Section4: Appendices

  • List of Reporters from Lazdey
  • Partial list of Personalities born in Lazdey
  • List of families from Lazdey who perished in the Holocaust

    Appendix 1.
    List of reporters from Lazdey to the Hebrew periodicals "HaMelitz" and "HaTsefirah".

    In"HaMelitz": Shmeriah Gisovsky, Tsvi-Aryeh Ginzburg, Avraham-Yitskhak Hurvitz, Yosef Meirberger, Shmuel Burak, Zalman-Mordekhai Bernshtein.

    In "HaTsefirah": Elyakum Levinzon, Yehudah Akhron.

    Appendix 2.
    Partial list of personalities born in Lazdey.

    Yisrael Prais (1869-1942), reporter and writer, from 1890 in USA, pioneer of spreading the "Chibath Zion" ideology among religious Jewish circles in America, published articles in the Hebrew periodicals "HaMelitz", "HaMagid" and HaTsefirah" and later in the Yiddish press in America. Published many books on Jewish historical themes.

    Yosef Akhron (1886- 1943) composer, violinist and teacher. Among his compositions:"Hebrew Tune", 3 concerts for violin, concert for piano and many more.

    Shmuel Bortn Sekler (1897-??), immigrated to USA, researcher and inventor.

    David Cohen (1901-murdered in 1941), painter.

    Yakov fon Idelson, in 1843 Russia's consul in Koenigsberg, despite being an apostate, helped Jews in trouble.

    Sarah Dushnitsky-Nishmith-Shner was born in Sejny in 1913, but lived from the age of twelve in Lazdey where she graduated in the Lithuanian high-school. Educational Psychology from Vilna University and B.A. in Classic Linguistics from Kovno University. During the school year 1939-1940 headmistress of the Teachers Seminar "Tarbuth" in Vilna. 1942-1944 with the partisans in the Belarus woods, from 1948 in Kibbutz Lokhamei HaGetaoth, writer and researcher of the Holocaust in the "Ghetto Fighters House". Published 2 books for children, books and stories and many articles mostly on research of the Holocaust.

    Appendix 3.
    List of Lazdey Jewish families who perished in the Holocaust, according to the streets in which they lived. (Compiled by Rivkah-nee Gershtein- and Ze'ev Mikhnovsky) [note: see also the alphabetical list of Lazdei's Holocaust Victims]

    Starishok Street (beginning from the bridge)

    1. Ozhekhov, Yitskhak
    2. Paulan, Binyamin
    3. Paulan, Efraim
    4. Paulan, Yosl and Payeh
    5. Falkovitz, Ber-Leib
    6. Falkovitz, Avraham
    7. Grudzin, Bertshik
    8. Dumbelsky
    9. Ribak
    10. Sider, Yekhezkel
    11. Mariampolsky, Getsel
    12. Matskibutsky, Mordekhai
    13. Punsky
    14. Dimant, Barukh-Shlomo
    15. Bas, Yosef-Heshl
    16. Epshtein, Moshe-David
    17. Punsky, Shmuel
    18. ---?---, Tsadok+Pantofel (daughter and husband)
    19. Pintshikhovsky (blacksmith)
    20. Bergzon, Dobrusha and sons
    21. Zilonsky, Zalman
    22. Mariampolsky, Barukh
    23. Zubritsky
    24. Shilingovsky, Reuven
    25. Prusak, Avraham
    26. Khoronzitsky
    27. Matskibutsky, Yerakhmiel
    28. Bas, Khaim
    29. Gershtein, Rabbi Ya'akov-Aryeh
    30. Man, Khaim-Yenkl
    31. Goldman, Alter
    32. Gibralter, Shimshon
    33. Ribak, Yosl-Henakh
    34. Einbinder, Alter
    35. Frank, Khloine
    36. The sisters Sarah and Heshka (seamstress)
    37. Leidman, Moshe
    38. Leidman, Khaim
    39. Bernshtein, Alter
    40. Man, Yitskhak and brother
    41. Smolan, and wife Feige
    42. Gisovsky, Leib
    43. Subartevitsky, Khaim
    44. Shats, Karpel

    The Alley between the Prusak and Khoronzitsky families

    45. Shimantshik, Elyakum
    46. Sveisky, Reuven
    47. Luksniansky, Yeshayahu
    48. Katkishky, Avraham nad wife Zlate (seamstress)
    49. Zef, Aba (mortician)
    50. Zusman, Mendel
    51. Lefkutz
    52. Kovalsky, Yisrael
    53. Polazdeisky
    54. Yakir (mortician)
    55. Yablon
    56. Paulan, Khaim Itsel
    57. Lefkutz
    58. Lefkutz, Zisel
    Starishok Street (continuation from the other side of the bridge)
    59. Rindzunsky
    60. ------------- (the shoemaker from Suwalk)
    61. Milikovsky (teacher)
    62. Shchupatsky, Avraham
    63. Vafner, Eli (Scriptures copier)
    64. Prager, Yisrael
    65. Prusak, Ya'akov
    66. Prusak, Shalom
    67. -------- Meir (taylor)
    68. Borovsky
    69. Ozhekhov, Yisrael
    70. Levin, Matityahu
    71. Groznik, Shmuel
    72. Gurvitz, Tsvi
    73. Prusak, Shmuel
    74. Paulan, Khaim Yitskhak
    75. Mariampolsky, Avraham
    76. Kantarovsky, Ya'akov
    77. Gorfinkel
    78. Kshevitsky-Luksiansky
    79. Zeligson
    80. Grudzin, Reuven
    81. Grudzin, Gershon
    82. Kufran, Malka and Kazys (survived thanks to her Lithuanian husband)
    83. Grudzin, Sarah
    84. Prusak, Eliyahu
    85. Prusak, Nekhama
    86. Kulitsky, Shmuel
    87. Levinzon, Note
    88. Reikher, David

    Around the Market Square

    89. Sider, Avraham
    90. Shmulkovsky, Yosl
    91. Finkelshtein, Barukh
    92. Gilary, Eliezer
    93. Rozenblum
    94. Golub, Zerakh
    95. Beker, Betsalel
    96. Smolsky
    97. Pilitovsky
    98. Kantorovsky-Mikhnovsky
    99. Meretsky, Asne
    100. Lishkov, Mordekhai
    101. Volovitsky, Velvl
    102. Volovitsky, Yosl
    103. Kantarovsky, Aba
    104. Shilibolsky, Kune
    105. Finkelshtein, Shepsl
    106. Shilingovsky, Shalom
    107. Kahanovitz
    108. Kalvareisky, Yisrael
    109. Shishlov, Mordekhai
    110. Aks, Yeshayahu
    111. Prusak, Leibush
    112. Khalote, Ya'akov
    113. Kubelsky (lawyer)
    114. Tsimerman
    115. Kreingel
    116. Kohen Alter
    117. Levin
    118. Kulesky, Bath-Sheva
    119. Broide, Pesakh
    120. Bergson
    121. As (barber)
    122. Idovitz
    123. Milman (teacher)
    124. Mirkes

    Kovna Street

    125. Markus, Sime
    126. Lipsky
    127. Kalir, Menakhem (cantor) immigrated to Eretz Yisrael before the war
    128. Pilitovsky, Yakir
    129. Krasnopolsky
    130. Baranovsky, Khaim-Shimon
    131. Krikshtansky, brothers
    132. Abramovitz, Ane
    133. Kaufman, Shlomo
    134. Soloveitshik
    135. Oftshinsky, Yosl
    136. Prusak, Eliyahu
    137. Klibansky+Liberman, Naftaly
    138. Hakhnokhi
    139. Lefkutz
    140. Katsenelenboigen
    141. Shapira
    142. Voltshansky
    143. Khoronzitsky
    144. Dzivak Kalman
    145. Kohen, Ya'akov-Yosl
    146. --------, Eli (poultry merchant)
    147. Pintshikhovsky, David
    148. Rabinovitz, Mordekhai-Velvl
    149. Doberman, David
    150. Zavatsky, Avraham
    151. Zavatsky, Yitskhak
    152. Sokol
    153. Sider, Leib (oven builder)
    154. Gerdasky, Shmerl
    155. Getker
    156. Levin (hatter)
    157. Levin, Velvl
    158. Zinger (tailor)
    159. Liubovitz, Peshe
    160. Prusak, Khaim-Yosl
    161. Okunevitz, Khaim-Mendl
    162. Berkman
    163. Breitbord
    164. Tenenboim, Khaim

    Seiny Street

    165. Titevsky, Yeshayahu
    166. Kopilovsky, David
    167. Okunevitz, Moshe
    168. Paulan and sons Iser, Aba, Shlomo, Nakhum and married sister Khayah
    169. Lipshtein
    170. Paulan, Asne
    171. Dunsky, Avraham (baker)
    172. Dunsky (bank clerk)
    173. Paulan, Berl-Zelig
    174. Norkin
    175. Dushnitsky
    176. Lisovsky
    177. Paulan, Meir
    178. Rubinshtein, Motl
    179. Paulan, Moshe-Mikhel
    180. Shilingovsky
    181. Yurzditsin, Yisrael
    182. Brozovsky, Shepsl
    183. Polazdeisky
    184. Sheiman
    185. Navisky, Iser
    186. Paulan, David
    187. Tsvikler, Sarah-Ita
    188. Dvorsky, Reuven
    189. Shtabinsky
    190. Mark, Khaim
    191. Gibralter, Barukh
    192. Ginzburg (doctor)
    193. Paulan
    194. --------, Yosl and family (son in law of Moshe David Epshtein)
    195. Shtabinsky (rope maker)
    196. Prusak, Yosef
    197. Burak, Meir
    198. Burak, Iser
    199. Kovensky, Rukhama
    200. Levin-Kovensky

    Dumbli Street

    201. Domovitz (rabbi)
    202. Ratshkovsky, Iser
    203. Katkishky, Leib-Iser
    204. Rindzhunsky, Kopl
    205. Shimantshik, Binyamin
    206. A family of 4 persons, sister of Ane Abramovitz

    The estates in the vicinity of Lazdey

    207. Roslender (Sventezeris)
    208. Kalvareisky, Yosl (Barova)
    209. Kalvareisky, Alter (Barova)
    210. Pagirsky (Barova)
    211. Ziman (Barova)
    212. Gishtrovsky, Zerakh (Rali)
    213. Gurvitz (Katkishok)
    214. Leben (Nirovtse)
    215. Shapira, Moshe (Milotshisky)
    216. Zef Moshe (Bukta)

    Copyright ©2000, Yosef Rosin

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