Memorial Book of the Community
of Radomsk and Vicinity

(Radomsko, Poland)

51°04' / 19°27'

Translation of
Sefer Yizkor le-Kehilat Radomsk ve-ha-seviva

Edited by: L. Losh

Published in Tel Aviv, Former residents of Radomsk, 1967


Project Coordinator

Gloria Berkenstat Freund


Yiddish translations by Gloria Berkenstat Freund
and Hebrew translations by Jerrold Landau


Our sincere appreciation to Chana Asch and the Nowo-Radomsker Society in Israel
for their permission to place the contents of the Radomsko Yizkor Book on the JewishGen
web site and to Pessach Fiszman, a master Yiddish teacher, for his guidance with the translations.

Our sincere appreciation to Stefanie Holzman for extracting the pictures from the original book,
enabling their addition to the project.

This is a translation from: Sefer yizkor le-kehilat Radomsk ve-ha-seviva;
(Memorial book of the community of Radomsk and vicinity),
Editors: L. Losh, Tel Aviv, Former residents of Radomsk, 1967 (H,Y, 603 pages).

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Radomsko

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fulfilling our mission of disseminating information about the Holocaust and destroyed Jewish communities.
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JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material for verification.
JewishGen is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions in the original work and cannot rewrite or edit the text to correct inaccuracies and/or omissions.
Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.


Irgun Yotzei Radomsko b'Yisroel
(Organization of Radomskers in Israel)

Tel Aviv, Hulda Street 9

Israel, Tevet 5729– January 1968

Distinguished Landsman and Dear Friends,

We have the honor herewith to deliver to you


The Yizkor Book in Memory

of Our Annihilated Radomsk Kehile


This book appears after 20 years of effort and difficulties, carried out by a small group of devoted landsleit volunteers in Israel, New York, Los Angeles and Argentina.

With the conclusion of this important work of commemoration, we have lit an eternal light to the memory of our Kehile and our martyrs and will ensure that this flame of light will not be extinguished.

We will cherish this book with honor and awe – read and breathe in its contents and sadness.

  With esteem and blessings
The one responsible for the publication
Y. Liberman
Sirkin Street 43, Givataim, Israel

8 Introduction
12 Chaim Goldberg z”l – Initiator & Promoter of this Radomsk Yizkor Book
15 Merciful G-d - El Maleh Rachamin
Chapter One – This is the History
17 The History of Radomsk
29 Portrait of the Town at the Beginning of the 20th Century
35 The Holy and the Pure
39 The Beginning of the Labor Movement (1905-1920)
43 The History of Radomsk
52 Remembrances of the Past
59 Personalities and Figures
66 The Beginning of the Jewish Workers' Movement
Chapter Two – The Secret of the Hassidut…
75 The Radomsk Dynasty
95 The Pleasant Singer Rabbi Shlomo
100 Great Rejoicing in the Hasidim Tents
104 The Rabbi's Beit Midrash
106 Lessons from Rabbi Tzvi Meir Rabinowicz, My Father of Blessed Memory, My Teacher
109 The “Shtiebel”
110 From the Tales of the Hasidim
111 Rabbi Shlomoh'le Radomsker
112 The Radomsker Dynasty
114 Hasidim – “Shtiblekh” – Minyonim (minions)
124 Reb Abraham'l Kalisz (“The Amszinower”)
Chapter Three – The Past Days
129 Portraits from the Past
131 I Bid Farewell to My Hometown
133 Avoiding a Pogrom
134 Sholem Aleichem Visits the City
135 Victims of the First World War
136 Community (Social Life) Activities in 1914/15
137 Jewish Self-Defense (Organization) in 1919
138 A Proclamation from the German Army During the First World War
Chapter Four – The Way of Life
141 I Remember…
143 Tale of a Keren-Kayemet (JNF) bowl
144 The “Tiferes” Shlomoh off “Kest”
145 Lives and Images
151 Encounters with Noworadomskers
154 A Wedding on the Jewish Cemetery
156 Three Generations of Water Carriers
157 On Our Heimish Stage
159 The Eternal Light of the Great Synagogue
Chapter Five – Economic Life
163 Sources of Livelihood and Employment
167 The Activity of the Artisans Federation
168 The Association of the Retailers
169 The Professional Worker's Union

Chapter Six – The Political-Social Life

173 From the History of the Zionist Movement in Radomsko
176 The Beginning of the Zionist Movement
178 The Creators of “Tze'irei Zion”
179 “Tze'irei Zion” Party
181 The United Party of Poalei Zion with the S.Z.
184 The National Religious Movements
186 The Revisionist Movement
186 The “HeChalutz” Movement
191 About Collective Community Life with Pails on Shoulders
192 The “Hashomer Hatzair's Nest”
193 The “Bazaars” of the Jewish National Fund
195 The people in the training (“Hachshara”) tell stories
200 Zionism and Socialism in 1906
201 “Tzeire Zion” in 1917-1920
201 The Workers Party, “Fareinikte”
202 The “Paole Zion” in 1916-1922
207 The Leftist Party “Poale Zion”
209 The Radomsker Bund
210 The Zionist Worker's Party – “Histadrut”
211 The Activities of “Keren Kayemet Le Yisroel”
214 The “Agudas Israel”
217 The General Zionists of “Hashomer Hatzair”
218 The Division of “Hashomer Hatzair”
219 The Youth Organization – “Freiheit”
222 “Halutzim” Make “Aliyah” to “Eretz Yizroel”
222 The Noworadomsker “Patronet” in New York
224 Arlozorov Work Committee in Radomsk
The material in the above chapter was arranged in the following order: movements and political parties; associations and organizations of the young; general descriptions.
Chapter Seven – The Social Institutions
227 “Justice League” & “Bikur Holim”
228 The “Chevra Kadisha”
229 The Jewish “Kehile”
232 In the General City Managing Committee
235 The Khevra Kadisha and Its Workers
237 Institutions for Social Assistance
240 “Beis-Lekhem” – Bread for the Needy
240 Philanthropic-Construction Aid Activities
Chapter Eight – Culture and Education
245 Sources of Livelihood and Employment
251 Educational and Cultural Institutions
257 The Song of “Hazamir”
259 “Kultura” – Its Goals and Active Workers
263 “Malemedim” – Teachers – Educators
265 “Beis Yakov” School
266 The Sholom-Aleichem Library
268 The Jewish Sports Clubs
270 The Children's Home Named After Dr. Mitelman
Writers and Artists
272 Hirsch-Dovid Nomberg
274 H. D. Numberg – The Child Prodigy of Radomsk
275 Two Songs
276 David Kalay (Gold)
280 Khanina-Yosef Koshitski
283 Prof. Isak Zaks
283 The Cantata of Y. Zaks to the Poem, “Mul Hayeshimoon” of A. Szlonski
284 The Art Circle of Prof. Yitzhak Zaks
285 The Painter Natan Szpigel
286 Yakov Cytronowicz
286 A. B. Cerata – Intimate Portrait
288 Old-fashioned Singing
Chapter Nine – Holocaust and Revenge
301 A diary from the period of horrors
309 The Medical Service in the Ghetto
312 The Deceits of the “Swastika” Bearers
319 Chapters of Memoirs of a Ghetto Girl
324 Contacts with the Partisans
346 The “Megillah” of Suffering
363 The Last Jews in Radomsk
372 In the Ghetto and in “HASAG”
376 The “Aryan”
377 The Shooting at the German Embassy in Paris
379 Herszl Grynszpan
380 Monjek Rayngewirc
381 Mendl Fiszelewicz
Chapter Ten -- Salvaged Tales
395 During the Opening of the Treblinka Mausoleum
395 Scattered and Spread Across the Whole of Europe
398 The First Month of Nazi Rule
400 In the Nightmare of the Bunkers
401 Radomsker Jews in Skarzysker 'Hasag'
405 On the Burning Ruin
406 A Letter to a Friend in “Eretz-Yisroel”
407 The Escape to Russia
407 The Roads and Detours to a New Life
409 How I Survived
410 From Cold Siberia to the Sunny Homeland
413 In the City of our Tragedy
415 A Visit to Radomsk in 1960
Chapter Eleven – Images and Portraits
420 Radomsker “Landsleit” in Israel and in the Diaspora Memorialize the Memory of Our Victims
430 Family Photographs and Appreciations
455 Community Personalities and Concerns
467 Religious Figures and Clergy
472 Party Workers
The above chapter was assembled from material that was received from “landsleit” in Israel and the Diaspora, in response to a general solicitation by the Book Committee to immortalize the memory of family members, relatives, friends and acquaintances in this special chapter. All appreciations and notes were placed here in alphabetical order according to family names, using the language of the source and without changes in the submitted material.
Chapter Twelve – Radomsk Region
485 Brzeźnica (Hebrew)
486 Włoszczowa (Hebrew)
486 Sulmierzyce (Hebrew)
486 Pławno-Gidle (Gidzel) (Hebrew)
488 Przedbórz (Hebrew)
490 The Przedbórzer Dynasty
492 Kleszczów (Hebrew)
492 Kaminsk (Hebrew)
494 Rozprza (Hebrew)
495 Szczulkow-Podszwierk (Hebrew)
495 Rabbi Dovidl Lelewer
496 Gidzel (Gidle)
Chapter Thirteen – Radomsk in the World
499 The Nowo-Radomsker Society in the United States of America
517 The Aid Organization in Los Angeles
519 Radomskers in Argentina
521 The United “Landsmanschaft” in France
524 Nowo-Radomsker Center in Melbourne
The English segments in the first essays [in the above chapter] were assembled by Harry Rudnicki in New York during his visit to Israel in the month of May 1967.
Chapter Fourteen – Radomsk in Israel
538 The History of Radomsker Immigration to Palestine and Landsmanschaft Activities in Israel
550 Radomskers Who Passed Away in Israel
551 In Memory of the Dead in Israel (Hebrew)
Chapter Fifteen – Supplemental Material
578 Mr. Yitzhak-Shmuel Rozenblat, of Blessed Memory (Hebrew)
579 Yaacov Eilam (Buchman) z”l (Hebrew)
580 David Konitspoler, of Blessed Memory (Hebrew)
581 Index of the Photographs
585 Index of Names
601 Contents
604 The Last Photograph of May 1967
In each chapter the material first appears in Hebrew and then in Yiddish. The table of contents of each chapter [appears on] its title page (from the second chapter). [The contents] of all its chapters also appear at the end of the book.

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field
Contact person for this translation Gloria Berkenstat Freund
This web page created by Mike Kalt

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Updated 19 Aug 2024 by JH