Memorial Book
of the Martyrs of Krasnystaw

50°59' / 23°11'

Translation of
Yisker tsum ondenk fun kdoshey Krasnystaw

Editor: A. Stunzeiger

Munich 1948



Project Coordinator

Susan and Shawn Dilles


Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site

This is a translation of: Yisker tsum ondenk fun kdoshey Krasnystaw
(Memorial book of the martyrs of Krasnystaw),
Edited by A. Stunzeiger, Munich 1948 (Y 150 pages)

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TOC translated by Yael Chaver

Title Page and Publication Information Shmuel Zilbershteyn 1
Foreword Aryeh Shtuntsayger 5
Instead of an Introduction Ben Zuckerman 6
Krasnystaw (A Monograph) 8
Social Life in Krasnystaw
Political Parties and Organizations Aryeh Shtuntsayger 15
The “Club” Aryeh Shtuntsayger 19
The Ahavas-Achim Association Hershl Zitser 22
Jewish Artisans in Krasnystaw Aryeh Shtuntsayger 26
Cheders Aryeh Shtuntsayger 30
Study Houses Aryeh Shtuntsayger 34
Folk Characters of Krasnystaw
Jewish Wits Aryeh Shtuntsayger 41
Hassidic Types Ben Tsukerman 45
Idlers Yankev Shok 47
The Jewish Enlightenment Ben Tsukerman 51
A Few Memories L. Grinberg 55
The First Emigrants from Krasnystaw in America Ben Tsukerman 58
A Name Enveloped in Sanctity A. Gelberg 65
Shmuel Mordkhe Zygielbojm (Arthur): A Biography Y. Sh. Hertz 68
Ben Tsukerman L. Grinberg 91
The Destruction of Krasnystaw
The Extermination Aryeh Shtuntsayger 99
In Sacred Memory Mordechai Futerman 110
My Experiences During the Nazi Regime Yeshayahu Shtemer 114
List of the Jews Murdered in Krasnystaw 119
The Survivors Aryeh Shtuntsayger 129
My Last Visit to Krasnystaw Aryeh Shtuntsayger 136
Redress for Jewish Souls Noyekh Griss 142
List of Surviving Krasnystaw Jews 145
Notes of Thanks 147
Table of Contents 151


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