Memorial Book of the Jewish
Community of Radzymin


52°25' / 21°11'

Translation of Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Radzymin

Edited by Gerson Hel

Published in Tel Aviv, 1975



Project Coordinator

Rona G Finkelstein


Our sincere appreciation to Mordechai Zilberstein, of the chairman of the Radzymin,
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation from: Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Radzymin , Memorial book of the Jewish community of Radzymin,
ed. Gerson Hel, Tel Aviv, The Encyclopedia of the Jewish Diaspora, 1975, 389 p., H, Y, F.

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Radzymin: To Her Generations

17 The Historical Events of the Town and the Community / Gershon Hel
22 General Overview / M. K. and G. H.
28 The Dynasty of the Great Chassidic Rabbis of Radzymin / Gershon Hel
42 Three Generations of Rabbis / Aryeh Katz


Writers and Artists: Sons of our City

47 Isaac Bashevis Singer / Gershon Hel
50 Eliezer Bergman / Gershon Hel
53 Nahteh-Yeruchum Berliner / Gershon Hel
55 Shlomo Gilbert / Gershon Hel
57 Chaim Ne'eman / Gershon Hel
58 Sholom Postolsky / Gershon Hel


Chapters from the Past: Typical Characteristics and Personalities

63 Some Memories Regarding Radzymin / Isaac Bashevis Singer
65 Personalities From the Distant Past / Moshe Baruch Vegmahn
69 “This Polish Shtetl” / Eliezer Bergman
76 The Eve of the Sabbath in Radzymin / Nehtah Yiruchum Berliner
80 Radzymin and the Way it Was in Former Times / Moshe Baruch Ashman
89 My Memories / Avraham Sahlahrosh
99 Incidents and People in the Town / Chaim Ne'eman
102 The Postolski Group Makes Aliyah to the Land / Chaim Ne'eman
105 My Native Shtetl Radzymin / Noah Zukerman
112 The House of  My Grandfather: Reb Hirsch Bar Yonish / Yitzchok Ahmekam
115 The House of my Father: Zemach Kaminsky / Nechama Yungshtein-Kaminsky
118 Memories of My Brother Shlomo Gilbert / Pinchus Gilbert
124 The House of My Grandfather: Israel Lievzer / Naftali Hirtz
127 Our Town / Feigele Varshavski-Ben-Tzvi
128 Yossel Chana Ithass / Moshe Baruch Ashman
130 A Happy Event in the Shtetl / Helen&eactute; Milgram
132 Our Teachers / Gershon Hendel
137 Teachers of Radzymin / Shmuel H. Kushmierski (Shamir)
145 The Days of Anti Semitic Riots / Mordechai Kossover
147 The Years of My Youth / Shabtai Kleinberg
149 Compassionate People, Children of Compassionate People / Chaim Eisenfish
151 Events that Occurred to the Girls in Our City / Miriam-Leah Gingold-Grobveiss
155 Regarding the Sin We Sinned Before You When We Left the Land / Gershon Hel


Radzymin: In the Year of 1920

163 The Polish-Bolshevik War / Shimon Kantz
167 The Bloody Combat in the City / Rivka Kosover
169 Our Exile to Lyavlonenah / Miriam Gingold-Grobveiss
171 In the Other War Days / Paia Potasz-Radziner


Zionist Organization,
Youth Movements and Cultural Institutions

177 The Histadrut in Our City / Michael Kosover
181 “The Pioneer” and its Activities / Shlomo Zilikovski
185 The Branch “Pioneer” and its Problems / Shlomo Potash (Potasz)
188 Nest of “Hashomer Hatzair” ( The Young Guardians ) / David Dembski
193 Hashomer Haleomi (The National Guardians)– Hanaor Hatzoni (The Young Zionists) “The Zionist Youth” / Shalom Kosover
197 The Brit Hatzh'r and Betar / H. Gershon
202 The Youth of Radzymin / Mendel Gingold
206 Preparation-Kibbutz “Ach'va” in Radzymin / Yitschok Kaspi-Srovnik
210 The Professionals Ride Without the Communist Youth / Alter Vavruvel
215 The First Democratic Elections in the City / Shlomo Potash (Potasz)
217 The Youth Choir in Radzymin / David Aliaho Demski
220 Dramatic Crises / Samuel Hirsh Kushmierski (Shamir)
225 Yechiel Fyenik –  Man of the Second Aliyah / G. H. (Gershon Hel)


Charitable Institutions and Professions and Trade

231 The Economic Structure of Our City / Michael Kosover
236 The Activities of the Group Called “Supporters of the Poor” / Moshe Velvel Milgram


Destruction of the Jews of Radzymin

245 The Destruction / Michael Kosover
264 The Liquidation of the Ghetto of Radzymin / Mordechai Zilbershtein
270 The Camp of “Izavlin” / Mordechai Zilbershtein
273 Purim in the Ghetto: Funerals / Shalom Kosover
276 Radzymin – The Escape Route to the other Side of  the Bug River / Mordechai Kosover
281 Eli Radzyminski – Hero of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising / Ch. L. Weinstein
285 My Activities on the Aryan Side / Ameelka Kosover Rosenzweig
295 “Ameelka” of the House of Kosover / Dr. Reuven Ben Shem
298 Literature of the Holocaust About “Ameelka” / G. H. ( Gershon Hel )
299 I Fought in the Ranks of the Partisans / Mordechai Yonish
312 What I Experienced on the Aryan Side / Shoshana Shafran-Goldstein
320 My Adventures on the Aryan Side / Esther Oppenheim-Fooyahs
331 After the Holocaust I Did Not Want to Return to Judaism and the Jewish People / Esther Vassershtein
336 The Epic Story of My Little Daughter Who Was Rescued / Gershon Yonish
349 Unforgettable Grief and Pain / David Kohlahs-Geist
352 Even the Cemetery No Longer Exists / Dr. Chaim Shashkes of Blessed Memory
353 My Brother: Label Makover / Rachel Yonish Feldman
354 For These I Lament… / Abraham-Aaron Radziner of Blessed Memory
361 The First Reports to Israel Regarding the Destruction of Radzymin / Shalom Kosover


Those Who Are No Longer With Us

375 Those Who Left Radzymin and Went to Settle in Israel and Who Have Gone to Their Eternal Resting Places / Shlomo Zilikovski


In the Diaspora

387 Tales of Those Who Left Radzymin and Are Now in France / Shlomo Potash (Potasz)
9 - 75 From The Generations in France


Table of Contents of French Section

Translation by: Rona G. Finkelstein

9 Preface / Gershon Hel
11 History of Radzymin / G. H.
15 Isaac Bashevis-Singer, Portrait of a Writer / G. H.
18 Memories of Radzymin / Isaac Bashevis Singer
20 The 'Court' of the Rabbis of Radzymin / G. Hel
38 Political Parties and Institutions in Radzymin / M. K.
40 The Youth Choral Society in Radzymin / David and Eliyahu Dembski
43 Cultural and Philanthropic Institutions in Radzymin / M. Kosover
45 The Destruction / Michael Kosover
55 Purim in the Ghetto / Shalom Kosover
57 How My Little Shiffra Was Saved, or “Bogu Mila” ( beloved of G-d), the Miraculous / Gershon Yonish (Jonisz)
68 The Society of “Friends of Radzymin” / Shlomo Potash (Potasz)

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Contact person for this translation Rona G Finkelstein
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Updated 2 Apr 2008 by LA