Chrzanow; the Life and Destruction
of a Jewish Shtetl

(Chrzanów, Poland)

50°08' / 19°24'

Translation of
Sefer Chrzanow; lebn un umkum fun a yidish shtetl

Edited by: Mordechai Bochner; Jonathan Boyarin, tr.

Published in Roslyn Harbor, NY: Solomon Gross, 1989 (Y,E)




Project Coordinator

Phyllis Goldberg z"l

Translations and permission given by

Jonathan Boyarin


This is a translation from: Sefer Chrzanow; lebn un umkum fun a yidish shtetl;
Chrzanow; the life and destruction of a Jewish shtetl. Ed. Mordechai Bochner;
Jonathan Boyarin, tr. Roslyn Harbor, NY: Solomon Gross, 1989 (Y,E)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Chrzanow (1989)

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A Word from the Publisher vii
Acknowledgement ix
Chrzanow Martyrs xi
Part I
Introduction 1
Foreword 7
General Overview 9
Occupations of the Chrzanow Jews 12
Rabbis in Chrzanow 18
Prominent Folks of the City 25
The Educational Institutions in Chrzanow 42
Philanthropic Institutions 47
The Jewish Nationalist Movement 51
Jewish Students in Chrzanow 58
Leisure Activities 61
Folklore 66
How Goodly Are Your Tents, 0 Jacob 77
Part II
Introduction 80
Before the War 82
The First Judenrat 90
The Year 1941 99
The Year 1942 104
The Year 1943 111
Reb Moyshe Bochner- A Tear for My Father 119
Supplement 126

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Updated 15 May 2013 by LA