Kiev gubernia

Some Towns of Kiev Gubernia

Berdichev Dashev Alztapol
Makhnovka Chergassy Zhivotov

Kiev City

Boguslav Uman
Korsun Gorodische Smela
Tetiev Novy Bug  



ShtetLinks for communities in Kiev Gubernia

ShtetLinks are individual webpages (or mini-websites) created by people with personal interests in a town. Frequently their ancestors lived in the towns. ShtetLinks are created from the heart, and can be as small or as large as the creator has time and material to add. More information on the ShtetLinks project is here.

We encourage you to create a ShtetLink for your favorite town. There's lots of support and help available.




inherited samovar This samovar of Webmaster Cherie Korer's great-great-grandmother is one of many treasures from Pavlovoch that you will find at the Pavlovich ShtetLink.


Other Town Links (not ShtetLinks)



Novy Bug

Kiev gubernia Duma Lists

Duma Lists, denoting eligible voters for assorted Russian elections, are very handy for genealogical research. They include the given and surname of the eligible voter, as well as their patronymic, and town of residence. You can browse the Kiev gub. Duma lists for the 3rd Duma in 1907, here.


Stavishtshe Story

"Esther Malka Spector was born on Purim in 1890, so she was named for Queen Esther rather than for a female ancestor. She was born in a shtetl in Ukraine called, by Jews, Stavisht, and by Russians, Stavishtshe."

Ida Schwarcz has preserved many of her memories about her mother and her mother's family, growing up in Stavishtshe, then immigrating to the U.S. You can read the story here.


Zaslav Business Directories

Daniel Kazez has compiled and translated the 1895, 1899, and 1903 Vsia Rossia (All-Russia Business Directory) for Zaslav. You can browse the lists here.