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Translation of
Strzegowo yisker-bukh
Editors: Florence and Rubin Youkelson
Published in New York 1951
Our sincere appreciation to Helen Rosenstein Wolf for typing up the
English text to facilitate its addition to this project.
Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Strzegowo
JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of
the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material
for verification.
JewishGen is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions in the original work and cannot rewrite or edit the text to correct inaccuracies and/or omissions.
Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
Translated by Yocheved Klausner
Part One | ||
Foreword | R. Youkelson | 5 |
With bowed heads (Introduction) | P. Bery | 8 |
Strzegowo, we will not forget you! | Joseph Bisberg | 9 |
The foundation and development of Strzegowo | Yitzhak Bogen | 17 |
Strzegowo is alive in my imagination | Yosef Rosenberg | 25 |
This is the way the Shtetl lived | Yitzhak and Treine Tandiszarsz- Pikhotke | 48 |
My town Strzegowo, as I remember it | Rechl Novogrodski-Steinman | 54 |
Three unforgettable righteous Jewesses | Feigel Bisberg-Youkelson | 58 |
Father Nathan-Aizik and Mother Rachel | Sheine-Malke Bogen-Lichtig | 61 |
Memories from Strzegowo | Yona Berlin | 62 |
My town | Rachel Kleinkoz (Klapman) | 63 |
Heinich Meirantz and his family | Fishel Meirantz | 65 |
My parents Yosef and Miriam Meirantz | Mordechai Meirantz | 68 |
Memories from my beloved town | Elie Gordon | 73 |
The town of my birth | Avraham-Meir Bolna | 76 |
The Strzegowo Kempiska [Park] | Feigel Bisberg-Youkelson | 78 |
Memories from the Strzegowo Community | Yitzhak Tandiszarsz | 80 |
If your son will ask you: What is this? | Yosef Rosenberg | 82 |
Part Two: The Destruction of Strzegowo | ||
How it all began | Ben-Zion Bogen | 85 |
The end of the Jews in Strzegowo | Fishel Meirantz | 97 |
Suffering and heroism of the Strzegowo Jews | Hinde Berlin | 107 |
My great catastrophe | Malka (Fabian) Goldblum | 112 |
Memories from my family | Yosef Rosenberg | 114 |
How I and my daughter have survived | Malka Pyotrikovski | 117 |
Mey beloved Novogrodski family, who have perished | Esther-Lea Novogrodski | 119 |
In eternal memory | Malka Wieser | 122 |
On the eve of War and Destruction | Israel Silberstrom | 123 |
Sheindel from Strzegowo | Feigel Bisberg | 127 |
Two letters | Beinush Wieser | 129 |
Two letters | Avraham'l Pinkert | 132 |
Part Three: | ||
Necrology (16 Pages) | ||
In memory of Strzegowo | II | |
Introduction | F. and N. Youkelson | III |
Preface | R. Youkelson | VI |
Strzegowo, We Will Nor Forget You! | Joseph Bisberg | IX |
Map of Strzegowo - page 16 | ||
Photos on pages: 7, 13, 14, 15,20, 21, 24, 55, 59, 68, 71, 72, 79, 84, 103, 106, 116, 119, 121, 127, 128, 130, 136 |
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