JewishGen education

Mentored Group Study

Do you ever wish that you could search quickly and find that illusive information about one of your ancestors? Wish you could outguess the database you know holds the answer to your missing information?

Wonder why you need a different set of skills for each database? Frustrated? Wish there was a magic wand?

Join a Mentored Study group and let's work together as we explore the major subscription databases, JewishGen and some of the free resources. Amazing how much we can turn up sharing a problem.

The Savvy Searcher uses more than one source and more than one set of skills. The Savvy Searcher establishes a bag of tricks. The Savvy Searcher saves time. Let's work together to create a list of workarounds.

Instructional guides and assignments will be provided.

Students must feel comfortable with computers, with database research and with posting to the JewishGen forum. Class is open 24/7. Cost is $50 for two weeks. For information, please email the instructor, Nancy Holden, Director of Education.

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