarnower Jews in Israel with the death of Daniel Leibl, who for many years (from before the First World War till 1919) lived in Tarnow and was there active in the Poalei Zion movement, while at the same time being active in Tarnow's Jewish public and cultural life.
Though born in Dembitz he always proudly put himself [associated himself] with Tarnow Jewry and took part in all memorials and other ceremonies of the Tarnower association in TelAviv and Haifa.
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