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Korelitzer Society

(Korelichi, Novogrudok uezd, Minsk gubernia, Latitude: 53º34' Longitude: 26º08')

contributed by Jerry Seligsohn

This society is based on the Belarus town of Korelichi, 101 Km. SW of Minsk. Organized in 1904 it assumed the duties of a burial society as well as providing for loans to its members. It owned plots in Beth Moses and Mount Judah. The records deal with the dissolution of the society, maps of the graves of the deceased, ledgers dealing with financial records, dues payments, membership, loan funds and savings. Minutes books deal with meeting notes and financial matters. The stubs in a cemetery receipt book recorded burials. Please do not hold me to absolute correctness in the spelling of names as the names were inscribed by hand and often required some guesswork 

Click here for information about accessing landsmanshaften records at YIVO.

Click here for "An Intelligent Layman's Guide to Viewing Landsmenshaften, Benevolent Societies, and Burial Societies".

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  

SURNAME Given name Source
ABRAMOWITZ M 1942 receipts
AISCOWICH   1963 receipts
ARICK Mrs P 1963 receipts
ARICK N 1963 receipts
ARIENS Mrs P 1942 receipts

SURNAMEGiven nameSource
BANKOFF Mrs A 1963 receipts
BAREISH Phil 1963 receipts
BAREISH Philip 1942 receipts
BARIESH H 1942 receipts
BENIN W 1942 receipts
BENNIN Robert 1963 receipts
BENNIN W 1963 receipts
BENSON M 1942 receipts
BERKOWITZ A 1942 receipts
BERKOWITZ H 1942 receipts
BERKOWITZ J 1942 receipts
BERKOWITZ M 1942 receipts
BERKOWITZ M 1963 receipts
BERKOWITZ M2 1942 receipts
BERKOWITZ Mrs H 1963 receipts
BERKOWITZ Mrs Rose 1963 receipts
BERKOWITZ W 1942 receipts
BLAUFARB Harry 1963 receipts
BRANDSDORFER Oscar 1963 receipts
BROWN M E 1942 receipts
BROWN M E 1963 receipts
BRUNWASSER H 1942 receipts
BRUNWASSER H 1963 receipts
BUDNER I 1942 receipts
BUDNER S 1942 receipts

SURNAMEGiven nameSource
CAGAN J 1963 receipts
CAGAN S 1963 receipts
CANTOR A 1942 receipts
CANTOR I 1963 receipts
CARTER Ph 1963 receipts
CARTER Rh 1942 receipts
CHAIKELES Mr and Mrs A 1942 receipts
CHAPNICK Al 1963 receipts
CHARNOFF L 1963 receipts
CHARTKOFF D 1942 receipts
CHESLER I 1963 receipts
CHESLER Max 1963 receipts
CHESLER Mrs D 1963 receipts
CHISLER Irving 1942 receipts
CHISLER J 1942 receipts
COHEN A 1942 receipts
COHEN B 1942 receipts
COHEN B 1963 receipts
COHEN B2 1942 receipts
COHEN D 1942 receipts
COHEN D 1963 receipts
COHEN D F 1963 receipts
COHEN E 1963 receipts
COHEN H 1963 receipts
COHEN H2 1942 receipts
COHEN Ida 1963 receipts
COHEN L 1942 receipts
COHEN L2 1942 receipts
COHEN Louis 1963 receipts
COHEN M 1942 receipts
COHEN Mr and Mrs Edward 1942 receipts
COHEN Mrs Annie 1942 receipts
COHEN Mrs Fannie 1963 receipts
COHEN Mrs Jennie 1963 receipts
COHEN Mrs K 1942 receipts
COHEN Mrs K 1963 receipts
COHEN R 1942 receipts
COHEN S 1942 receipts
COOPER H 1942 receipts
COOPER Mrs F 1963 receipts

SURNAMEGiven nameSource
DUBROW Ph 1942 receipts

SURNAMEGiven nameSource
EIDELSBERG Mr and Mrs I 1942 receipts
EPNER M 1942 receipts
EPNER M 1963 receipts

SURNAMEGiven nameSource
FALKOWITZ H 1942 receipts
FALKOWITZ H 1963 receipts
FALKOWITZ M 1942 receipts
FLORENTZ Ada 1963 receipts
FLORENTZ I 1963 receipts
FLORENTZ S 1963 receipts
FOX A 1942 receipts
FOX Bella 1963 receipts
FOX Edward 1963 receipts
FREEMAN Ch 1942 receipts
FRIEDMAN B 1963 receipts
FRIEDMAN B 1963 receipts
FRIEDMAN S 1942 receipts
FRIEDMAN S 1963 receipts
FUTTERMAN H 1942 receipts
FUTTERMAN M 1942 receipts

SURNAMEGiven nameSource
GENZELMAN D 1942 receipts
GENZELMAN D 1963 receipts
GINSBURG I 1942 receipts
GOLDBERG N 1942 receipts
GOLDBERG N 1963 receipts
GOLDBERG S 1942 receipts
GOLDIN M 1942 receipts
GOLDIN M 1963 receipts
GOLDIN R 1942 receipts
GOLDSTEIN A 1942 receipts
GOLDSTEIN Alex 1963 receipts
GOLDSTEIN L 1963 receipts
GOLDSTEIN P 1942 receipts
GORDIN B 1942 receipts
GOVENDO ? J 1942 receipts
GOVENOD ? Mrs C 1963 receipts
GRAFF Jennie 1963 receipts
GREEN I 1942 receipts
GREEN Irving 1942 receipts
GREENFIELD G 1942 receipts
GREENFIELD H 1942 receipts
GREENFIELD H 1963 receipts
GREENFIELD S M 1942 receipts
GREENFIELD S M 1963 receipts
GREMOWITZ I 1942 receipts
GREMOWITZ Oscar 1942 receipts
GREMOWITZ S 1942 receipts
GREMOWITZ J 1942 receipts
GRIMOWITZ Oscar 1963 receipts
GRUPP Ph 1942 receipts
GURINSKY S 1942 receipts
GURINSKY S 1963 receipts

SURNAMEGiven nameSource
HELLER Jerry 1963 receipts
HELLER R 1942 receipts
HELLER Rubin 1963 receipts
HOROWITZ B 1942 receipts
HOROWITZ Bessie 1963 receipts
HOROWITZ I ? 1942 receipts
HOROWITZ J 1942 receipts
HOROWITZ L 1942 receipts
HOROWITZ M 1942 receipts
HOROWITZ M 1963 receipts
HOROWITZ Ph 1942 receipts
HOROWITZ Ph 1963 receipts

SURNAMEGiven nameSource
ITSKOWITZ H 1942 receipts
ITSKOWITZ H2 1942 receipts
ITSKOWITZ H3 1942 receipts
ITSKOWITZ M 1942 receipts
ITSKOWITZ M2 1942 receipts
ITZKOWITZ H 1963 receipts
ITZKOWITZ Meyer 1963 receipts
ITZKOWITZ Mrs A 1963 receipts

SURNAMEGiven nameSource
JANOWITZ N 1942 receipts
JASPER Mr and Mrs S 1942 receipts
JUSPIC Mr and Mrs L 1942 receipts

SURNAMEGiven nameSource
KAKANOWITZ J 1942 receipts
KAPLAN Mrs R 1942 receipts
KAPLINSKY H 1942 receipts
KAPLINSKY H 1963 receipts
KARP E 1942 receipts
KATZ L 1942 receipts
KAY John 1963 receipts
KESLER M 1942 receipts
KESSLER Fr 1963 receipts
KESSLER H 1963 receipts
KESSLER M 1963 receipts
KOTKIN D 1963 receipts
KRANE H 1942 receipts
KRAUSS H 1942 receipts
KUTLER F 1942 receipts

SURNAMEGiven nameSource
LAZAR H 1942 receipts
LAZAROFF H 1942 receipts
LEVICH H 1942 receipts
LEVICH I 1942 receipts
LEVINE Ch 1942 receipts
LEVINE M 1942 receipts
LEVINE M2 1942 receipts
LEVINE Mac 1963 receipts
LEVINE N 1942 receipts
LEVINE Ph 1942 receipts
LEVINE R 1942 receipts
LEVINE R 1963 receipts
LEVINE S 1942 receipts
LEVINE S 1963 receipts
LEVITT H 1942 receipts
LEVITT H 1963 receipts
LEVITT H 1963 receipts
LIKOFSKY H 1942 receipts
LIPPMAN Jack 1963 receipts
LIPSON H 1942 receipts
LISS M 1942 receipts
LIXIEH ? Mr and Mrs D 1942 receipts
LUBOW A 1942 receipts
LUBOW M 1942 receipts
LUBOW M2 1942 receipts

SURNAMEGiven nameSource
MANDEL Jacob 1963 receipts
MANUEL J 1942 receipts
MARDICHOWITZ M 1942 receipts
MARDIKOFF B 1942 receipts
MARDIKOFF Mal 1942 receipts
MARDKOFF S 1942 receipts
MARTON Mal 1942 receipts
MAYERS F 1942 receipts
MENDELSON Fannie 1963 receipts
MENDELSON J 1942 receipts
MENDELSON J 1942 receipts
MENDELSON Mr and Mrs P 1942 receipts
MENDELSON S 1942 receipts
MICHALS Meyer 1963 receipts
MILLER M 1942 receipts
MILLER M 1963 receipts
MONOWITZ Sy 1963 receipts
MORDICHOWITZ Dr ? 1942 receipts
MORDICHOWITZ Ph 1963 receipts
MORDKOFF Martin 1963 receipts
MORTON Max H 1963 receipts
MOSKOWITZ B 1942 receipts
MOSKOWITZ M 1942 receipts
MOSKOWITZ M 1963 receipts
MOSKOWITZ S 1942 receipts
MOSKOWITZ W ? 1942 receipts

SURNAMEGiven nameSource
NASH A 1942 receipts
NASH A 1963 receipts
NASH H 1963 receipts
NASH I 1942 receipts
NASH Mrs Rose 1963 receipts
NEMIROV J 1942 receipts
NOVITSKY A 1942 receipts
NOVITZKY Alex 1963 receipts

SURNAMEGiven nameSource
PABST A 1942 receipts
PABST M 1942 receipts
PALLET Dr B 1942 receipts
PALLET H M 1942 receipts
PALUSKI Ph 1942 receipts
PALUSKY S 1942 receipts
PASSMAN J 1942 receipts
PASSMAN J 1963 receipts
PASSMAN. S   1963 receipts
PATICOFF A 1942 receipts
PETTICOFF A 1963 receipts
POLLACH J D 1942 receipts
POLLACH Jac 1942 receipts
POLLACH S 1942 receipts
POLLACK Jack 1963 receipts
POLLACK Jacob 1963 receipts
POLLET Dr B 1963 receipts
POLLET H M 1963 receipts
POLLET Louis 1963 receipts
POLUSKY G 1963 receipts
POLUSKY Ph 1963 receipts
POLUSKY Sam 1963 receipts
POMERANTZ S 1942 receipts
POMERNATZ Jacob 1942 receipts

SURNAMEGiven nameSource
RABINOWITZ A 1942 receipts
RABINOWITZ A 1942 receipts
RABINOWITZ H 1942 receipts
RABINOWITZ M 1942 receipts
RABINOWITZ Mrs Sonia 1963 receipts
RASKIN Lily 1963 receipts
RAVITZ I 1942 receipts
RAWITZ Mrs Yetta 1963 receipts
REBACK Mrs G 1963 receipts
RIBUCK N 1942 receipts
RISKIN M 1942 receipts
ROOP ? Mr and Mrs S 1942 receipts
ROOP ? Mrs 1942 receipts
ROSEN Ph 1963 receipts
RUBIN M 1942 receipts
RUDERMAN A 1963 receipts
RUDIN J 1942 receipts
RUDRMAN Al 1963 receipts
RUTKOFF M 1942 receipts
RUTKOFF Meyer 1963 receipts
RUTKOWSKY H D 1963 receipts

SURNAMEGiven nameSource
SACHUROW ? Mr and Mrs Milton 1942 receipts
SACKS M 1942 receipts
SACKS M 1963 receipts
SANICK A 1942 receipts
SANICK A 1963 receipts
SAPOLSKI J 1942 receipts
SAPOLSKI Ph 1942 receipts
SAPOLSKY K 1942 receipts
SAPOLSKY K 1963 receipts
SAPOLSKY Samuel 1942 receipts
SAPOLSKY T 1963 receipts
SCHAEFFER M 1942 receipts
SCHARF Frank 1963 receipts
SCHILLER M 1942 receipts
SCHILLER Oscar 1942 receipts
SCHILLER Ph 1942 receipts
SCHILLER Rebecca 1963 receipts
SCHILLER S 1942 receipts
SCHMULLOWITZ ? H 1942 receipts
SCHULTZ D 1942 receipts
SCHULTZ I M 1942 receipts
SHARTSBERG Jacob 1942 receipts
SHIMENOWITZ A 1942 receipts
SHIMENOWITZ D 1942 receipts
SHIMENOWITZ J 1942 receipts
SHIMENOWITZ M 1942 receipts
SHIRER ? J 1942 receipts
SHWARTSBERG Jules 1942 receipts
SIEGEL Mrs R 1963 receipts
SIMENOFF L 1942 receipts
SIMON I G 1963 receipts
SIMON Mrs Rose 1963 receipts
SIMON Rose 1942 receipts
SIMONOWITZ Ezra 1963 receipts
SIMONOWITZ G 1963 receipts
SIMONOWITZ Joseph 1963 receipts
SIMONOWITZ S I 1963 receipts
SKIGAN J 1942 receipts
SKIGIN Jack 1963 receipts
SLANE Oscar 1942 receipts
SLOAN I 1942 receipts
SLOANE Louis 1963 receipts
SLOANE Stephen 1963 receipts
SLUCHACK J 1942 receipts
SONENSON A 1963 receipts
SONENSON H 1942 receipts
SONENSON Max 1963 receipts
SONENSON N 1942 receipts
SONITSKY M 1942 receipts
SONITZKY Morris 1963 receipts
SUSMAN N D 1942 receipts
SUSSMAN AQl 1963 receipts
SUSSMAN J 1942 receipts
SUSSMAN Joel 1963 receipts
SUSSMAN M 1942 receipts
SUSSMAN Marvin 1963 receipts
SUSSMAN Nat 1942 receipts
SUSSMAN Nat 1963 receipts

SURNAMEGiven nameSource
TARYUM A 1942 receipts
TAYLOR J 1942 receipts
TAYLOR J 1963 receipts
TOBIAS J D 1942 receipts
TOBIAS JD 1963 receipts
TURETSKY I 1942 receipts
TURETSKY M 1942 receipts
TURETZKY M 1963 receipts

SURNAMEGiven nameSource
VILENSKY Mrs Helen 1963 receipts

SURNAMEGiven nameSource
WALFIN M 1942 receipts
WEITZ Max 1963 receipts
WELLER M 1942 receipts
WILKIN B 1942 receipts
WILKIN Eva 1963 receipts
WILLEN B 1963 receipts
WILLENSKY M 1942 receipts
WILLIAMSON S 1942 receipts
WOLFIN Arnold 1963 receipts
WOLFIN Julius 1963 receipts
WOLFIN Meyer 1963 receipts
WOLFIN Nathan 1963 receipts
WYSOKER A 1942 receipts
WYSOKER Gussie 1963 receipts

SURNAMEGiven nameSource
YESHILEVSKY S 1942 receipts
YOSHELEVSKY Miss B 1963 receipts
YOSHELEVSKY Mrs Fannie 1963 receipts

SURNAMEGiven nameSource
ZALAT J 1942 receipts
ZAMSHMIK ? M 1942 receipts
ZAMSHNICK Max 1963 receipts
ZNAIDA Irwin 1963 receipts
ZOLAT J 1963 receipts
ZOLAT W 1963 receipts

© 2003 Belarus SIG