Partnership with Miriam Weiner
& The Routes to Roots Foundation

The JewishGen Belarus SIG is very pleased to announce a historic partnership with Miriam Weiner and The Routes to Roots Foundation (RTRF). As a result of this agreement we have received a large amount of material collected by Miriam during her 25+ years of working in the archives of Belarus.

Miriam is an internationally acclaimed genealogist who has been researching Eastern Europe for over 30 years. She has received 3 awards from the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies (IAJGS): the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award as well as awards for her two books Jewish Roots in Poland and Jewish Roots in the Ukraine and Moldava. Most recently Miriam was given Emeritus Status by the Board for Certification of Genealogists for her ground-breaking 30 year career in genealogy.

Miriam met with archivists throughout Belarus and received their official support for her proposal to identify surviving Jewish and civil records in their archives and thereafter include this material on the RTRF website. The archivists submitted "Acknowledgements" of this cooperation which appear on the RTRF website that describe their cooperation and enthusiasm for this project as well as their multiple reviews of the material. See below:

Among the materials included in Miriam’s historic collection are:

We are very pleased and honored to receive this unique and historic collection of materials and to share it with researchers. We wish to thank Miriam for her generosity and years of dedicated work in the field of genealogy.