Austria - Czech
Austria-Czech SIG Correspondence

  Occasionally we receive at our non-listserver mailbox at letters that, while not appropriate for posting on the list due to various reasons (topic thread has ended, topic not genealogic, etc.), we consider important to share with our members and web site guests. This web page will serve as our venue for posting those letters.  Just click on the topic or title link in the "Contents" list.

     We invite all readers to E-mail us with comments on our web site and the topics presented.  We also welcome comments on any aspect of current or historical interest regarding Jewish life in our geographic coverage area.  If you are not an AustriaCzech subscriber, Read our Info-File  (Use the Back button on your browser to return to this page)...then Subscribe to Austria-Czech SIG .


     I.  Kudos (pardon our pride)

     II.  The Prague Jewish Cemetery Rumor debunked

     III. An Enormous Irony - although not directly related to Austria-Czech SIG, a very interesting picture...

I.  Kudos

- From the GerSIG coordinator:

Mon, 17 Jan 2000 

    As coordinator of GerSig and moderator of its forum I have subscribed to most of the major SIG lists and skim the digests daily.
    I don't know who is moderating BohMor but I admire the work of your Mods and the quality of the posts.  It's a pity that JewishGen prohibits cross posting.  Much of your material could be of interest to OUR members.
      Congratulations on a fine list.

John Paul Lowens,  Executive Council
Jewish Genealogy Society (New York)
Permanent email address:

II. The Prague Jewish Cemetery Rumor

- from the Czech Ambassador to the Court of St. James

Tue, 18 Jan 2000 
On behalf of Micheline Gutmann from GenAmi, please find the following information received to-day:

"I have received a letter from the Czech Ambassador to the Court of St. James confirming that Prague's "Alt Neu Schul" Cemetery is not at risk of being built upon.  The Cemetery concerned is in Vladislavova Street and came to light after excavations in the area revealed its presence.  Although the Cemetery was closed at the end of the 15th Century, it has been built upon many times. A compromise has been reached between the Czech Ministry of Culture, the owner of the property and the Jewish Community in Prague.  As a result,  the owner and builder of the new building have had to adapt their plans, taking into account the Cemetery's status as a place of National Cultural Heritage and allowing free public access to the area."

I hope this is satisfactory for you.

Best regards,
Gerard MARX

If you have not yet seen our web page on the topic of the cemetery, go to 
Prague Cemetery Rumors Debunked
which contains a statement from the Jewish Community in Prague and its Chief Rabbi 
and a letter from the Czech Insurance Company 

From: "Robert H. Stern" <>
To: <>
Subject: An enormous irony

The attached photograph of a group of German/Jewish soldiers, taken during WWI is a marvelous irony.  Proud of both of their heritages, they stand in uniform, in front of their Chanukah menorah.  The picture is from the Holocaust Museum.  I do not believe they would object to your sharing it with members.

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