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Selected records for people who might be A.L. Bell's relatives

by A.L. Bell

Surname First name Patronymic or fathers name Shtetl Rank or class Type of record Information in record Organization issuing record Publication where record appeared Date Notes
Danishevsky Isaak Nokhim Minsk - Business directory Soap manufacturer Vsia Rossiya 189? Year when entries arranged by town.
Danyushevskij Berko - Stolptz Burgher House sale Sale 16-Sep-1870. Selling wooden house for back taxes. Minsk District Court Minsk Vedomosti 1870 Issue 35; page ?
Dubrovenskij Berko Yankel's son Parichi Burgher Leaving the merchants' guild. Failed to come up with the capital required to stay in the guild by the date required. Minsk Kazennaya Palata Minsk Vedomosti 15-Jul-1855 Issue number 28; page 148.
Dubrovenskij Lejba Berko's son Parichi Burgher Leaving the merchants' guild. Failed to come up with the capital required to stay in the guild by the date required. Minsk Kazennaya Palata Minsk Vedomosti 15-Jul-1855 Issue number 28; page 148.
Dubrovenskij Yankel Shevelev Parichi Burgher Leaving the merchants' guild. Failed to come up with the capital required to stay in the guild by the date required. Minsk Kazennaya Palata Minsk Vedomosti 15-Jul-1855 Issue number 28; page 148.
Dubrovich Elya Yankelevich Nesvizh - Draft Failed to show up for 1874 call-up. Minsk draft board (?) Minsk Vedomosti 7-Aug-1876 Issue number 31; page 461.
Dubrovskij Aron Kofshanov Gorvol - Property and capital wanted 4 ruble fine by the Minsk Kazennaya Palata for operating a handicraft establishment without a legal certificate. Rechitza District Police Board Minsk Vedomosti 29-Apr-1872 Issue number 17; page 198
Dubrovskij Ginda Lejba Kholmech - Property and capital wanted 90 rubles in back taxes. Minsk Kazennaya Palata Minsk Vedomosti 29-May-1893 Issue number 40; supplement
Dubrovskij Movsha Volkovich Rechitza District Burgher Jury duty June session. Rechitza District court Minsk Vedomosti 6-Jan-1910 Issue number 2; page 1.
Dvorin Lejba Itzkov Mozyr Burgher Draft Failed to show up for the call-up. Mozyr District Draft Office Minsk Vedomosti 21-May-1877 Issue number 20; page 242.
Dvorin Shmujla Zalmanov Mozyr Burgher Draft Failed to show up for the call-up. Mozyr District Draft Office Minsk Vedomosti 21-May-1877 Issue number 20; page 242.
Ezerskij Abram - Rechitza Burgher Estate problems Had the magistrate slap a lien on the property of the late Khaim-Lejba Serebryannyj because of 995 rubles 67 kopecks in debts. Rechitza City Magistrate


Minsk Vedomosti




Issue number 7; page 81


Eserskij Nokhim Gilerov Rechitza Junior grade reserve officer Lost discharge card Lost military discharge card issued by the 120th infantry Serpukovskij regiment October 1895, at Number 44/1, and also lost his passport, issued by the Rechitza City Board at 7 April 1899, at Number 322. Rechitza City Police Board Minsk Vedomosti 18-Mar-1900 Issue number 22; page 4
Gurvich Itzko Khaimov Rechitza Burgher House auction Decree 12-Dec-

1875. Sale 25 February 1876 of a wooden house and old wooden shop in Bragin, on land owned by Akim Konoplin, to cover 30 rubles in fines in fines.

Rechitza District Police Board


Minsk Vedomosti




Issue number 4; page 4


Gurvich Nokhim - Rechitza Third guild merchant's son Property transfer Bought a house in Loev 23-Nov-1855 for 300 rubles from Movsha Mariamov, a third guild merchant from Chernigov. Rechitza District Court Minsk Vedomosti 16-Dec-1855 Issue number ?; page 273.
Gurvich Volko Notovich Bragin Burgher Draft Born in 1855. Failed to show up for 1876 call-up. Rechitza District Conscription Office Minsk Vedomosti 15-Jan-1877 Issue number 2; page 15
Iserlin Iser Evnov Slutzk Burgher Leaving the merchants' guild. Failed to come up with the capital required to stay in the guild by the date required. Minsk Kazennaya Palata Minsk Vedomosti 15-Jul-1855 Issue number 28; page 148.
Levin - - Bragin - Business owner Cakes Vsia Rossiya Vsia Rossiya 1895 -
Levin Movsha Elev Mozyr Burgher House ssale Sale 25-Jul-1855. House in the city of Mozyr, on its own land, on Slutzk Lane, near the Hebrew school, assessed at 600 rubles, for 190 rubles in debts to Edward Braunes. Mozyr District Court Minsk Vedomosti 25-Mar-1855 Issue number 12; page 67.
Levin Cherna Shlemov Mozyr Burgher House ssale Sale 25-Jul-1855. House in the city of Mozyr, on its own land, on Slutzk Lane, near the Hebrew school, assessed at 600 rubles, for 190 rubles in debts to Edward Braunes. Mozyr District Court Minsk Vedomosti 25-Mar-1855 Issue number 12; page 67.
Milyavskij Erem-Iosel - Bragin Burgher House auction Decree 7-


1877. Sale 25 July of wooden house, barn and cow sheds in Bragin, assessed at 100 rubles, on land owned by Akim Konoplin, for 150 rubles in back taxes.
Rechitza District Police Board



Minsk Vedomosti




Issue number 24; page 313


Milyavskij Ersha Ioselev Bragin Burgher House auction Auction of house, barn, cattle shed in Bragin, on land owned by Akim Konoplin, for fines of 150 rubles. (Didn't copy the part of the notice with auction date on it. Sorry.) Rechitza District Police Board Minsk Vedomosti 25-Dec-1876 Issue number 51; page 823
Milavskij Isar - Bragin Hebrew Wanted Notice 7-


1853, at Number 12,979. Age: 32. Hair and brows: dark brown. Eyes: chestnut. Height: below average.
Rechitza Land Court


Minsk Vedomosti




Issue number 37; supplement, page 2


Rasovskij Shmujla Lejbov Mozyr Burgher Draft Failed to show up for the call-up. Mozyr District Draft Office Minsk Vedomosti 21-May-1877 Issue number 20; page 242.
Ravikovich Ajzik - Bragin Third guild merchant Property and capital wanted 12 rubles in arrears on korobka (kosher meat box) taxes for 1850 and 1851. Rechitza District Police Board Minsk Vedomosti 28-Feb-1876 Issue number 8; page 96
Ravikovich Beniyamin Movshovich Rechita Third guild merchant Korobka tax lease Leased the rights to collect the kosher meat box taxes (korobka taxes) for 1840-

1843, for 3,760 rubles for Bragin, and 1,290 rubles for Khojniki

Minsk Gubernya Kazennaya Palata?


Minsk Vedomosti


Sep-1839  Issue number 35; page number?
Ravikovich Beniamin Movshov Bragin Burgher Wanted For cutting down enough trees on the woods on Graf Ludvig Rokicki's (Rokitzkij) dacha to make 200,000 staves. Rechitza District Police Board Minsk Vedomosti 9-Feb-1880 Issue number 6; page 64
Ravikovich Berko Itzkovich Bragin Burgher Draft Born in 1855. Failed to show up for the 1876 call-up. Rechitza District Police Board Minsk Vedomosti 15-Jan-1877 Issue number 2; page 15
Ravikovich Girsh Aronov Rechitza District Burgher Jury duty 1901 session Rechitza District courts Minsk Vedomosti 23-Sep-1900 Issue number 74; page 1
Ravikovich Isar Movshov Bragin Burgher House auction Decree 10-Jun-1880. Sale 14-Aug-1880 of one-

story wooden house with outhouses, assessed at 660 rubles, on Bragin town land, for 2,713 rubles 24 kopecks in arrears on the rent for the rights to the Bragin box tax lease.

Rechitza District Police Board


Minsk Vedomosti




Issue number 30; page 454


Ravikovich Pinkhus - Bragin Hebrew House auction House to be sold 19-Jul-1855 to satisfy 120 rubles in arrears on the Bragin korobka (kosher meat box) taxes. Rechitza District Court Minsk Vedomosti 13-May-1855 Issue number 19; page 101
Rozov Itzka Pinkhus's son Dokshitz Burgher Property sale Sale 19-Nov-1876. Selling sheds and other property to be sold for failure to pay revision list taxes. Borisov District Police Board Minsk Vedomosti 23-Oct-1876 Issue number 42; page 630.
Rozov Pinkhus Mikhelev Dokshitz Burgher Property sale Sheds and other property to be sold for failure to pay revision list taxes. Borisov District Police Board Minsk Vedomosti 23-Oct-1876 Issue number 42; page 630.
Rozovskij - - - - Civil court docket Hearing 30-May-1872. Sought with Vilenchik, Maseya, Bungik and Purt by Amelkar Skochinskij, a nobleman. Minsk Palace Criminal and Civil Court Minsk Vedomosti 17-May-1872 Issue number 21; page 260.
Rozovskij - - Mozyr Artisan Property and capital wanted; For 9 rubles 65 kopecks in fines owed to the treasury; Minsk Gubernya Board; Minsk Vedomosti 23-Apr-1877 Issue number 16; page 187.
Rozovskij Abram Lejbov Novograd Volynskij Third guild merchant Property transfer Bought a house 29-Jul-1855 for 800 rubles from Merka Lejzerov, a widow, and her son, Osher Berkov Ionikhov. Minsk Palace Civil Court Minsk Vedomosti 16-Dec-1855 Issue number ?; page 273.
Rozovskij Abram Volfovich Slutzk Burgher Lost passport Issued by Slutzk 22-Aug-1891 at Number 1742. Elder spokesman for the Slutzk Burgher Board Minsk Vedomosti 2-Feb-1893 Issue number 12; page 4.
Rozovskij Berko - Stolptz Burgher House sale Sale 21-Sep-1870. Selling wooden house for back taxes. Minsk District Court Minsk Vedomosti 1870 Issue 35; page ?
Rozovskij Berko Mordukhovich Bobrujsk Guild merchant Jury duty Jury duty Bobrujsk Minsk Vedomosti 30-Sep-1900 Issue number 76; page 30.
Rozovskij Borukh Ovseev Bobrujsk Second guild merchant Wanted Needed for delivery on two promissory notes for 300 rubles; also seeking the property of Morgolin. Igumen District Police Board Minsk Vedomosti 31-Jul-1876 Issue number 30; page 444.
Rozovskij Boruch - Stolptz - Business directory Matchbox manufacturer. Vsia Rossiya 189? Year when entries arranged by town.
Rozovskij Dvora-Khasiela - Minsk Third guild merchant's wife Trip notice Going to Germany for the mineral waters for eight months. Minsk Gubernya Board Minsk Vedomosti 11-Mar-1860 Issue number 11; page 96.
Rozovskij Girsh-Nokhum Borukhov Stolptz - Draft Born in 1855, failed to show up for 1876 call-up. Ministry of Internal Affairs Minsk Vedomosti 17-Jul-1876 Issue number 28; page 409.
Rozovskij Khaim Lejzerov Uzda - Draft Failed to show up for 1876 call-up. Minsk draft board (?) Minsk Vedomosti 25-Sep-1876 Issue number 38; page 568.
Rozovskij Khaim Notov Uzda - Draft Failed to show up for 1876 call-up. Minsk draft board (?) Minsk Vedomosti 25-Sep-1876 Issue number 38; page 568.
Rozovskij Khaim Mordukhovich Bobrujsk Burgher Jury duty Jury duty Bobrujsk Minsk Vedomosti 30-Sep-1900 Issue number 76; page 30.
Rozovskij Khasia Shlemov Minsk? Burgher Property and capital wanted For 240 rubles 50 kopecks in pub taxes. Minsk Gubernya Board Minsk Vedomosti 20-Feb-1893 Issue number 15; supplement.
Rozovskij Meer Lejbov Romansk Burgher Property and capital wanted For 5 rubles 76 kopecks for not appearing on the revision list. Slutzk City Council Minsk Vedomosti 18-Jun-1877 Issue number 24; page 311.
Rozovskij Mordukh Khaimovich Bobrujsk Burgher Jury duty Jury duty Bobrujsk Minsk Vedomosti 30-Sep-1900 Issue number 76; page 30.
Rozovskij Movsha - Igumen - House sale Sale 20-Sep-1876. Selling wooden house on 27 square sazh. of city land, in fulfillment of 600 rubles in debts to Mr. Katz. Igumen District Police Board Minsk Vedomosti 28-Aug-1876 Issue number 34; page 505.
Rozovskij Movsha Evs. Romny - Business directory Soap manufacturer. (Romny is in Armyanskaya, Poltava Gubernya.) Vsia Rossiya 189? Year when entries arranged by town.
Rozovskij Movsha Vulfov Berezina - Draft Failed to show up for 1876 call-up. Minsk draft board (?) Minsk Vedomosti 25-Sep-1876 Issue number 38; page 568.
Rozovskij Naftoliya Sholomov Uzda - Draft Failed to show up for 1876 call-up. Minsk draft board (?) Minsk Vedomosti 25-Sep-1876 Issue number 38; page 568.
Rozovskij Ovsej Lejbovich Minsk Third guild merchant Trip notice Going to Germany for the mineral waters for eight months. Minsk Gubernya Board Minsk Vedomosti 11-Mar-1860 Issue number 11; page 96.
Rozovskij Shlioma Movshov Slutzk Burgher Property and capital wanted For 26 rubles 72 kopecks for not appearing on the revision list. Slutzk City Council Minsk Vedomosti 18-Jun-1877 Issue number 24; page 311.
Rozovskij Shmujlo Mikhelev Stolptz - Draft Born in 1855, failed to show up for 1876 call-up. Ministry of Internal Affairs Minsk Vedomosti 17-Jul-1876 Issue number 28; page 409.
Rozovskij Skhariya Berkov Stolptz - Draft Born in 1855, failed to show up for 1876 call-up. Ministry of Internal Affairs Minsk Vedomosti 17-Jul-1876 Issue number 28; page 409.
Rozovskij Vulf Girshov Mogilev - Draft Failed to show up for 1876 call-up. Minsk draft board (?) Minsk Vedomosti 25-Sep-1876 Issue number 38; page 568.
Rudzitzkij Zelman Itzkov Stolptz - Draft Born in 1855, failed to show up for 1876 call-up. Ministry of Internal Affairs Minsk Vedomosti 17-Jul-1876 Issue number 28; page 409.
Rudzkinskij Abram-Itzko Shmujlov Minsk - Draft Born in 1855, failed to show up for 1876 call-up. Ministry of Internal Affairs Minsk Vedomosti 17-Jul-1876 Issue number 28; page 409.
Rudzitzkij Basya - Stolptz Burgher House sale Sale 15-Sep-1870. Selling wooden house for back taxes. Minsk District Court Minsk Vedomosti 1870 Issue 35; page ?
Rudnitzkij Maria - Bobrujsk Landowner Property sale Sale 3-Feb-1855. Horned cattle and horses appraised at 117 rubles for 114 rubles 57.5 kopecks in arrears on liquor taxes. Bobrujsk District Court Minsk Vedomosti 28-Jan-1855 Issue 4; page 23.
Rudnitzkij Martzela - Bobrujsk Landowner Property sale Sale 3-Feb-1855. Horned cattle and horses appraised at 117 rubles for 114 rubles 57.5 kopecks in arrears on liquor taxes. Bobrujsk District Court Minsk Vedomosti 28-Jan-1855 Issue 4; page 23.
Rudzitzkij Maryasa - Stolptz Burgher House sale Sale 15-Sep-1870. Selling wooden house for back taxes. Minsk District Court Minsk Vedomosti 1870 Issue 35; page ?
Rudzitzkij Pesya - Stolptz Burgher House sale Sale 16-Sep-1870. Selling wooden house for back taxes. Minsk District Court Minsk Vedomosti 1870 Issue 35; page ?
Rudzitzkij Yankel - Stolptz Burgher House sale Sale 15-Sep-1870. Selling wooden house for back taxes. Minsk District Court Minsk Vedomosti 1870 Issue 35; page ?
Rudzitzkij Rokhla - Stolptz Burgher House sale Sale 15-Sep-1870. Selling wooden house for back taxes. Minsk District Court Minsk Vedomosti 1870 Issue 35; page ?
Serebryanaya - - Bragin - Business owner Flour Vsia Rossiya Vsia Rossiya 1895 -
Serebryannyj - - Loev - Business owner Bread Vsia Rossiya Vsia Rossiya 1895 -
Serebryanij Ajzik Menakimov Loev Burgher Pub lease Notice at 4-Feb-1891, Number 23. Got the lease for a tavern (korchma) in Loev, or had some problems with an existing korchma lease. Rechitza District Police Board Minsk Vedomosti 6-Jan-1893 Issue number 2; page 3
Serebryannyj E. - Bragin - Business owner Manufacturing Vsia Rossiya Vsia Rossiya 1895 -
Serebryanskij Elya Zalmanov Rechitza District Burgher Jury duty 1901 session Rechitza District courts Minsk Vedomosti 23-Sep-1900 Issue number 74; page 1
Serebrennyj Fajtel Zimelevich Loev Burgher Draft Born in 1855. Failed to show up for 1876 call-up. Rechitza District Court Minsk Vedomosti 2-Sep-1855 Issue number 25; page 188
Serebryannyj Khaim-Lejba - Loev Burgher, deceased Estate problems Magistrate put a lien on his property because of 995 rubles 67 kopecks in debts to Kazimir Artzimovich, a nobleman, and Abram Ezerskij, a Rechitza Hebrew burgher. Rechitza City Magistrate Minsk Vedomosti 13-Feb-1839 Issue number 7; page 81
Serebryannyj M. - Loev - Business owner Manufacturing Vsia Rossiya Vsia Rossiya 1895 -
Serebrennyj Meer Mikhelev Loev? Second guild merchant Summons Parties summoned (along with a lot of non-

Jewish parties) to help sort out an action against Lev Oskerk, trustee of some property in Loev; Sofia Lasch, the elder daughter of the late Graf Osip Judycki (Yudkitzkij in Russian); and Sofia's husband, Under Staff Captain Edmund Lasch, involving an extention of ownership and lease rights on land held by the late Graf Judycki.

Rechitza District Court


Minsk Vedomosti




Issue number 25; page 188


Tajtz Ajzik Vulfov Stolptz - Draft Born in 1855, failed to show up for 1876 call-up1. Ministry of Internal Affairs Minsk Vedomosti 17-Jul-1876 Issue number 28; page 409.
