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News Archive

 01/25/2014  January 2014

Additional reading. Updated:
Steven Zipperstein, 'Rethinking Kishinev: How a Riot Changed 20th-Century Jewish History', now with copy of lecture in audio (thanks to Patricia K. and Steven Z.)

General History, Government, Maps. New additions:
Military-Topographical Maps of Russian Empire created in 1846-1863

Jewish Cemeteries. Updated:
35. Indexing and Photographing the gravestones at the Chimishliya Cemetery: finished.

 12/25/2013  December 2013

Additional reading. New additions:
Steven Zipperstein: Rethinking Kishinev: How a Riot Changed 20th-Century Jewish History
Alexandr Roitman: The process of conversion of the Jewish Population of Bessarabia, into Christian from Mozaic religion, in the XIX century.
Alexandr Roitman:, Bessarabian Jews, who are they?

Photo Gallery. New additions:
Kishinev 150 years ago!

Jewish Cemeteries. Updated:
Kishinev, 1979-1988. Thanks to Terry Lasky, who translated 3227 records.

 11/25/2013  November 2013

Music, Theatre, Literature. New additions:
Cantor Nissan Spivak
Cantor Moishe Oysher

Jewish Cemeteries, Photograph Collections. New additions:
Photos from Cemeteries in Teleneshty, Calarash and Vadul Rashkov. Courtesy of Olga Sivac, Kishinev, Librarian at I. Manger Jewish Public Library (website).

Research Projects. Updated:
32. Tiraspol Zionists, part 2. Translated by Janet Furba.

Additional Reading. New additions:
The Lost Jews of McIntosh. Thanks to Pat Fuller for finding this article.

KehilaLinks websites. New section added with
15 towns, and 3 towns in progress.

 10/25/2013  October 2013

Travel to Bessarabia. New additions:
My visit to Cruileni, Moldova (July 3rd, 2013) written by Gloria Green.

Research Projects. Updates:
16. Translate sections of Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities in Romania All 35 sections (books) are translated. Thanks to Ala Gamulka for her great work.
30. Two more books were resesarched and excerpts made and put into table of Jews in Bessarabia who held public office. Thanks to Yuriy Daylis.

Research Projects. New:
33. Family Search (LDS) catalogue microfilms on Bessarabia Jewish records. Project Leader: Yoni Kupchik.
34. The National Archive of Moldova. Combined project of archival and genealogical researcher Alla Chastina, Kishinev and Bessarabia SIG.
35. Chimishlia Cemetery project.

Archives, Libraries, Museums:
The National Archive of Moldova: Combined project of archival and genealogical researcher Alla Chastina, Kishinev and Bessarabia SIG.
The National Archive of Moldova: Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Rumyantsev is an author of the project 'Voices from the Past', some translated excepts by Yefim Kogan.

Family Memoirs, Stories:
Zakhar Benderskiy, resident of Chernovtsy, family from Kishinev (from

Music, Theatre, Literature:
Cantor Shabtai Ackerman born in Kishinev. Listen to Shema Yisroel!
Cantor Chaim Millman born in Brichany. Listen to Av Harachamim!

Jewish Cemeteries:
Indexing and Photographing the gravestones at the Chimishlia Cemetery.

 09/25/2013  September 2013

History of Jews in Bessarabia. New additions:
Book written by Grand Rabbi of Kishinev, L. Tsirelson (1922) 'Trees of Lebanon' now available online in Hebrew.
Video about Jewish Bendery, created by Ruslan Rufikovich, Bendery, Moldova.
Wikipedia article about Jewish History in Moldova.

Research Projects. New additions:
31. Poets, Writers, Musicians. Project leader, translator: Bianca Gamarnik, Israel.
32. Tiraspol Zionists. See first document translated.
15. Kishinev Yizkor Book, translation started.
16. Update on the progress. 32 books/sections from Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities in Bessarabia/Moldova are translated!

General History, Governments and Maps. New additions:
Book added: Shatterzone of Empires: Coexistence and Violence in the German, Habsburg, Russian, and Ottoman Borderlands.

Archives, Libraries, Museums. New additions:
Jewish Cultural Center KEDEM; Jewish Public Library, Museum and Research Education Center. Created by Gloria Green.

Travel to Bessarabia. New additions:
Bendery today, Bendery Fortress, and Recommendations on Travel, by Gloria Green.

Photo Gallery. New additions:
Bendery today and Bendery Fortress, by Gloria Green.

Jewish Cemeteries, Photo Collection. New additions:
Bendery (Tighina), 2013 Photos, from Ruslan Ravikovich.

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