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Avner Shalev, chairman of the Yad Vashem Directorate,
Dr. Robert Rozette, Director of the Yad Vashem library,
Rachel Cohen secretary of the library, Rachel Shapiro, librarian,
Mimi Ash at the Yad Vashem center in Jerusalem,
Dr. Daniel Uziel head of the archive division at Yad Vashem.
The entire staff at the library of Yad Vashem.
Special thanks to Dr. Zvi Fine who provided excellent background information on the activities of the J.D.C. operations in Europe.
Zvi Oren director of the museum at the kibbutz of Lochamei Hagetaot.
Special thanks to Mrs. Claudette Leibner for her patience in Listening and reading to the material.
Thanks to Emil Leibner who constantly provided technical assistance and helped to see the project completed.
Thanks to Itzhak Harush for the technical help.
We would also like to thank all the interviewed people and those that helped with our work.


William Leibner also wrote the following books:

The Nowy Zmigrod Yizkor Book
Krosno by the Wislok River, Yizkor Book
The Zabrze/Hindenburg Yizkor Book
The Brichah Organisation
The Unlikely Hero of Sobrance, Slovakia with Larry Price
Pan Kapitan of Jordanow, Poland, Yizkor Book
The Children Train
The Yizkor Book for the 13 small Jewish communities in Eastern Galicia, Poland

William Leibner translated the following books;

The Stained Feathers translated from Hebrew to English
The Korczyna Yizkor Book translated from Yiddish to English
The Jaslo Yizkor Book translated from Hebrew to English


Table of Contents

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 23 Apr 2019 by LA