Rowno, a Memorial to the
Jewish Community of Rowno, Volyn
(Rivne, Ukraine)

50°37' / 26°15'

Translation of
Rowne; sefer zikaron

Edited by: A. Avitachi, Former Residents of Rowno in Israel

Published in Tel Aviv, Israel 1956 (H, 591 pages).



Project Coordinator

Ann Glickman Goldberg


Thank you to Naomi Gal for her devoted work on this translation, done in 2010,
from the 1956 Hebrew text, available at the New York Public Library
Rovno (1956)

This is a translation from: Rovno, Ukraine: Rowne; sefer zikaron (Rowno; a memorial to the Jewish community of Rowno, Wolyn),
Editors: A. Avitachi, Tel Aviv, “Yalkut Wolyn” – Former Residents of Rowno in Israel, 1956 (H, 591 pages).

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at

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Selections from the Yizkor Book of Rovno were translated from Hebrew into English
in memory of my family, who were born in Rovno, so that present and future generations can read and remember.

In Memory:

Mannes Glickman, my father (1910-1971)
Manya Glikman Sucharczuk, my aunt (1912-1942)
Gitele Glickman and Nuta Glickman, parents of Manya and Mannes

Ann Glickman Goldberg, Coordinator


Translated by Sidney C. Gelb

2 Map of Volhynia  
5 City Map of Rovno  
13 Title Page  
16 Register - Memorial Candle A. A.
17 The Main City in Volhynia K. Shabtai
19 People of Rovno Zvi Yashiv (Fishbien)
21 Rovno and Population Arie Avitachi
25 Rovno Jews A. A.
26 The Beginning of the Century Zeev Widriker
29 Around the Second “Duma” Shmuel Yizraeli
31 The Time of the Russian Revolution A. Avi-Menachem
33 Jewish Soldiers Gather and Self Defense Dr. Yaakov Yardeni-Berman
34 Period 1917-1918 Dr. Gur-Arieh Tralo
36 Ukrainian Rule and the Pogroms Haim Gmar
40 The Bloody Days of Patalura Engineer M. Gildenman
43 From Authority to Authority Arieh Harrari
45 With the Bolsheviks Sara Shacnai
47 The Polish Conquest Abraham Mann
49 The End of Hataman Askilko Engineer Moshe Gildenman
Economic Life
52 Jewish Metropolitan City
55 Banks and monetary institutions
59 Craftsman organizations
61 The General Bureau of ZACH
62 Printing Houses
63 The Photographers' Artel
64 The Deterioration of the Jewish Economy And the Sanacja Alliance
Movements and Parties
68 Echoes from 1904–1906
69 The Bund
73 The S.S Party
74 “Folks–Party”
74 Professional Organizations
79 Communists' Influences
82 The beginning of Zionism in Rovno
87 Dr. Nahman Serkin – Rovno's delegate to the Sixth Congress
88 Hatehia (“rebirth”) Group (“Vozrojdenye”)
92 The Zionist Urban Council and the “Zeirai Zion” fraction
96 The Central Zionist Chamber
99 Copies of memos
103 San–Remo's Message
105 The first pioneers' Aliya
106 Thus, the first pioneers group made Aliya
108 From the Third Aliya Period
109 From Ukraine to Eretz–Israel
112 Aliya by way of Rovno
114 “Union” the Zionist Student Association
115 The First “Chalutz” conference
116 The Chalutz
119 The Young Chalutz
120 A Visit to Rovno's Pioneers' Kibbutz
121 The Central Chalutz' Kibbutz
122 The Group of the Woodchoppers
123 The Eretz–Israel Regional Office
125 The Regional Council of the Zionist Union
127 The Association of Purchasing Lands in the Eretz–Israel
128 The Collective
129 The Opening of the Hebrew University
131 News
132 Visits of VIP's and Messengers
138 Keren Hayesod's Funds
142 A League for the Jewish National Fund
144 HaMizrachi
146 The Union of the Revisionist Zionist and Betar
149 Zeirai–Zion – Z”Z and Poale–Zion
152 The Zionist–labor Party Hitahdut
154 Hashomer–Hatzair
160 Training with Hashomer–Hatzair in Rovno
161 Gordonia
162 Gordonia amid Youth Movements
167 Gordonia – Rovno's Branch and its Direction
169 Hashomer–Haleumi and Hanoar Hazioni
173 Vitkinia
176 Dror – Freiheit
178 Akiva Movement
179 WIZO
182 Different Zionists Organizations
182 The Fortress of Zionism and Pioneering
183 Rovno's Pages in fulfilled Zionism
Culture and Education
185 Blowing Winds
187 Cheders and Melameds
191 The Languages dispute in the Public Library
192 Hovevri Sefat–Ever Association
197 Adults Learning Hebrew
198 The Yiddish Education
199 The General Schools
205 Zionist Education
208 Tarbut and its Regional Committee
210 The Hebrew Kindergartens
212 Tarbut Shelter
213 Elementary Schools
215 The Beginning of Tarbut Gymnasium
219 Tarbut Gymnasium and its Evolvement
221 Lights and Shadows in Tarbut Gymnasium
223 The Gymnasium from 1929 to 1939
226 The Last Class of the Gymnasium
227 The End of Tarbut Gymnasium
230 Talmud Torah
231 Etez Haim Yeshiva
234 A Nurses' Course for Public Health
236 The First Orphanage
240 The orphanages and the Boardinghouse
242 I was a Boarding School Student
244 Memories of the Orphanage Student
245 With the Poets H.N. Bialik and S. Tchernichovsky
248 When the Youth Volunteered
249 The Union of Jewish Academics
250 The Foundation of Maccabee
253 Sport Associations
256 Hasmonean
259 A Jewish Drama Workshop
260 The History of Rovno's Journalism
261 Rovno Mirrored in Local Newspapers
263 In the Newspaper Editorial Rooms
279 A Conference of Journalists and Writers with Moshe Setavi
280 From the Hebrew Newspapers
Remembrance and Folk Lore
284 Thus appeared Rovno
285 The great conflagration
287 In the shadow of the pogrom
288 The panic of the Katsapim
289 From previous years
292 My childhood city
296 Grandpa's home
297 “Betsalel” Privilege of Rovno
298 From the past (Experiences Remembrances & Personalities)
301 From the days of the first war
302 Pictures from the war period
305 Rovno impressions
308 Pieces of remembrance and experience
317 Tsar Nicholas 2nd in Rovno
318 Russian Officer - a friend of the Jews
320 Silent witnesses
322 One among many
324 Student rebellion
325 Jealousy among Jews
326 Rescue of two youths
327 Visit of the rabbi from Stolin
329 Remembrance of Rovno
330 Experiences in Rovno
331 The 8 million rubles
332 Story of a convert
333 Monzone House
335 Graduation celebration - Torah Book
336 In the streets and alleys of the City
338 Klezmers and Weddings
340 Great shlepper
343 Shoemakers - Community activists
345 Water carriers
346 The stores are in flames
347 The large town
348 Metropolitan Rovno
352 Rovno, 1937
355 Rovno and Zvyahel
355 Rovno and Mezhirichi
356 Rovno and Aleksandriya
362 Rovno City Council
364 The Community
368 Charitable and Help Organizations
377 The Cemetery
379 Health Organizations
384 Public and Assistance Organizations
389 The Fire Fighting Brigade
390 The National Academic Club
391 The Jewish Intellectuals Club
392 The Jewish National Secretariat
Synagogues and Religious Ministrants
393 Synagogues and Religious Seminaries
398 The Rovno Melody
400 Cantors, Cantorial Music and Folk Singers
405 The period of Zaidel Rovnor and his singing
410 Righteous, Devotees and their music
412 HaMagid of Mezhrich and of Rovno
415 HaMagid Rabbi Dov Ber and His Letters
416 Rabbi Leib Sarah's
417 The Rabbis of Rovno and its (Religious) Judges
425 Rabbi Moshe–Eliezer Rutenberg
426 Sofrei Stam
427 Slaughterers
427 A meeting of Rabbis for Yeshivas in Rovno
430 Rovno's Saturday
431 Rovno's Characters
The Holocaust
514 From the Polish rule to the Soviet rule
517 Refugees and wanderers 1939 - 1940
518 The attitude of the non Jewish population toward the Jews
520 The way it happened
520     a. 22 June to 6 Nov 1941
522     b. In the talons of the Nazis
523     c. Rovno's End
526     d. What I saw with my own eyes
529 Notes of the Bloody Affair
541 From Rovno to Lvov and back
543 The conscience of a Judenrat man
544 The survivor from a mass grave
545 Cases of opposition to the Nazis
548 Nazis crimes in Rovno and its province
552 Testimonies and information
556 The Nazis invasion of Rovno to their destruction
560 Here is buried Jewish Rovno
563 Partisans
567 With the partisans' Battalions
570 The large grave
570 From the front to the liberated Rovno
573 Letters from the time of the Holocaust and afterward
576 The Torah books and scrolls
577 Back to my city
578 On Rovno's soil
580 With the Holocaust survivors
581 In camps of wanderers
584 From the anecdotal collection of the Holocaust depository
587 Uplift and making holy in the eternal rememberance
589 On the wreckage of the city
591 Remember the calamity of Israel
592 Bibliography
Additional sources:
  1. Memorial Book for the Jews of Rovno
  2. Holocaust in Rovno: The Massacre at Sosenki Forest, November 1941


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l

Contact person for this translation Ann Glickman Goldberg
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

Copyright © 1999-2024 by JewishGen, Inc.
Updated 4 Dec 2020 by LA