Zhivotov Families

Kiev gubernia

The family of JoAnne Vanett (Vinnitskii)

JoAnne Vanett sent family pictures taken in Zhivotov and in transit along the path her family took from Zhivotov to Kishinev to Bucharest to New York City.

Vinnetskii family 1913   Feige Vinnetskii and daughters
Vinnitskii family, cerca 1913.
Avrum-Yitzhok, with 2nd wife Feige Belenky. Feige was the sister of his 1st wife Rachel (in photo below).
  Passport photo for Feige Vinnitskii and her daughters. 1921-1922.


Moise and Ruchel Vinetski   Moise Vinetski and family
Moishe and his wife, Ruchel Rosenberg (of Zhivotov) born 1897, with son Tanchum, called Tuly (JoAnne's father). Tuly was born in Zhivotov on Sept. 26, 1918.
After they left Zhivotov, they lived in Roumania, where another son, Itzik-Yankel, was born in Bucharest on Nov. 25, 1921.
  This is their passport photo for their travel to the United States. They sailed from Cherbourg, France, to Ellis Island, New York.


Vinnetskii family
Moishe and Ruchel Vinnitskii and son Tanchum (Tuly).