Entrees: Cabbage Borsch

By Eliana

Related to: General

The Cooks: Sophia/Sheva (GUREVICH) AISIN

5 liters of water
1 kg of meat -- muscles and/or ribs and/or marrow, cut in big squares
1/2 kg of white cabbage, cut in halves
2 onions cut in rings
1 clove garlic
1 grated beetroot
1 sweet potato cut in round slices
1 potato cut in round slices
1 carrot cut in round slices
1/2 kg of tomatoes, cooked alone until very soft, then crush with a fork; keep this water;
put salt, pepper, bay leaf
1 lemon -- its juice
2 tablespoons full of sugar

Put the water, the meats and bones in a big pan, with the seasonings, cover the pan and cook for about 3 hours, until the meat is very soft. In the begginning use a high temperature, then, when it's boiling, a very low temperature. If it's a pressure cooker, it's less time.

Take out the meats and bones from the pan, leaving the water. Put all the vegetables in this water, and add the tomato water, too. Cook for about 40 minutes. Put the meats and bones back in the pan, add lemon and sugar and leave 5 or 10 more minutes cooking.
Serve it very hot.