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Joshua Getz

1315 McConnell Drive
Decatur, GA 30033

Gec (Getz) family lived in Brzostowica, Poland

Sztejn (Stein) Family

The earliest known of our family is Zavl Sztejn (Stein), deceased sometime around 1936. We don't know his first wife's name. His second wife was Frejdl. Zavl had at least 2 children, a son and a daughter. The son's name was Yankiel Szetejn and the daughter's name was Malka, who married a Mr. Kash.
Yankiel married Feiga and they had 2 children, a son and daughter. The daughter's name was Michla and the son's name was Motl. Malka Kash lived in Swisloszc, Poland.

Poliaczek Family

Sara Poliaczek, whose maiden name was Sztejn, married Ysrael Poliaczek. Their daughters weres Malka, Michla and Fejga. Their son was Yankiel. The family lived in Brzostowica, Poland.

Gec (Getz) Family

Isaak Gec had 2 sons whose names were Mojzesz and Feivl, and one daughter, whose name was Sara. Mojzesz was married to Bejla Sztejn. They had 2 sons named Iaak and Berl, and a daughter named Michla.

Feivl was married to Yenta and they had 2 children, Ida and Nache. I think they also lived in Brzostowica.

Fuks Family

Sara Fuks (nee Gec) married Leiser Fuks and they had 2 children, a son Isaak and a daughter whose name is not remembered. They lived in Swisloszc

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