JewishGen Danzig/Gdańsk Research Division Book List
The following books (and journal articles) concern Danzig Jewry, though they are not necessarily genealogical in nature. If you are aware of works that should be added to this list, or if you wish to write a review to appear here, please notify the SIG Coordinator.

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  • Dapim: Studies on the Shoah, edited by Asher Cohen, et al. New York: P. Lang, 1991. ISBN: 082040960X
  • Die Geschichte der Juden in Danzig, by Samuel Echt. Leer/Ostfriesland: Rautenberg, 1972. ISBN: 3792100959
  • From Danzig: An American Rabbi's Journey, by Wolli Kaelter with Gordon Cohn. Malibu, Calif.: Pangloss Press, 1997. ISBN: 0934710368
  • Echoes from the Holocaust: A Memoir, by Mira Ryczke Kimmelman. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1997. ISBN: 0870499688
  • Die Juden der Freien Stadt Danzig unter der Herrschaft des Nationalsozialismus, by Erwin Lichtenstein. Tuebingen: Mohr, 1973.
  • Bericht an meine Familie — ein Leben zwischen Danzig und Israel, by Erwin Lichtenstein. Darmstadt: H. Luchterhand Verlag, 1985. ISBN: 3472865946
  • On the Vistula Facing East, by Frank Meisler. London: André Deutsch Ltd., 1996. ISBN: 0233990224
    • Internationally-renowned Israeli sculptor Frank Meisler's Boss family lived in Danzig from at least 1807 (formerly, Den Bosch in Holland, and, originally, Boaz in Spain). These memoirs largely focus on Frank's childhood experiences in Danzig during the 1930s, including personal and intimate observations about anti-Semitism and the rise of Nazism in the city, the exploits of his Danzig family, and his early adulthood in England, where he was sent via the Kindertransport from Danzig. High on Danzig atmospherics and an engaging read. Contains mature themes.
  • Escape from Berlin, by Peter Nash. Impact Press, 2017. ISBN: 9781925384338
    • Includes information about genealogist Peter Nash's Kleemann family from Danzig.
  • Gestritten, gekämpft und gelitten: von Danzig nach Erez Israel, bei der britischen Armee in Nordafrika, mit der "Jewish Brigade Group" durch Italien, Deutschland, Holland und Belgien, dann Offizier in der israelischen Armee 1923-1948, by Sami Scharon. Konstanz: Hartung-Gorre, 2002. ISBN: 3896497618
  • Sozialgeschichte der Danziger Juden im 19. Jahrhundert, by Michael K. Schulz. Berlin: be.bra Verlag, 2020. ISBN: 9783954102600
  • Danzig 1939: Treasures of a Destroyed Community, edited by Sheila Schwartz. Wayne State University Press, 1980. ISBN: 081431662X
  • Zur Geschichte der Juden in Danzig, by Abraham Stein. Monatsschrift für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 6, 1857.
    • Translation project underway! Supposedly, the first written history of Danzig Jewry. Its author, Dr. Abraham Stein, was the first liberal rabbi in Danzig (Altschottland).
  • Yehude Dantsig, 1840-1943: hit'arut, ma'avak, hatsalah, by Eliyahu Stern. Tel Aviv, 1983.
  • Korotehem shel Yehude Dantsig me-az ha-emantsipatsyah ve-'ad ha-gerush bi-yeme ha-shilton ha-Natsi
    קורותיהם של יהודי דאנציג מאז האמנציפאציה ועד הגרוש בימי השלטון הנאצי
    , by Eliyahu Stern. Jerusalem, 1978.
  • Der Preußische Staat und die Juden, by Selma Stern. Tübingen: Mohr, 1962-1971.
    • Four volumes — which chapter(s) concern Danzig?
  • Emanzipation in Stadt und Staat: Die Judenpolitik in Danzig 1807-1847, by Michał Szulc. Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, 2016. ISBN: 9783835318533
    • Available online courtesy of the Institut für die Geschichte der deutschen Juden in Hamburg.
  • Danzig, Between East and West: Aspects of Modern Jewish History, edited by Isadore Twersky. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1985. ISBN: 0674192559
  • 'Gdańsk' in Pinkas HaKehillot Polin, v. VI, edited by Abraham Wein and Rachel Grossbaum-Pasternak. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 1999.

The Danzig/Gdańsk Research Division is not responsible for the content of these works. Listings here should not be construed as endorsements by the Research Division.