Our Town Stepan

51°08' / 26°18'

Translation of Ayaratenu Stepan

Edited by: Yitzchak Ganuz

Published in Tel Aviv, Stepan Society, 1977


Project Coordinator

Daniel G. Shimshak


Our sincere appreciation to Mr. Jesheyahu Peri, of the Stepan Society in Israel,
for permission to publish this material.

This is a translation from: Ayaratenu Stepan (Our town Stepan),
Editors: Yitzchak Ganuz, Tel Aviv, Stepan Society, 1977 (H,E, 368 pages).

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1   Foreword to the book Editorial staff 7
2 The Generations of Stepan
  a) The History of Stepan and its Jewish Population I. Ganuz and J. Peri 9
  b) Volyn Jews Y.L. Yonatan 14
  c) Judaism of the Heart Yitzchak Lamdan 21
  d) The Education in Polish Wolyn Shmuel Roznak 22
  e) Stepan: World War I H. Zoller 28
  f) Stepan: 1910-1920 M. Woschina 44
  g) Town Life in the New Poland S. Mann 48
  h) The Synagogues J. Peri 53
  i) My Town and My Homeland G. Krokover 56
  j) The House of Rabbi Baruch Tversky of Blessed Memory and the Rabbis of the Town J. Perry 64
  k) The Tzaddik Rabbi David Halevi - the Magid of Stepan M.Sh. Geshori 69
3 Atmosphere and way of life
  a) My Father's House Y. Perry 72
  b) What Was in the Past and No Longer Exists Z. Gorinstein 89
  c) The occupation of Stepan's Jews Y. Perry 94
  d) Stepan in Retrospect Y. Weissman 98
  e) Memoirs J. Shpritz 100
  f) The Youth and My Family Activities in Stepan Z. Zilberman 102
  g) The Dacha Y. Peri 104
  h) Memories E. Shimshak 105
  i) Our House in the Village of Kosmachov L. Rudnik-Hashavia 106
  j) Miserable People and Passers-By Y. Peri 108
4 The Way to Zion
  a) Founding of the Tarbut School S. Sheinboim 109
  b) The Beginning of Zionist Activities S. Sheinboim 111
  c) Reflections of the Wolyn Press on Public Activities B. Shpritz 116
  d) Illegals to Israel: Stepan 1939 J. Peri 119
5 Our Fathers' Homes: Where They Were in Stepan Editorial Board 123
6 Memories: Images and Families
  a) Some Images and Families I. Weismann 166
  b) The Home of the Genius Ben-Zion Volinsky, the Righteous Man of Blessed Memory B. Shpritz 200
  c) My Father, Reb Azriel-Yaacov Kaufman (Zunieh) of Blessed Memory I. Koifman 201
  d) The Teacher, Moshe Kalat, of Blessed Memory J. Peri 204
  e) My Father, Reb Yoel Baruch Ben Yehoshua Halevi Becker of Blessed Memory A. Tahor Becker) 205
  f) The House of Reb Pesach Bebtchuk and His Wife Esther Leah, of Blessed Memory B. Shpritz 209
  g) The Family of Yechiel Vildgoiz N. Gordon 211
7 The Holocaust
  a) Death and Sorrow J. Peri 213
  b) Destruction of Stepan's Jewish Community A. Tchor(Musik) 274
  c) Memories 1939-1946 Benzion Bebchuk 278
  d) German Bombings -Beginning at the Ghetto J. Peri 280
  e) How Could it Happen to My Town Stepan I.Gonik 282
  f) Amongst the Gentiles A. Grossman 283
  g) Sea of Hate J. Peri 285
  h) Between Life and Death I. Wachs 286
  i) Forced Work Camp Y. Rassis 288
  j) Escape from the Beast's Claws Y. Rassis 290
  k) Stories of Escapees J. Peri 292
  l) Escape from the Murderers B. Scheinboim (Becker) 294
  m) The Story of Sonia Wiener - Escapee J. Peri 296
  n) The Struggle for Life F. Maggid 297
  o) The End of Stepan M. Grinshpan 299
  p) The Image of the Judenratt Chairman The Editors 300
8 The Ruins of My Town
  a) A Visit to Destroyed Stepan. J. Peri 302
  b) The Avengers among the Survivors of Stepan J. Peri 315
  c) A Meeting in Stepan with the Town's Jews who Served in the Red Army J. Peri 316
9 In Memorium  
  a) A candle in memory of the people of our town and the surrounding area The Editors 317
  b) In the Memory of the Late Yitzhak Weismann Dvora Weismann 319
10 Epilogue
  a) Concentration and Compilation of the Material for Stepan's Book J. Peri 321
  b) With the Editing of Stepan's Book Yitzhak Ganuz 322
  c) Explanations of Words and Terms that Appear in the Book J. Peri 324
11 Family Photographs 326
12 General Public Photos 343
  English Editors' Notes 362
  English Preface 363
  English Table of Contents 364


Some Facts About Stepan

Germans invade the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941.
Stepan Ghetto was erected on Chol Hamoed Sukkot, October 5, 1941.
Stepan Jews were exterminated and ghetto liquidated on 11th of Elul, 5702 or August 24, 1942.
Stepan was liberated by the Russians on January 12, 1944.
Number of Jewish survivors from Stepan – 44 (as reported by Shmuel Spector, see below).


References to the Holocaust in Volhynia

The Holocaust of Volhynian Jews, 1941-1944, by Shmuel Spector, Yad Vashem, The Federation of Volhynian Jews, P.O. Box 3477, Jerusalem 91043, 1990.
The Moses of Rovno, by Douglas K. Huneke and Herman F. Graebe, Compassion House, 240 Tiburon Blvd., Tiburon, CA 94920, 1985.
The Stepan Yizkor Book, edited by I. Ganuz, collected by J. Peri, 1977, 364 pages.


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Contact person for this translation Daniel G. Shimshak
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