Project: Assorted materials from wartime (1919-1921); copies of government anti-pogrom orders

Project Information

Status:Not Yet Started
Description:Assorted materials from wartime (1919-1921); copies of government anti-pogrom orders by the UNR; copies of anti-Jewish proclamations; copies of newspaper publications with informational reports, including those from the foreign press; on the pogrom in Zvenigorodok; request by representatives of the Evobshchestkom (Jewish Society Committee) not to destroy the local Jewish means of self-defense. Report from the Jewish Society Committee president on the emigration of Jews to the USA and Palestine across the Rumanian border, Russian, Ukrainian, Yiddish, 1919-1921, CAHJP HM2/9499.4.

Evobshchestkom, Kiev (Pogrom Victims' Aid Committee) another line in Hebrew/Yiddish script

GAKO Kiev, Fond 3050, Inv. 1, File 37

Web address of the Project:N/A
Geographic Area(s):Kiev (Town)Mogilev (Town)Zvenigorodka (Town)

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CAHJP Archival AcquisitionsGeneralArchives, Catalog of holdingsUkraine SIG researcher listed in Description


Acquire Documents Not assignedPendingAcquire assorted materials from wartime (1919-1921); copies of government anti-pogrom orders by the UNR; copies of anti-Jewish proclamations; copies of newspaper publications with informational reports, including those from the foreign press; on the pogrom in Zvenigorodok; request by representatives of the Evobshchestkom (Jewish Society Committee) not to destroy the local Jewish means of self-defense. Report from the Jewish Society Committee president on the emigration of Jews to the USA and Palestine across the Rumanian border, Russian, Ukrainian, Yiddish, 1919-1921, CAHJP HM2/9499.4.

Evobshchestkom, Kiev (Pogrom Victims' Aid Committee) another line in Hebrew/Yiddish script

GAKO Kiev, Fond 3050, Inv. 1, File 37

TranslationLinda ScattonNot Yet StartedTranslate assorted materials from wartime (1919-1921); copies of government anti-pogrom orders by the UNR; copies of anti-Jewish proclamations; copies of newspaper publications with informational reports, including those from the foreign press; on the pogrom in Zvenigorodok; request by representatives of the Evobshchestkom (Jewish Society Committee) not to destroy the local Jewish means of self-defense. Report from the Jewish Society Committee president on the emigration of Jews to the USA and Palestine across the Rumanian border, Russian, Ukrainian, Yiddish, 1919-1921, CAHJP HM2/9499.4.

Evobshchestkom, Kiev (Pogrom Victims' Aid Committee) another line in Hebrew/Yiddish script

GAKO Kiev, Fond 3050, Inv. 1, File 37

Dataset, Proofread & format data or document Not assignedPendingProofread assorted materials from wartime (1919-1921); copies of government anti-pogrom orders by the UNR; copies of anti-Jewish proclamations; copies of newspaper publications with informational reports, including those from the foreign press; on the pogrom in Zvenigorodok; request by representatives of the Evobshchestkom (Jewish Society Committee) not to destroy the local Jewish means of self-defense. Report from the Jewish Society Committee president on the emigration of Jews to the USA and Palestine across the Rumanian border, Russian, Ukrainian, Yiddish, 1919-1921, CAHJP HM2/9499.4.

Evobshchestkom, Kiev (Pogrom Victims' Aid Committee) another line in Hebrew/Yiddish script

GAKO Kiev, Fond 3050, Inv. 1, File 37

Dataset, Submit database to JG Not assignedPendingSubmit to JewishGen assorted materials from wartime (1919-1921); copies of government anti-pogrom orders by the UNR; copies of anti-Jewish proclamations; copies of newspaper publications with informational reports, including those from the foreign press; on the pogrom in Zvenigorodok; request by representatives of the Evobshchestkom (Jewish Society Committee) not to destroy the local Jewish means of self-defense. Report from the Jewish Society Committee president on the emigration of Jews to the USA and Palestine across the Rumanian border, Russian, Ukrainian, Yiddish, 1919-1921, CAHJP HM2/9499.4.

Evobshchestkom, Kiev (Pogrom Victims' Aid Committee) another line in Hebrew/Yiddish script

GAKO Kiev, Fond 3050, Inv. 1, File 37