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Am looking for relatives of my Grandfather Victor Novak that I was unaware of. Michal is his father;s name and his mother was Basia. I with the assistance of an actual long lost cousin have listed names on the family tree, but have very little on information beyond first names, but no one says we are spelling it correctly. They are about 90% from a town once called CHERSON, their records read CHEREON.Our last name was spelled so many different ways prior to their coming to Canada. Most who would be great aunts and uncles would be born here.

Generation Directly Below Michal and Basia (Am only entering FIRST NAMES)

Victor, Samuel, Hinda, Max,Toba, Sadie, Sophie could be missing a few. These are direct descendants of Michal and Basia. Hinda was a cousin.

These are the names of those who come from Masc Novak, Michal's brother

Sarah, Sam, Stan (who changed the name to Sol Novar)

Children of the above, this would make 2nd generation (will show their family name

Martin Novak
Marcia Novak
Melvin Challem
Jack Challem
Malcolm Novar
Peter Novar
Phyllis Hochmitz
Muriel HochmitZ
Eleanor Hochmitz
Shirley Novak
Saul Novak
Ruth Novak
Minnie Novak
Fay Novak
Evelyn Novak
Milton Novack
Carl Novack
Martin Abrams
Shirley Abrams
Sydney Shatsky
These would ALL be first cousins to my father HYMAN NOVAK and my UNCLE MICHEAL NOVAK

Fay Farovitch
Issie Farovitch
Jennie Farovitch
Sue Farovitch
These are the names of the above UNCLE's Children

Actual Reason for this Search

It wasn't until I was contact by the great great grandson of my Great Aunt did I even know all these folks existed. For some reason neither my grandfather Victor Novak. my father Hyman Novak ever talked about the family, More or less the only ones I knew was my dad's Aunt Toba, and his 1st cousins Milton and Carl Novack.
After my father passed away 9 years ago I thought there was really no one left except my late Uncle's family.
Now I need to find out whatever I can and make sure nieces and nephews and further generation will have something to look at and see they do come from a big family.
IF you see a name could be parent, grandparent, you, please contact me and let me know. I need to know for my satisfaction and get the families together again even if none of us know why the big separation

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